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Terminare il gioco con i settaggi Legendary.


Finale lunghissimo




Vincere al livello più facile e poi al più difficile in 3 ore


Due nuove armi


k di voi ha visto il filmato? ki di voi ha capito il 2à trucco ? avete scoperto delle locazioni così segrete k neanche io le ho trovate? avete prenotato la LE?sapete come avere 3 armi nel primo livello e come usare un mitra k spara come un lanciarazzi ?????

rix vi pregp

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Non entro nel merito del topic ma mi (e ti) chiedo: perché ogni volta che apri un topic tu, sul forum ne compaiono due?

Potrebbe essere che clicchi due volte sul tasto "post"... in tal caso fai un po' più attenzione le prossime volte, grazie :mrgreen:



EDIT: mi correggo, questa volta (e fino ad ora) ne son comparsi 4 :bang:
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Ciao sono nuovo del forum :mrgreen: , so risponderti a un po' di domande


- terminare il gioco in modalità leggendario, finale lungo

è indentico, tranne x una scena in più dove il sergente e un covenant scelto si abbracciano, poi l'astronave scoppia

- 2 nuove armi finendo il gioco in facile e 3 in difficile

nn credo sia vero, però su Halo x pc in più c'è il lanciarazzi al plasma dei covenant :dance: :dance:... su quello xbox no :bang:

- 3 armi nel primo livello

anke di più: il mitra, la pistola, pistola al plasma, fucile al plasma..... ;) :P



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uff (;)) il trucco delle tre armi al primo livello l'ho più o meno ufficialmente scoperto io (per caso cmq spedii una mail alla bungie) per averle devi correre fuori subito dopo aver parlato con keys così facendo non dovresti trovare i grunt e le munizioni della pistola (riprova finchè non accade..) continua ada ndare avanti prendi due armi qualsiasi, torna da keys e poi di nuovo fuori, ora trovreai le munizioni della pistola e i grunt e.. sorpresa avrai tre armi (per tutto il primo livello)


il fucile che spara come una pistola o simili.. boh penso sia un bug mi capita spesso negli ultimi livelli (quello in cui devi disattivare tutti i reattori di halo usando il banshee)...


cmq avevo già fatto un post con i trucchi che avevo trovato magari lo riesumo (alieno buono banshee nascosti..)


ah e benvenuti a tutti i fan di halo! :ok:
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assalto alla sala controllo, dove trovi il carro armato, andando avanti trovi in alto un ponte di ghiaccio e una rampa (beh vista d sotto non sembra) cmq se spari a questo quadratozzo metallico col bazooka o col carro armato dovresti riuscire a far cadere già il banshee (che cmq se vai avati decolla e puoi cecchinarlo) su quella stessa ramapa poi ci atterrerai più avanti quando dovrai disinnescare i reattori di halo credo... beh se sono stato poco chiaro fatemelo sapere
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quando sali su una piattaforma dove c'è il wraith, la banshee è gia partita.


Il trucco delle 3 armi lo sapevo già, l'ho chiesto sl x sapere se qlcn era interexato, anke il filmato finale... per avere ad esempio un fucile da cecchino k spara colpi al plasma fate così:


iniziate un livello con un arma tipo fucile, al primo controllo fate salva ed esci, rimettete lo stesso livello alla stessa modalità e usate il secondo comando e mettete un altra arma e passate un altro controllo..poi uscite usate di nuovo il comando 1 e godetevi lo spettacolo

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non ho capito niente gian me lo rispieghi meglio plz che m'intrippa? :D


cmq se ti interessa halo 2 abbiamo creato un clan di mondoxbox, cerca tra i forum e trovi il nostro ;) inoltre qui trovi il nostro sito ufficiale! ciao! sito del primo clan italiano di Halo 2, sponsorizzato da MondoXbox.
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per cominciare devi avere due comandi, uno nella porta 1 e il secondo nella porta 2. prendi il comando 1, inizi un livello (facciamo il 5) e tieni il fucile d'assalto. al primo "checkpoint" fai salva ed esci. prendi il comando 2 e riprendi il livello 5 da dove avevi salvato. tieni un altra arma finchè nn passi il punto di controllo dopo (controllo completato) e salvi ed esci di nuovo. riprendi il comando 1, riprendi il livello 5 da dove ti eri fermato e... vedrai. si possono fare tantissime combinazioni.


