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Agents of Mayhem


Messaggi raccomandati

Everyeye 7.5


Multiplayer 8



Eccessivo, tamarro, grezzo e politicamente scorretto

Ricchissimo di contenuti, eroi, gadget e personalizzazioni

Gameplay caotico e spassoso, con difficoltà modulabile a dovere



Tecnicamente non eccelso, con alcuni bug fastidiosi

Situazioni e location alla lunga si ripetono eccessivamente


Spaziogames 7.5


+ 12 agenti tutti diversi tra loro

+ Gameplay veloce e dinamico


- Una marea di bug e glitch

- Missioni tutte simili tra loro

- Manca il guizzo di Saints Row



Gamevillage 8.7



Gameplay semplicemente formidabile

Narrazione leggera, ma grottesca al punto giusto

Direzione artistica eccezionale...



Colonna sonora dimenticabile

Framerate ballerino...sporcata però da qualche inciampo tecnico


GameSoul 8



Narrazione divertente, cut scene riuscitissime

Charachter Design sopra le righe

Meccanica di switch del terzetto e di personalizzazione interessante

Tantissime cose da fare...



... ma la ripetitività è evidente dopo le prime ore

Varietà nemica e intelligenza artificiale rivedibili

Contratti, Scontro Globale e altre side quest interessanti, ma sfruttate soltanto superficialmente


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  • 5 settimane dopo...


Patch 1.03 Released 12.828 GB





Fixed enemy and vehicle spawning issues in missions (failed to spawn, spawning in unreachable areas, inside props, etc)
Fixed issue with dungeon doors not opening when mission objective updates
Fixed infinite load that could occur if player warps to ARK using Hub Menu while driving at high speeds during an Agent Personal mission
Fixed crash that could occur after restarting from checkpoint when all agents were downed in combat
Fixed soft crash that could lock out player controls when restarting from checkpoint immediately before a video playback
Fixed rare inability to load more than one mission in mission replay
Fixed possible crash when teleporting to the ARK during a mission replay post-game



Spinoff 2 – Fixed issue where player could fail for “leaving area” despite countdown being cleared
ARK Tutorial – Fixed issue where players could incorrectly receive resources for Gutterball Tech multiple times
ARK Tutorial – Fixed soft crash that could occur if player spent too much money or materials on Gremlin Tech when given materials to build “Crowd Pleaser” LEGION Tech
ARK Tutorial – Fixed soft crash that could occur if player exits game after building Gutterball Gremlin Tech then loads that save game
Heaven Sent 1 – Fixed issue where player could spawn multiple LEGION vehicles by leaving planetarium then returning
Heaven Sent 2 – Fixed crash that could occur while transitioning to dungeon
Heaven Sent 2 – Fixed infinite load that could occur if replaying the mission back to back in post-game
Heaven Sent 2 – Fixed issue with mission objectives not updating correctly
Heaven Sent 3 – Fixed soft crash that could occur when player attempts to start open world dungeon during third checkpoint of space laser portion of mission
Heaven Sent 3 – Fixed issue where Hammersmith could barely hit player if they stood still
Heaven Sent 3 – Fixed issue where Plasma Turrets could fire through force fields
Star Power 1 – Fixed issue preventing player from progressing if they leave the room without hacking
Star Power 1 – Fixed loss of controller functionality if intro cinematic skipped at certain time
Star Power 3 – Fixed crash if player moves near Gaunt immediately following cinematic that introduces boss fight
Star Power 3 – Fixed soft crash that could occur when returning to the ARK after running out of time during the race
Red Queen 1 – Fixed issue where enemy vehicle could be prematurely destroyed
Red Queen 3 – Fixed issue where AISHA could stop taking damage
Madhouse 2 – fixed issue with overlapping Friday dialogue
Madhouse 3 – Fixed issue with missing Boombot enemy spawns
Madhouse 3 – Fixed rendering soft crash that could occur if player dies right as Gremlin tank health zeroes out
Damocles 3 – Fixed crash when driving near TTX during mission
Damocles 4 – Fixed issue where player could fail the final objective while credits were playing
Rama Unlock – Fixed Agent vehicle not spawning during second hack objective
Rama Unlock – Fixed progression blocker after third hacking objective
Rama Unlock – Fixed an issue where player is unable to re-enter Gremlin workshop after completion of mission
Rama Personal – Fixed rare crash that could occur after completing mission
Special Investigation: Daisy – Fixed issue where player can take damage over time when coming in contact with Fracking Drill beam during initial hack
Special Investigation: Daisy – Fixed issue where restarting from checkpoint incorrectly teleported player to start of mission
Special Investigation: Daisy – Fixed Fracking Drill segment issues with crashing and streaming delay when driving to objective
Daisy Unlock – Fixed crash that could occur by being outside mission area when transition occurs
Daisy Unlock – Fixed rare crash when restarting mission from checkpoint
Daisy Unlock – Fixed soft crash caused by running to flashback point before flashback starts
Daisy Unlock – Fixed infinite fade if player leaves mission area as flashback is about to end
Daisy Unlock – Fixed camera sticking under the world after third objective if player enters the building from opposite side of the street
Daisy Personal – Fixed issue where LEGION vehicle AI could repeatedly drive into wall
Daisy Personal – Fixed soft crash if a ped vehicle destroys the LEGION vehicle before player damages it
Kingpin Unlock – Fixed soft crash that could occur during rooftop encounter
Kingpin Unlock – Fixed issue where Kingpin could spawn inside geometry when restarting from checkpoint
Kingpin Personal – Fixed issue with mission markers not updating correctly
Kingpin Personal – Fixed rare crashing issues during race
Special Investigation: Braddock – Fixed mission failure when player approached LEGION vehicle target
Braddock Unlock – Fixed issue where hack could be missing
Red Card Unlock – Fixed soft crash caused by missing objective indicator
Red Card Unlock – Fixed soft crash that could occur if player uses Ball Pit Gremlin Tech on Rudesheim players
Redcard Unlock – Fixed issue where game remained active underneath Hooligan tutorial
Scheherazade Unlock – Fixed issue where progression could be blocked after engaging initial enemies, leaving area, then returning
Scheherazade Unlock – Fixed missing boss that could occur if player stops to unlock a Relic’s Trading Company during mission
Special Investigation: Oni – Fixed rare crash issues during mission
Carnage A Trois Team mission – Fixed soft crash that could occur if player is trapped in elevator shaft
Firing Squad Team mission – Fixed missing indicators if player completes Damocles 4 before starting the team mission



