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Aggiornamenti sistema Xbox One (Programma Xbox Preview)


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Microsoft ha pubblicato un nuovo aggiornamento per i membri del programma Preview.


Si tratta, sembrerebbe, di ritocchi di tipo squisitamente tecnico e non di un'aggiunta di funzionalità seguita al lancio della prima parte dell'Anniversary Update.


Questo il changelog in Inglese:


OS version released: rs1_xbox_rel_1606.160606-1850
Available: 6:00PM PDT 6/8 (1:00AM GMT 9/6)
Thanks for helping us test the latest Xbox One update! We’re eager to show off the new features and experiences we’ve been working on. We’ve noted below a few important things be aware of before you jump in.


• Certain content (games, apps, DLC) purchased in the new Store may only be available on consoles enrolled in the latest Preview update. This means…
• Games purchased on a console running the latest Preview update can only be played on that console or other consoles running the latest Preview update.
• Games purchased via can be played on any console.
• Games purchased on a console running the previous update can be played on any console.

• Certain parental control features aren’t functioning appropriately in the current build. As a result, we encourage users to exercise caution when letting children access a console that is using the latest Xbox One update until these issues are resolved.

• We’ve added several settings that are already found on Windows today. These include SmartScreen Filter, which sends URLs you visit in apps to Microsoft to check against a list of potentially harmful sites, and advertising ID, which helps Microsoft present you with more personalized ads in Universal Windows Apps. You can choose to turn these off and manage your preferences for how Xbox One uses your information in Settings.




EA Access
EA Access game trials and vault titles should now install and launch as normal.


Play-To should no longer fail to initiate.


My Games & Apps
Resolved an issue which sometimes caused games to install in the wrong language.


Activity Feed
You should no longer encounter an error when selecting which content is shared in the Activity Feed in Settings > Preferences > Activity Feed.




EA Access
A download or install button may not display on the corresponding Store page for EA Access vault titles. To install EA Access vault titles, navigate to My games & apps > Ready to Install, select the title, and select Install.


Xbox Preview Dashboard
The Xbox Preview Dashboard may freeze and become unresponsive when navigating content (Quests, Announcements, Surveys, Rate this update, etc.). If you encounter this issue, please use Report a problem and +1 the issue from the list of Problems.


When attempting to return to the dashboard with the Xbox button or with “Hey Cortana Go Home”, you may encounter a black screen and error.


• After downloading an app update, the app and all associated content pins will become unpinned from the dashboard. This only occurs once for each app after downloading the latest Xbox One update.
• Pinning content from within apps (TV shows, etc.) is no longer supported.


• If Cortana doesn’t hear you the first time, you can usually try saying the phrase again.
• In some cases Cortana won’t recognize the name of any game or app (ie. “Hey Cortana open Netflix”). This is an issue we’re working to address, so please use Report a problem if you encounter it. You can resolve this by launching Cortana from My games & apps, returning to the dashboard. On Cortana in Snap. On Cortana in Snap Tile in home, press the menu button to open the menu and select “Quit”, which will reload Cortana, on next use.
• If Cortana says she didn’t hear you right after you say “Hey Cortana”, navigate to Settings > Account > Privacy > App > Speech > Collect Info (accept)” and confirm the setting is checked.
• When Cortana is “Thinking…” sometimes the sounds continue longer than intended. You can open Cortana from Guide or My Games & Apps and then close it again by hitting B button.
• On the first use of “Hey Cortana” after a reboot or crash, Cortana snaps but may display no results.
• You may be unable to use See-It-Say-It in various apps such as Netflix, YouTube, and the Blu-Ray Player app.
• Cortana sometimes needs to spend more time “Warming up…” than she should.
• Sometimes short commands are recognized incorrectly (ie. “Hey Cortana mute”, “Hey Cortana pause”) and initiate a web search instead.
• Sometimes short commands take longer than they should to be recognized (ie. “Hey Cortana mute”, “Hey Cortana pause”).
• “Hey Cortana snap TV” sometimes launches Movies & TV, rather than TV, until you say “1” or “2”.
• “Hey Cortana turn off the Xbox” … “Yes” in UK, FR, IT, DE, and ES sometimes gets stuck on the confirmation and fails.


Payments and Billing
At this time it’s not possible to add, edit, or remove payment options on the console. Please use or another console not enrolled in the latest Xbox One update to manage payment options.


At this time it’s not possible to purchase a Gamertag change on the console. Please use or another console not enrolled in the latest Xbox One update to change your Gamertag.