un altra cosa k devi provare. fai collaborazione, quarto livello. fai prendere al tuo compagno più granate possibili. prendi il warthog e uccidi il tuo compagno snz prendere le granate. posiziona il warthog sopra. fai così finche riesci. poi lancia una granata sotto al mezzo e farai esplodere anke tutte le altre... un salto k nn ti dico nemmeno, una gioia x gli occhi

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alieno buono:

ultimo livello dopo la scenetta con foe hammer continuate finchè non trovate una serie di salite e discese con dei corridoi laterali, non ricordo se il primo o il secondo sulla destra (basta vedere dei grunt che scappano) infilatevici dentro e appena potete (prima della fine) firate di uovo a destra, troverete un grunt fermo, sparate vicino a lui e vi parlerà



non dovete continuare, ma appena trovate il carro armato (umano) andando avanti, non nella grotta, guardate in alto vedrete un arco di ghiaccio e più avanti sempre in alto una piattaforma (zoomate col cecchino o con il bazooka) tirandoci ripetutamente bazookate e cannonate riuscirete a tirare giù il banshe... a dire il vero è difficilissimo da fare, io ce l'ho fatta solo una volta... dovete fare in modo che le esplosioni lo tirino giù, ipotizzando la sua posizione sulla piattaforma...
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Hint: Clear Alien Drop Parties

When facing a drop ship, aim at the hatch that the enemies will come out of while the ship is descending. Your crosshair will turn red when you target an enemy (inside the dropship). This means you can shoot the enemies in the ship while it is still trying to land. You can get rid of a lot of enemies before the dropship deposits its soldiers, making the fight easier later on!

Submitted by - Jesse Rosenberg

Unlockable: Different Ending

Beat Halo's Campaign on Legendary to see a slightly longer ending movie.

Submitted by - IGN Guides

Easter Egg: Rex

On the last level the Maw, on the last checkpoint, when you go off the big jump onto the small bridge, drive the warthog so a quarter of it is off the bridge. Jump on top of the warthog and jump on top of the wall on either side (the one closest to you) and follow it up to an upper, smaller bridge. There are two hall ways and go in the one with blood in it. Look to the right and you will find the name Rex written in blood.

Submitted by - Spartan229

Hint: Accurate Assault Rifle

When playing with the Assault Rifle, the most accurate way to kill a enemy is with the three-round burst. To do this, just repeaditly tap the fire button. It should give a series of short blasts that come in handy when low on ammo, and offer more accurracy compared to just holding the fire trigger.

Submitted by - Nox

Hint: Always Have Ghost in Assault on the Control Room

Right after you have to abondon the tank, take a Ghost and go next to the door that you need to in order to finish the level. You'll find that the door won't open while on the Ghost, so get off your Ghost and the door will open. Before it closes again, get back on your Ghost and go through.

Submitted by - Dipto

Hint: Assault Banshee Trick

Get the banshee and fly until you get to Canyon B, where a covenant dropship comes down with two ghosts on it. Go up to the top of the center spire and take the other banshee. (If you are playing on co-op mode, push the other banshee off the cliff for your partner to use.) Destroy all remaining forces in the area, then fly through the tunnel to the area where you normally have to leave the tank. Save the marines and fly your banshee over the brown building that has the pillars at its base. Kill the covenant, then instead of going through the door, fly up to the bridges overhead. One bridge will have two green doors. Go through either door. Now there will be no enemies, and there will be all vehicles except mortar tanks at your disposal. This trick can help a little on Legendary mode.

Submitted by - Kalentar

Hint: Assault on the Control Room Shortcut Bug

When on "Assault on the Control Room", there is a glitch to get through final door easily. Comandeer a Ghost or Banshee and fly slowly beside the door. Jump out of the vehicle in the direction of the door. If done correctly, you should be able to get pushed through the door by the dismount animation.

Submitted by - steph_m9

Hint: Attack On The Control Room Glitch

When you are going back through the "Attack On The Control Room" stage, your objective is to destroy all the generators. The moment you or your partner gets close to the last generator, the flood will kill you.


Instead, exploit the co-op system to your advantage. Notice that on co-op, when one of you is further ahead then the other player, the lagging player is warped ahead. At the hallway before the last generator, spend a moment and practice finding the warp spot, now when you're sure you've located this spot have one player stand a step away from the spot that will cause the other player to warp.


Have the player that will warp go deactivate the last generator. Now as soon as the surge occurs, have the player in the hallway cause the warp and both players can leave relatively unscathed.