Fixed missing and broken navmesh issues in the open world
Fixed various gameplay bugs, such as notoriety not wiping correctly, enemies misusing weapons, and other small tweaks
Fixed Wreck Room soft crash that could occur if player loses their final agent while in the air
Fixed crash when pausing in the first few frames of an agent swap animation
Fixed hacking soft crash that could occur if player hacked a computer that was clipping into another piece of geometry
Fixed LEGION Dungeon soft crash that could occur if player falls out of world
Fixed traversal soft crash that could occur if player warped back to ARK while using an ascender
Fixed crash that could occur while destroying props in certain city districts
Fixed infinite load that could occur after completing a LEGION Outpost
Fixed soft crash that could occur if player swapped agents during agent death but before death animation could play
Fixed crash when entering Seoul from a checkpoint restart and immediately getting hit with a beam weapon
Fixed random soft crash that could occur when player character vanishes in LEGION dungeon
Fixed an issue that prevented the final enemy from spawning in the Relic’s Trading Post gameplay
Fixed Gravity Dominator soft crash that could occur if Dominator placed player inside a building
Fixed issue with Doomsday weapons spawning consecutively into city
Fixed crash that could occur when approaching Gravity Dominator as Oni in the Mockingbird vehicle
Fixed crash when attacking an Outpost and a Gravity Dominator in same district at the same time
Fixed crash when driving a ped vehicle under a Gravity Dominator
Fixed issue with Gravity Dominators failing to complete if player destroyed the core before a boss cameo
Fixed rare infinite load on Mayhem Knows loading screen
Fixed rare soft crash that could occur when pausing or opening Hub Menu after swapping agents many times while Auto Target Gremlin Tech is active
Fixed Scheherazade soft crash that could occur when her teleport would place player inside a building
Fixed game freezing when controller is disconnected during a LEGION dungeon exit transition
Fixed random crash that can occur when moving around Seoul after Star Power 3
Fixed rare crash during max notoriety
Fixed rare crash that could occur when loading into Seoul after Spinoff 1