Xbox Universal Store
• Certain types of consumable DLC (coins, points, currencies, etc.) may fail to appear in-game after being purchased from the Store. This affects multiple titles including Overwatch. Restarting the game may resolve this issue.
• When initiating a game installation from a Store page, the game displays “Ready to launch” even while it is still installing.
• At this time it’s not possible to redeem a 5×5 code for Xbox Live Gold on the console. Please use or another console not enrolled in the latest Xbox One update to redeem a 5×5 code for Xbox Live Gold.
• You may be unable to buy, rent, or play certain movies or TV shows from the Store (the purchase button may not appear on the Store page). Please buy or rent from the Windows Store on a Windows 10 device or from the online Microsoft Store ( and the content will appear in the collection of your Xbox One’s Movies & TV app. The Xbox Video app can be used to purchase content on Windows 8.X/RT PCs and tablets and on Windows Phone 8.X devices. Windows XP, Vista, and 7.X users will need to purchase content from the online Microsoft Store.
• The Store may fail to filter game and app results when using Search.


My Games & Apps
• You may encounter an error when attempting to load Ready to Install if you have a large digital library.
• Games and apps may occasionally fail to launch due to a “Something went wrong” or “Took too long to start” error. In most cases, this can be resolved by simply closing and relaunching the game or app.
• The trigger to unhide games in My games & apps has changed: the correct command is now Left Bumper + Right Bumper + X. Using the old command (Right Trigger + Left Trigger + X) may cause My games & apps to crash.
• After downloading a system update, a small number of users may find that games or apps which were previously installed are no longer installed. If you encounter this issue, please submit feedback via Report a problem (hold down the Xbox button on the controller and select Report a problem from the power menu).


Playing Games
You may be unable to purchase content or currencies from the in-game interface with certain games.


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Concordo con voi, al momento Cortana è un grande salto indietro rispetto ai vecchi comandi "Xbox" che, purtroppo, non si possono più ripristinare. :(

A questo punto, se non la migliorano, magari dando la possibilità di escludere le ricerche online, visto che quando mi servono faccio prima con lo smartphone, andrà a finire che pure il mio Kinnect finirà dentro un cassetto.


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Nel corso della conferenza di Microsoft all’E3, Mike Ybarra ha annunciato nuove funzioni in arrivo questa estate per gli utenti Xbox One.

  • Background Music: potrete utilizzare la vostra musica per accompagnare ogni sessione di gameplay.
  • Cortana: la personal assistan di Windows 10 sarà presto disponibile per tutti i dispositivi Xbox Live
  • Indipendent language: potrete impostare una di lingua di scelta per tute le funzioni di Xbox Live a prescindere dalla vostra attuale posizione geografica.
  • Clubs: questa nuova funzione introdurrà gruppi tematici legati a specifici titoli per unire i diversi giocatori su Xbox Live.
  • Looking for Group: questa nuova funzione permetterà ai giocatori di unirsi più facilmente a party per specifici giochi, come ad esempio The Division.
  • Arena su Xbox One: nuova piattaforma eSportiva riservata agli utenti Xbox Live.


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Nel corso della conferenza di Microsoft allE3, Mike Ybarra ha annunciato nuove funzioni in arrivo questa estate per gli utenti Xbox One.

  • Background Music: potrete utilizzare la vostra musica per accompagnare ogni sessione di gameplay.
  • Cortana: la personal assistan di Windows 10 sarà presto disponibile per tutti i dispositivi Xbox Live
  • Indipendent language: potrete impostare una di lingua di scelta per tute le funzioni di Xbox Live a prescindere dalla vostra attuale posizione geografica.
  • Clubs: questa nuova funzione introdurrà gruppi tematici legati a specifici titoli per unire i diversi giocatori su Xbox Live.
  • Looking for Group: questa nuova funzione permetterà ai giocatori di unirsi più facilmente a party per specifici giochi, come ad esempio The Division.
  • Arena su Xbox One: nuova piattaforma eSportiva riservata agli utenti Xbox Live.

Dal club all'area arriveranno in inverno....

Modificato da salva84


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Si era parlato dell app groove..

In alternativa credo che useranno l app media player

In ogni caso spero sia possibile utilizzare una penna usb.. Basta che non si inventano musica in streaming con abbonamenti vari..

Modificato da MirKo87
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Non capisco quanto ci voglia ad implementarla.. La ps4 già ha questa funzione da tempo..


Anche X360... dal day one.

Si era parlato dell app groove..

In alternativa credo che useranno l app media player

In ogni caso spero sia possibile utilizzare una penna usb.. Basta che non si inventano musica in streaming con abbonamenti vari..


All'E3 hanno detto "col servizio che vuoi", l'app Groove non playa roba su chiavetta, quello lo fa il Media Player.


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si ma il problema che groove é a pagamento,ci vuole l'abbonamento dopo un tot di brani ascoltati..


Groove nn offriva musica gratis con pubblicità come Spotify?

Comunque, sarà una cosa a livello di sistema, e quando un'app manda in play la musica, questa rimane in play anche se si passa ad un'altra app o gioco.


Bisogna solo capire cosa succede a suonare musica con l'audio del gioco.


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Sinceramente non lo so,so solo che l'ho provato e dopo una decina di brani mi ha scritto che avevo altri 10 brani a disposizione e che dopo avrei dovuto fare un abbonamento ora il servizio non lo conosco benissimo però questo mi ricordo la volta che lo provai.

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