Submitted by - andy milenovic

Hint: Defeat Hunter Enemies

Equip the pistol and go behind a Hunter enemy. You'll see an orange spot on their back--hit the orange spot once and the Hunter will die.

Submitted by - david

Hint: Double Beat Trick

Everybody knows that melee attacking someone can do massive amounts of damage. This double beat trick can be handy, especially if you have plasma grenades. Beat once, and right afterwards, throw a grenade and press X again to beat. You should beat twice in a row very quickly and throw a grenade.

Submitted by - Nick Adamson

Hint: Early Banshee Trick

In "Assault on the Control Room," you can get a banshee shortly after the tank. Take the sniper rifle and the rocket launcher. Clear the enemies, and then go to the boulder on the right side of the tunnel. Look up and you will see a rock bridge. Now, while still looking up, start moving forward until you see a platform coming out of the wall. Zoom in with the sniper rifle to the center of the platform, and then without moving change to the launcher and fire. A banshee will fall off the ledge, and you can use it.

Submitted by - Kalentyar

Hint: Easier Play on All Difficulties

Play a game on Co-Op mode and have one the players stay back, out of range of combat. With the other player, progress through the level and engage in combat. If that player dies he will be instantly teleported back to the second player that is just standing around in a safe spot.

Submitted by - david

Hint: Falling without losing life

When falling from high distances your shield or is depleted when you hit the ground. If you hold the crouch button shortly before you hit the ground, you will not be affected in any way. This is very helpful when playing in multiplayer on levels like Hang 'em High or Prisoner. It has to be timed right though.

Submitted by - Kevin McCormack

Hint: Get a Ghost Through the Broken Blast Door

During the Two Betrayals level, the Master Chief comes upon a broken blast door and is "forced" to abandon his Ghost and face the Flood on foot. To get the Ghost through the door, line it up backwards with the hole in the door; allow the tail to stick out slightly through the hole. Leave it there. Now go back and get the Warthog, and use the Warthog to ram the Ghost through the crack. Hit it at a 45 degree angle to wedge it through.

Submitted by - onnzcheez

Hint: Hidden Area

In the chapter where you must find Capt. Keyes in the swamp, there is a secret area you can access right from the beginning.


When Foe Hammer says “The Last transmission from the captain's drop ship was from this area. That was over twelve hours ago.” immediately start pressing your grenade throw button. Whatever you do, DON'T MOVE! After a few seconds, the drop ship will take back off, and you'll still be in it. It flies for about 20 seconds then crashes. Press X to exit the drop ship.


Now walk directly away from the ship until you reach a clearing. Head towards the center and out of the fog you'll see a lone marine standing there! He won't move or say anything, unless you shoot him in the foot w/ your pistol.

Submitted by - JoEsMhOe

Hint: Hidden Music

In assault on the control room near the end of the level on the rock road there will be a banshee steal the banshee and look behind you. if you look up you will see 3 sniper spots a bottom, middle, and top go to the middle one with the banshee land carefully and go to the right side and look at the blue light wait a while and you will hear a hidden track.

Submitted by - noodle5000

Hint: More Guns On The Pillar of Autumn

On the level "The Pillar of Autumn" on Easy difficulty, get to Captain Keyes as quickly as possible. When he hands you his pistol run out to the bridge and down the corridor where you load the pistol. If the glitch is done correctly, you shouldn't load the pistol, and the 3 Grunts shouldn't be at the end of the corridor.


Continue and pick up the Assault Rifle from the dead marine's body lying in the doorway then kill the Elites and Grunts and pick up a Plasma Pistol or Plasma Rifle. Go back to the corridor where you were supposed to load the pistol and keep back-tracking. Eventually, you should load the pistol and the 3 Grunts at the end of the corridor should appear. You will now have the pistol, the Assault Rifle and the Plasma Pistol/Rifle.

Submitted by - Slava Nossar

Hint: On Top Of The World

On the Silent Cartographer level, go anywhere where there is an overshield, and bring a warthog with you. It's best to do this in co-op because it's easier to collect the grenades and "initiate launch-off". Get as many grenades as you can, and have your partner kill you, and vice-versa to get the grenades into one big pile. (Make sure this is *near* an overshield.) Drive the warthog onto the grenades and try to position it to where it would fly up on top of the level. Before you do anything else, make sure you get a checkpoint. Have your buddy pick up a grenade and toss it under the warthog, and RIGHT as he throws it, pick up the overshield and get into the warthog quick. If you get into the warthog while the overshield is charging, you should get blasted upward unharmed. You should reach the top of the level. If not, reposition the warthog, or get more grenades. When you're up there, kill your friend with the plasma pistol from long range, and he should appear up there with you. Have fun!