Fixed “Captain on Deck” not increasing cash drop rate
Fixed “Action Force” not awarding health on machine gun kills
Fixed “Last Ditch Launcher” not reducing special cooldown if used when shields were already below 50%
Fixed issue with Braddock’s Elite Tech not correctly stacking
Fixed “Sitting Ducks” incorrectly increasing critical hit damage in addition to intended effect



Fixed various audio balancing issues, including volume levels, repetitiveness, and stuck audio
XBox One: Fixed audio dropping out if player exits to Home Menu while transitioning into a video



HDR support for the PlayStation 4 version
Better autodetection for PCs based on resolution
Resolution fixes for PC when switching monitors
Fixed placeholder structure models
Fixed camera issues during various cinematics
Fixed missing VFX and camera shake during certain gameplay
Fixed collision issues, including holes in the world
Fixed missing “xray” material on scannable objects throughout the city
Fixed Agent skins previewing in low resolution
Fixed several instances of lighting bugs
Fixed jitter with Yeti’s snowball



Fixed incorrect elements displaying on weapons HUD
Fixed various issues with Agent and Vehicle skin previews and list sorting
Fixed HUD not updating with new objectives during various missions
Fixed disappearing icons from World Map
Removed incorrect persistent “New” flag from various UI elements
Fixed Global Conflict bugs, including UI incorrectly leaving elements locked when they are actually accessible
Fixed agent videos not playing in ARK after Gat DLC package installed
Corrected various text and localization
Tweaks to Doomsday weapon OIs to increase visibility
Added HUD message when Doomsday weapon spawns in Seoul
Added new Load Screen hint



Added shards on map when relevant Agency upgrade is purchased
Lowered difficulty of the foot race during Fortune Personal mission
Guaranteed Contract found in every Large Chest
Added chests to temple area
Changed rewards for mission replay
Fixed inaccessible chests
Fixed incorrect rewards granted after completing Outpost
Fixed player unlock of Yeti’s “Russian Frost” weapon skin
Balance change in Hollywood personal mission


Modificato da AngelDevil


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  • 2 settimane dopo...

Licenziati alcuni dipendenti dello studio di Agents of Mayhem/Saints Row


I ragazzi di Volition avranno sorpreso la maggior parte di voi quando hanno annunciato che il loro nuovo titolo non sarebbe stato una nuova iterazione della serie Saints Row, ma sarebbe stata invece una nuova IP chiamato Agents of Mayhem. Questo ha messo un po' in difficoltà il pubblico, il quale non ha immediatamente capito cosa intendessero fare e molti giocatori non hanno capito se si trattasse o meno di un gioco co-op o qualcos'altro, e questa mancanza di chiarezza ha senza dubbio influito sulle vendite del gioco, che non sono andate molto bene.


La brutta notizia sono le conseguenze che queste mancate vendite hanno portato con sé, in quanto hanno iniziato a girare voci secondo cui alcuni dipendenti della società sarebbero stati lasciati a casa, e così abbiamo contattato lo studio per saperne di più. I tre dipendenti che abbiamo sentito ci hanno confermato che sono state mandate a casa quasi quaranta persone negli ultimi giorni come conseguenza delle non brullanti vendite di Agents of Mayhem.


Va però anche precisato che è abbastanza comune che la gente venga licenziata quando uno studio ha pubblicato un nuovo gioco, quindi questo è ovviamente un altro motivo per cui abbiamo assistito a questi licenziamento, Ci è stato però detto che lo studio non è in pericolo di chiusura, poiché la maggior parte degli sviluppatori rimasti si sono trasferiti su un nuovo e interessante progetto, mentre alcuni continueranno a lavorare sugli aggiornamenti e i DLC di Agents of Mayhem.


Insomma, non c'è molto da preoccuparsi per il momento, normale amministrazione.


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  • 2 settimane dopo...
  • 5 settimane dopo...

Patch v1.05 13GB



  • All Agent vehicles are now equipped with a weapon that fires a circular shockwave, affecting nearby vehicles and people. It can be activated with: PS4 – Circle button, Xbox/PC gamepad – B button, PC keyboard – Q key.


  • PC: Agents of Mayhem now supports CPUs without SSE 4.1/4.2 such as the AMD Phenom and Phenom II. While the game should now run on these CPUs, they are below minimum requirements and we do not offer technical support.


