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Mostra il contenuto con la massima reputazione di 09/04/20 in Risposte

  1. La serie s non può uscire dopo Perché poniamo che ps5 e serie x costino uguale 500 Al dayone e a Natale avresti Xbox 500 Ps5 lettore 500 Ps5 senza lettore 400 Il 90 percento dei casual farà il ragionamento la ps5 costa 100 euro Meno che mi frega del lettore. Mettici il brand ps che ha una base già forte E ciao per la terza gen. Per me ms piazzerà la serie s subito a 50 euro meno o più della 5 senza lettore per prendere i casual
    1 punto
  2. Patch 0.2.1 TOP COMMUNITY ISSUES The chat log will now show your own messages in the lobby and in the game. Ants will no longer be able to steal items from containers out of reach from them. You can now overwrite saved games. Save Games are grouped by playthrough in the Save / Load menu. Fixed an issue where the camera would go inside the player while in the 3rd-person camera when near specific building structures. Grub audio has been adjusted. PERFORMANCE Better render performance when dealing with dynamic shadow culling. MAJOR Added a message that will notify PC players when their system clock does not match the server clock. This issue prevented these players from hosting or joining games. Save Games now show an icon indicating if that save was made while playing single-player or multiplayer. Affects only new saves going forward. More accurate handling of cloud save upload/deletion for Xbox and Win 10 Store versions of the game. Save Game max storage on Xbox / Win 10 has been increased from 256 MB to 1GB (takes effect on reinstall). Fixed issue with saves triggered while having an unplaced building blueprint could cause the save not to be able to load. GENERAL Included gas damage effect that was missing from the Fresh Defense mutation. Fixed items that are moving around with physics at the time of save not being saved into save games. Fixed clients not being able to see other players aim their bodies when they look up and down. Added Acorn Shovel+ recipe and Pebblet Foundation recipes that will become available at BURG.L's Tech Chip Swap Shop when completing the Chipslueth Cold Blooded BURG.L quest by turning in the Stained BURG.L Chip. Enlarged mint container and resized the mints to make them slightly smaller so players can get into the Ice Cap container more easily. Collectible SCA.Bs properly disappear on clients when picked up. Included a fix for the missing leaves throughout the world. Slime Mold Stalk patches properly disappear on clients when the entire stalk is collected. WILDLIFE Water Fleas no longer leave the water to fly around the backyard. ITEMS/EQUIPMENT/RESOURCES Added a unique icon to the Simple Bed. Gas Arrows can now be picked up as regular arrows after being shot. Gas Arrows now deal twice as much damage. Gas Arrow recipe now produces 2 arrows instead of 1. Feather Arrow recipe now produces 2 arrows instead of 1. Fixed an issue where players would respawn inside the Simple Bed instead of next to it. Weapons now do the proper damage type when thrown. Fixed Tropicop juice box not spawning juice drops from the straw. UI Adjusted the interactable highlight to be less intrusive. Fixed a certain key item showing an audio log model instead of a sheet of paper model.
    1 punto
  3. Se le converti in buoni Microsoft (non Xbox, ma Microsoft) compri quello che vuoi, però occhio che scadono in 90 giorni Da Febbraio ne ho fatti 110000, anche io miro a quello scopo
    1 punto
  4. Certo che si può, io ho quasi 90k punti, li sto accumulando per series X
    1 punto
  5. Nel mio piccolo da insider ho fatto qualche giorno fa un sondaggio su smart delivery e tra i consigli ho detto che "consegna intelligente" come traduzione di smart delivery fa pena...
    1 punto
  6. Ma avete visto che sulle copertine italiane dei giochi che usufruiranno della funzione smart delivery in alto a destra la scritta "smart delivery" é stata tradotta in "consegna intelligente"? Ma che porcheria è, l'addetto che si occupa della trasposizione italiana lavora con Google traduttore?
    1 punto
  7. Non credo che xbox serie s avrà mai luce, sarebbe un autogol clamoroso per Microsoft. Avrebbe più senso che sia sony che Microsoft tra 5 anni facessero uscire ps5 pro e una xbox serie x pro Poi le aziende guardano sempre al futuro e non al passato. Il presente si chiama 4k, il futuro 8k. Ripeto, altrimenti tutti avremo ancora la tv a tubo catodico
    1 punto
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