Submitted by - Nick Adamoson

Hint: One Hit Elite Death

Have you ever wondered if it is possible to kill an Elite easily? When you come to an Elite pacing around the room, time how fast he paces by hiding behind a shield or a glass window, stay at a safe distance, or just hide behind a corner. Once you are sure you know when he will turn around, run up behind him and use the melee attack to bash the Elite on the back, instantly klling him (note that if you did not do it correctly, it will turn around and attack you). This comes in handy alot on "Attack on the Control Room" and on Legendary Difficulty.

Submitted by - Jason Lessmann

Hint: Random Bull Easter Egg

Go to create a new account and type in .fortune for a name. As soon as the name is completed, a random message will appear on the screen. Re-enter the name for another message.

Submitted by - DUKES

Hint: Refill Ammo Glitch

When using human weapons, you can reload them and not waste your ammo supply by starting the reload sequence and then immediately swapping it for another weapon that's on the floor. Wait for the reloading sound to finish and then pick up your weapon, and you will see that it has reloaded without using your reserved ammo.

Submitted by - hexx

Hint: Silent Cartographer Shorcut - Squally's Jump

In "The Silent Cartographer" there is a sizeable shortcut. It involves a large jump which can easliy kill you, but, with an Overshield, saves you some time.


First off, when you battle at the entrance to the main building on the island (the one where the door becomes locked shut), make sure to leave the nearby Overshield. After you have unlocked the door, return, and still do not use the Overshield. Kill the Jackals and hunters, then finally grab the Overshield. From there, enter the base, and hang a right to the structure jutting out from the wall. Here you can see each of the levels of the compound. Take good aim, and jump to the second lowest level. If done right, you will lose all of your Overshield, but you will land on the level above the Silent Cartographer. From here, peer over the ledge where the edge of the platform changes direction. below you is another Overhield. Simply drop down onto the Overshield, and not only will you still be alive, but your shields will be at 300% once again. Turn around you'll be at the Silent Cartographer!

Submitted by - SquallyL

Hint: Stealthiest Cloak

During multi player, when you get a cloak item and turn invisible you can do things to make yourself even less visible. The slower you move the harder it is for enemies to spot you. As well, if radars are turned on, stand completely still and you will not show up on enemy motion trackers. Perfect stealth.

Submitted by - dleit1014

Hint: Top of Truth and Reconciliation

Play on co-op, go to the gravity lift, kill all aliens, when you are done don't go onto the gravity lift. Go to the upper left side to the single tree that is between a big boulder and a little boulder. Have your partner jump on the big boulder then jump on your partners head and on to the tree. Get high as you can in the tree, then keep killing your partner & turning until they re-spawn on top of your head. Then jump on top of the ledge and kill your partner to pop them up next to you.

Submitted by - JESSICA AND SPEED

Easter Egg: Megg

'The Megg' is one of the hardest easter eggs in Halo. After all once you see the Megg, its game over. Start a game on the Pillar of Autumn while on legendary difficulty. Jump on the cryo tube Master Chief comes out of. Jump on the shield recharger thing. Then, jump on the walkway. You'll see some barrels. Jump on the top one. Wait for that guy that woke you up to die, then jump down. Get to the captain and shoot him. As soon as Cortana says, 'rampant', find the door the invincible marines came out of. If you can get past them, another door will open. The Marines can't get you while you're in here. Look up at the 'M' made out of bullets. After you see it you're traped and the marines now can kill you. Like I said once you see the Megg, you die.

Submitted by - keitarou

Easter Egg: Talking Grunt

WARNING: You may need to restart this stage if you pursue this easter egg.


In the last level of Halo, you'll arrive at a second grouping of tunnels after the dropship pick up goes awry.


Take the first tunnel on your right and there should be a fork leading to a dead-end half way through. If you head partly that way, you can hear a grunt talking about something phenomenonally droll.








Halo: Combat Evolved

Warthog Jumping FAQ

by Juggertrout




Warthog Jumping FAQ


Version 1.00 started 3/6/03.

Version 1.10 added minor spelling and factual errors.

Version 1.20 added something to Warthog Jumping Techniques page and a few minor

other things.

Version 1.25 just added the name of another site that can now host this FAQ.

Minor spelling and grammar errors have been rectified.