  • There is now clearer audio/visual warning when the current agent is at low health. Squadmate icons also show low-health, so you can better decide which agent to swap to.
  • LEGION takebacks of Outposts no longer loses previously completed Relic Trading Companies or Gremlin Meetups.
  • A countdown timer on the map now shows when LEGION’s Outpost takeback offensive will start.
  • LEGION can now only retake a maximum of 3 outposts, always leaving at least one in player control.
  • The SQUAD menus now indicate unspent skill points via a green “+”, and new core upgrades via a core symbol. The DEPLOY menus indicate new skins via a shirt icon.
  • The contracts list now uses icons to show the different goal types. They are also now sorted by Agent name, so all contracts for an agent are grouped together.
  • Joule’s damage has gotten a buff
  • Agent-specific contracts now only require that agent to be in your current squad. You no longer have to be directly controlling that agent.
  • LEGION lieutenants that appear in the open world (Ariadne, Hammersmith, etc.) now drop fleurs when defeated so you can revive downed specialists after the fight.
  • The shard-finding upgrade now solely uses 2D map distance instead of taking altitude into account.
  • The maximum number of simultaneous Hate Machines in the open world has been reduced to 3
  • One of the random load-outs for the Pride Bot was borderline impossible to beat. Its stats have been reduced.
  • Moving platform elevators on MAYHEM controlled Outposts no longer need to be hacked again.
  • After loading into the Ark, the agent can move immediately, instead of having to wait for the current animation to finish.


  • Fixed long delays in mission conversations that could occur during driving objectives. This was most noticeable on the PlayStation 4.
  • Braddock’s agent vehicle is no longer set to the default after finishing her personal mission.
  • Fixed dialogue in Braddock’s personal mission that could repeat depending on how Hauser took damage.
  • Rama’s unlock mission now displays the “call vehicle” tutorial even if the Agent vehicle is already spawned.
  • Fixed possible infinite load screen when entering the VR section of Red Queen.
  • Objective icons for the Heaven Sent “Go to Planetarium” objective now work correctly if the marked mission vehicle is ignored.
  • Objective icon on Red Card’s vehicle is now correctly removed if his personal mission is aborted.
  • Opening the SQUAD menu during an Agent mission no longer has a chance to crash the game


  • Fixed pedestrian spawning issues that could cause them to suddenly appear out of nowhere
  • The hack icon for the Master Programmer Outpost can now be completed even if the boss fails to appear
  • Fixed the long delay between hacking the antenna at the first LEGION Outpost and getting the completion screen.
  • Hate Machine, Drop Pod Launcher, and Ice Barrage no longer silently clear LEGION alert level when destroyed.
  • The Gravity Dominator will no longer pick up vehicles that are important to other gameplay, such as the target of “destroy vehicle” or in Hollywood’s Personal mission.
  • Floating chests are now correctly aligned with the ground.


  • Failing a Wreck Room challenge while the mission briefing objective is displayed no longer hangs the game.
  • Fixed hangs caused by returning to the ARK in unusual circumstances, such as right before the entire squad dies.


  • Pausing right as a cutscene ends no longer hangs the game
  • Gremlin Tech status effects are now correctly applied to Joule’s turret when the “Haute Couture” elite tech is used.
  • Rama’s bow now behaves correctly if the menu is opened while the bow is in a drawn state.
  • Agent “arrival in Seoul” voice lines now correctly play after teleporting in to the city.
  • Poison Gas in LEGION lairs now renders correctly if you leave the room and then return (instead of being invisible and still causing damage.)


  • The “Hardcore Gamer” achievement can now be completed by replaying missions at difficulty 7+. You no longer need to be at that difficulty the first time through, and Agent missions are no longer counted towards the achievement.
  • The “Hello Ladies” achievement for unlocking all vehicles now works correctly on PC (previously fixed for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in patch v1.04.)
  • Team skin achievements (e.g. “Three’s Company”) are awarded the first time the skins are equipped (instead of having to remove them, then put them on again).