Version 1.30 man, I've got so many updates going on. Now may host my

FAQ. Cool website too, check it out! Added my AIM screen name as well.


What Is Warthog Jumping?


Warthog jumping is basically launching a Warthog hundreds of feet into

the air by building up a collection of grenades under it and then

throwing in one of your own. Stunts using this method are very

spectacular and add a lot of variety to the usual FPS that is Halo.


History Of Warthog Jumping


The first person to make a movie of the idea of putting grenades under a

Warthog to launch it up high was the pioneer of Warthog jumping, Randy

Glass. In a response to a challenge on the forum which

was putting a Warthog on top of Silent Cartographer. He made a video

called 'When Hogs Fly' showing a dead marine with two grenades beside

him and a Warthog over him. Randy then threw in a grenade and the

explosion of the other two grenades with it made it fly above the mountain side

while Randy positioned it with the help of some rockets. Randy then got

the idea of putting much more grenades under the Warthog and created the

movie 'Warthog Jump' showing high flying stunts and truly amazing set

pieces. The film was a huge success. Randy received countless e-mails by

fans, some who didn't even own an X-Box. He appeared on interviews and

on the British video game programme, Gamepad 3. A sequel was inevitable

and soon 'Warthog Revisited' was born showcasing some unbelievable

stunts and top class editing. It was even shown at E3 2002. Another

video he created was 'Dreams Of Master Chief' which is also worth

watching. All videos are downloadable from or you could

visit the official Warthog jump website at


How To Guide: Single Player Beginner Techniques


The most important part of Warthog jumping is to choose your level. For

beginners you should start on Silent Cartographer. It is the easiest

level for jumping and the one Randy Glass does most of his jumping.

Start a game on easy and clear the landing bay without using grenades.

Try also to pick up at least 3 plasma grenades. After clearing the landing bay,

switch to your pistol and Foe Hammer will drop off a Warthog. You should have 9

marines, 2 will get into the Warthog with you. Keep driving avoiding all enemies

to the beach were the dropship drops off 3 or 4 Jackals. It is a good idea to

kill them as they sometimes get in your way. Pass through the arch and park the

Warthog by the first rock, so that the gunner seat is facing the arch and then

run back to the arch and trigger a checkpoint. Come back and press 'x' to take

the gunner out of the gunner seat. Now, here comes the cruel part. Shoot him in

the head. It may seem a bit sadistic but it's the only way to accumulate

grenades. Marines drop 0-2 grenades, as a beginner you should aim to collect

about 9 grenades which is 1 grenade from every marine. Granted you may end up

with more grenades but this is just an approximate. After collecting about 1

grenade from the gunner, take the other marine out of the side seat and get into

the driver seat. The marine should enter the gunner seat. Get a checkpoint and

repeat what you did with the other marine. Then get into the Warthog and go and

collect some more marines and repeat your sick, twisted killing process.


As a beginner, I wouldn't recommend trying to put too many grenades under a

Warthog at first, in case the 'glitch' happens. I'm still trying to figure out

exactly why this happens. It is a glitch that when you go back for your last

marine, sometimes the grenades and bodies disappear, leaving you with only about

4 grenades or so. Luckily this is very rare; it has only happened twice to me

out of hundreds of hours of jumping.


After you have built up your grenades, park a Warthog over them and then throw

in a grenade. You can throw a frag, a plasma, 2 plasmas, a plasma and a frag

and, if you are fast, a frag and then attach a plasma. You can aim the Warthog

in any direction, the best looking one is over the arch, but it is really up to

you. Have fun!


How To Guide: Single Player Advanced Techniques


If you now consider yourself an expert at throwing a Warthog over an arch there

are some more advanced Silent Cartographer techniques for you to try. Most of

these are listed in the 'Different Kinds Of Warthog Jump' section near the end

of the FAQ. I think that before you even try a Warthog Jump, you collect 3

Warthogs and the Rocket Launcher. Then you can try setting of jumps with the

Rocket Launcher and launching multiple Warthogs. For better looking jumps I

suggest getting onto the arch. For information on how to do this, read Legolas's

secrets FAQ. Once on the arch you can launch warthogs over it or on it by

setting it off. It is possible to get marines onto the arch by getting a Warthog

up and then backing the Warthog slowly into the crease by the metal arch where

the marines are. If done right, the marines will 'fly' onto the Warthog. Now,

think about the jumps you could do from up there. To get 3 Warthogs as well as

yourself up there, simply knock 2 Warthogs up there using Legolas's Secrets FAQ

and then either Overshield Jump up there or Warthog Bounce it up from the

mountain. Both techniques are explained in the 'Different Kinds Of Warthog Jump'

section. There is one very spectacular stunt you can do on top of the arch. Go

there with 3 Warthogs and park it on the flat bit at the top of the arch, facing

sideways. You should notice there is a very plump tree near the middle of the

arch. It is possible to Warthog Bounce 3 Warthogs up there, one at a time and it

makes for a very spectacular set piece. Just make sure you position each Warthog

to the side of the tree once it is on top by firing a rocket at it. This makes

it easier to launch all the Warthogs up there. There is a checkpoint at the

bottom of the arch in case you screw up.


You can also try other levels. The ones I've done successful jumps on are Halo

and Assault on the Control Room. For Halo, it's merely a case of collecting

marines in your Warthog from various lifeboats and taking them to places. You

can launch them on top of hills or even on top of the blue beam towers. It is

also possible to drive up some hills and kill marines there for more spectacular

jumps. On Assault on the Control Room, the easiest way to do this is to get down

the first bridge and cause the no enemy effect so you have a lot of marines

left. You can also do jumps with many vehicles including Ghosts, Banshees,

Scorpions, Wraiths and Shades (which actually go higher than Warthogs). For

information on how to get down the first bridge, go to and go to

the tricks section. I am currently working on a way to do single player jumps on

Two Betrayals. It seems like you could do some amazing jumps there due to the

large number of marines.


How To Guide: Multiplayer Techniques


For multiplayer, there is no beginner or advanced because multiplayer jumping is

so easy anyone can do it and the jumps are always higher on multiplayer than on

single player. The reason for this that you can easily accumulate more grenades

and you don't need marines, so you can do it on any level with vehicles,

including levels like Truth and Reconciliation which only feature Shades.


To get grenades, just melee each other in the back of the head and you'll die

and drop 4 frags and 4 plasmas. The player who meleed you should run back so the

other person doesn't respawn on the grenades. You can then go around collecting

more grenades and keep meleeing each other to eventually build up a lot of

grenades. Then pick one up and let it rip. I find Assault on the Control Room is

the best level for jumps on multiplayer due to the large number of enemies,

marines and vehicles.


Of course, the type of Warthog jump you do depends on your imagination. You

could launch straight up and see how high up you could get it or try and land it

on top of structures. It is your choice.


Different Kinds Of Warthog Jump


Overshield Jump: This jump is very useful because it can get you and a Warthog

to places you wouldn't have thought possible. All it requires is a Warthog, a

pile of grenades and an Overshield. Build up your grenades and park a Warthog by

the Overshield so that the driver seat is near it. You want to throw a grenade

and time it so that you get the Overshield and get into the driver seat as your

Overshield is charging up which makes you temporarily invincible. Thus when the

grenade goes off it sends you alive with the Warthog flying into the air in its

driver seat. You can use this to get on top of Silent Cartographer and many

other places which I will leave to you to figure out.


Warthog Eject: A variation on the Overshield Jump. It is basically flying OUT of

the Warthog alive and into the air, although you do die on the way down. To do

this, go about an Overshield Jump normally and then either throw a frag too late

and then get in and get out as the frag explodes or throw a frag too soon and

then as you get in the frag goes off. Both should launch you high into the air

giving you a full survey of your area.


Warthog Launch: A very, very difficult manoeuvre to pull off. It is basically an

Overshield Jump without the Overshield. To do it, build up grenades by the nose

of the Warthog and keep a plasma grenade. Get near the back of the Warthog and

throw a plasma at the front of the Warthog and then jump onto the gunner seat

less than a second after the grenade explodes. First you should watch the

Warthog and notice that the front wheels come up a bit before the entire Warthog

launches into the air. That's the time you want to be jumping from about another

Warthog's distance onto the gunner seat if you're lucky you'll be seated

comfortly in the gunner seat as you fly through the air, but most of the time

you'll just die. But keep with it and you'll get to some remarkable places....