  • The Relic Trading Company completion screen now reflects the additional income from the “Madigan Bank Investment Portfolio” agency upgrade.
  • Fixed various issues with “NEW” icons displaying incorrectly or not displaying at all.
  • The agent roster grid no longer overlaps other UI elements when more than 12 agents are unlocked.
  • When joining new connected contracts, the progress meter shows the correct completion percentage instead of always showing 0%.
  • Agent missions no longer have duplicate text in their descriptions on the map and mission log.
  • Added messaging if the target in “Acquire Vehicle” is destroyed or the captive in “Hostage Rescue” dies.
  • The messages after destroying LEGION Tracking Equipment no longer overlap.
  • Red “required kill” triangles now show on the city map
  • Gremlin Meetups after the initial tutorial visit now remind you to return later for more Gremlin Tech.
  • Fixed the Global Conflict timer being displayed incorrectly in certain circumstances
  • Onscreen text now reads “COMPLETE” instead of “TASK COMPLETE” when finishing an open world activity.
  • Usage of the new Agent vehicle shockwave weapon is now part of the tutorial for Heaven Sent: Down to Earth.
  • The Vehicle Bay and Squad Load-out screens now give info about where to find vehicle and Agent skins
  • Corrected the description of Intel on the Inventory screen in regards to how it is earned


  • Render particles are now at full screen resolution instead of half-resolution
  • Highest LOD of all meshes are used regardless of distance
  • Higher resolution shadow maps
  • Higher quality volumetric fog
  • Increased the maximum cap on spawned peds from 40 to 60


  • HDR Support (Already exists for PlayStation 4 and Pro)
  • Renders always at 1440p instead of 900p (hardware will scale up to 4k or down to 1080p depending on type of display)
  • Higher resolution cubemaps for enhanced reflections


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Se tu puoi costruirlo, lei può distruggerlo. Safeword ha poca pazienza con la stupidità e ancora meno con la Legion. Mettere insieme un esercito di esperti in cybersecurity, nessun problema. Questa donna é una minaccia ambulante per l’infrastruttura e niente, dalla password della tua mail alla tua arma per la fine del mondo, è al sicuro.


Kinzie Kensington è un hacker eccezionale sin da quando è stata grande abbastanza per leggere e scrivere. Invece di lasciare che il suo talento fosse sprecato in carcere, l’FBI ha deciso che per lei sarebbe stato meglio lavorare per loro, così ha iniziato a lavorare nell’unità dei cyber crimini all’età di 18 anni. Kinzie non ha mai apprezzato molto il fatto di essere bloccata in un lavoro estremamente noioso. Voleva azione, adrenalina, e soprattutto uno sfogo per punire le persone violentemente. Pur sapendo che Legion è un’organizzazione pericolosa che deve essere fermata, se non le avessero permesso di scendere in campo, probabilmente non le sarebbe importato più di tanto.


In qualità di Agent of Mayhem possiede strumentazioni high-tech, armi e una licenza per picchiare chiunque ostacoli la sua strada o chiunque pensi possa meritarsi un bel calcio nel sedere. Inoltre, la capacità di spiare così tante persone interessanti all’interno dell’agenzia la rende felice durante i momenti di inattività. Safeword é disponibile a unirsi al tuo team adesso!


Modificato da AngelDevil


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  • 1 anno dopo...

Nel corso dell'ultima conferenza finanziaria, THQ Nordic ha annunciato che Volition è al lavoro su un nuovo capitolo della serie principale di Saints Row. Non se ne vedeva uno dai tempi di Saints Row 4, uscito nel 2013.


"Volition è al lavoro su un nuovo capitolo di Saints Row. Il gioco si trova nella piena fase di sviluppo, e si presenta come la prima nuova interazione delle serie principale dai tempi di Saints Row 4"dichiara THQ Nordic, senza aggiungere ulteriori dettagli.


Stando alle parole del publisher, dunque, il team di Volition sta concentrando tutti i propri sforzi sullo sviluppo di un nuovo capitolo di Saints Row. In questo caso, al contrario di quanto visto negli ultimi anni con l'arrivo degli spin-off come Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell, si tratterebbe a tutti gli effetti di un nuovo capitolo appartenente alla serie principale, con valori di produzione di una certa importanza.


Dal momento che THQ Nordic non si è espressa né sulla finestra di lancio, né sulle piattaforme di destinazione, ci domandiamo se il nuovo capitolo di Saints Row non finisce per arrivare anche su PS5 e Xbox Scarlett, magari uscendo a cavallo con la next gen.


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