Warthog Bounce: Warthog Bounces can get a warthog high in the air with only 1

plasma, 1 frag and a rocket. Park a warthog parallel to the place you want to

Bounce to and then throw a plasma and then press 'black' once and start tapping

'l' repeatedly and when the frag is thrown tap 'r' repeatedly to shoot a rocket

all in the same place, (half under, half outside the Warthog). The idea of the

tapping is to shoot things faster. You'd be surprised how high Warthogs get. A

few useful things top do with Warthog Bounces are knocking a Warthog on top of a

Blood Gulch base and even the upper level of a Sidewinder base if you're good at



Warthog Catapult: This is a very useful trick that can be performed in many ways

and places. Get a Warthog and place some grenades under it. The grenades should

be spread out and under all of the Warthog depending on the direction you want

to it to go, mainly straight up. Now get to a higher place and throw a plasma

grenade under the Warthog so it goes past the warthog but remains under it so

that the Warthog is throw upwards towards you. Just as the plasma grenade goes

off or a tiny bit before, you want to jump in the Warthog path. If done

correctly then you will be thrown upwards incredibly high. This can also be done

with a Shade but, hey, this is a Warthog Jumping FAQ, not a Shade Jumping FAQ.

You can use this to get on top of the blue beam towers on Halo and other such

incredible places.




Juggertrout's Highest Warthog Jumps:


Single Player - Silent Cartographer - 14 seconds

Co-op - Assault on the Control Room - 21 seconds


Credits etc.


I would like to especially thank:


Bungie: For an unforgettable game.


Randy Glass: For pioneering such an unbelievably popular 'sport'.


Legolas: For his Secrets FAQ.


serpantsnake: For his great help and advice in the editing and publication of

this FAQ.


And also the following at the HBO website:




pete the duck



mike miller


Dark Helmet


Juggertrout copyright©2003


This FAQ should only be used at,,

and If you would like to reproduce this FAQ, please e-mail

me at:


If you have any questions, comments or queries feel free to e-mail me at the

aforementioned e-mail address or AIM me at Juggertrout.



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Halo: Combat Evolved

Warthog Jumping FAQ

by Juggertrout




Warthog Jumping FAQ


Version 1.00 started 3/6/03.

Version 1.10 added minor spelling and factual errors.

Version 1.20 added something to Warthog Jumping Techniques page and a few minor

other things.

Version 1.25 just added the name of another site that can now host this FAQ.

Minor spelling and grammar errors have been rectified.

Version 1.30 man, I've got so many updates going on. Now may host my

FAQ. Cool website too, check it out! Added my AIM screen name as well.


What Is Warthog Jumping?


Warthog jumping is basically launching a Warthog hundreds of feet into

the air by building up a collection of grenades under it and then

throwing in one of your own. Stunts using this method are very

spectacular and add a lot of variety to the usual FPS that is Halo.


History Of Warthog Jumping


The first person to make a movie of the idea of putting grenades under a

Warthog to launch it up high was the pioneer of Warthog jumping, Randy

Glass. In a response to a challenge on the forum which

was putting a Warthog on top of Silent Cartographer. He made a video

called 'When Hogs Fly' showing a dead marine with two grenades beside

him and a Warthog over him. Randy then threw in a grenade and the

explosion of the other two grenades with it made it fly above the mountain side

while Randy positioned it with the help of some rockets. Randy then got

the idea of putting much more grenades under the Warthog and created the

movie 'Warthog Jump' showing high flying stunts and truly amazing set

pieces. The film was a huge success. Randy received countless e-mails by

fans, some who didn't even own an X-Box. He appeared on interviews and

on the British video game programme, Gamepad 3. A sequel was inevitable

and soon 'Warthog Revisited' was born showcasing some unbelievable

stunts and top class editing. It was even shown at E3 2002. Another

video he created was 'Dreams Of Master Chief' which is also worth

watching. All videos are downloadable from or you could

visit the official Warthog jump website at


How To Guide: Single Player Beginner Techniques


The most important part of Warthog jumping is to choose your level. For

beginners you should start on Silent Cartographer. It is the easiest

level for jumping and the one Randy Glass does most of his jumping.

Start a game on easy and clear the landing bay without using grenades.

Try also to pick up at least 3 plasma grenades. After clearing the landing bay,

switch to your pistol and Foe Hammer will drop off a Warthog. You should have 9

marines, 2 will get into the Warthog with you. Keep driving avoiding all enemies

to the beach were the dropship drops off 3 or 4 Jackals. It is a good idea to

kill them as they sometimes get in your way. Pass through the arch and park the

Warthog by the first rock, so that the gunner seat is facing the arch and then

run back to the arch and trigger a checkpoint. Come back and press 'x' to take

the gunner out of the gunner seat. Now, here comes the cruel part. Shoot him in

the head. It may seem a bit sadistic but it's the only way to accumulate

grenades. Marines drop 0-2 grenades, as a beginner you should aim to collect

about 9 grenades which is 1 grenade from every marine. Granted you may end up

with more grenades but this is just an approximate. After collecting about 1

grenade from the gunner, take the other marine out of the side seat and get into

the driver seat. The marine should enter the gunner seat. Get a checkpoint and

repeat what you did with the other marine. Then get into the Warthog and go and

collect some more marines and repeat your sick, twisted killing process.


As a beginner, I wouldn't recommend trying to put too many grenades under a

Warthog at first, in case the 'glitch' happens. I'm still trying to figure out

exactly why this happens. It is a glitch that when you go back for your last

marine, sometimes the grenades and bodies disappear, leaving you with only about

4 grenades or so. Luckily this is very rare; it has only happened twice to me

out of hundreds of hours of jumping.


After you have built up your grenades, park a Warthog over them and then throw

in a grenade. You can throw a frag, a plasma, 2 plasmas, a plasma and a frag

and, if you are fast, a frag and then attach a plasma. You can aim the Warthog

in any direction, the best looking one is over the arch, but it is really up to

you. Have fun!


How To Guide: Single Player Advanced Techniques


If you now consider yourself an expert at throwing a Warthog over an arch there

are some more advanced Silent Cartographer techniques for you to try. Most of

these are listed in the 'Different Kinds Of Warthog Jump' section near the end

of the FAQ. I think that before you even try a Warthog Jump, you collect 3

Warthogs and the Rocket Launcher. Then you can try setting of jumps with the

Rocket Launcher and launching multiple Warthogs. For better looking jumps I

suggest getting onto the arch. For information on how to do this, read Legolas's

secrets FAQ. Once on the arch you can launch warthogs over it or on it by

setting it off. It is possible to get marines onto the arch by getting a Warthog

up and then backing the Warthog slowly into the crease by the metal arch where

the marines are. If done right, the marines will 'fly' onto the Warthog. Now,

think about the jumps you could do from up there. To get 3 Warthogs as well as

yourself up there, simply knock 2 Warthogs up there using Legolas's Secrets FAQ

and then either Overshield Jump up there or Warthog Bounce it up from the

mountain. Both techniques are explained in the 'Different Kinds Of Warthog Jump'

section. There is one very spectacular stunt you can do on top of the arch. Go

there with 3 Warthogs and park it on the flat bit at the top of the arch, facing

sideways. You should notice there is a very plump tree near the middle of the

arch. It is possible to Warthog Bounce 3 Warthogs up there, one at a time and it

makes for a very spectacular set piece. Just make sure you position each Warthog

to the side of the tree once it is on top by firing a rocket at it. This makes

it easier to launch all the Warthogs up there. There is a checkpoint at the

bottom of the arch in case you screw up.


You can also try other levels. The ones I've done successful jumps on are Halo

and Assault on the Control Room. For Halo, it's merely a case of collecting

marines in your Warthog from various lifeboats and taking them to places. You

can launch them on top of hills or even on top of the blue beam towers. It is

also possible to drive up some hills and kill marines there for more spectacular

jumps. On Assault on the Control Room, the easiest way to do this is to get down

the first bridge and cause the no enemy effect so you have a lot of marines

left. You can also do jumps with many vehicles including Ghosts, Banshees,

Scorpions, Wraiths and Shades (which actually go higher than Warthogs). For

information on how to get down the first bridge, go to and go to

the tricks section. I am currently working on a way to do single player jumps on

Two Betrayals. It seems like you could do some amazing jumps there due to the

large number of marines.


How To Guide: Multiplayer Techniques


For multiplayer, there is no beginner or advanced because multiplayer jumping is

so easy anyone can do it and the jumps are always higher on multiplayer than on

single player. The reason for this that you can easily accumulate more grenades

and you don't need marines, so you can do it on any level with vehicles,

including levels like Truth and Reconciliation which only feature Shades.


To get grenades, just melee each other in the back of the head and you'll die

and drop 4 frags and 4 plasmas. The player who meleed you should run back so the

other person doesn't respawn on the grenades. You can then go around collecting

more grenades and keep meleeing each other to eventually build up a lot of

grenades. Then pick one up and let it rip. I find Assault on the Control Room is

the best level for jumps on multiplayer due to the large number of enemies,

marines and vehicles.


Of course, the type of Warthog jump you do depends on your imagination. You

could launch straight up and see how high up you could get it or try and land it

on top of structures. It is your choice.


Different Kinds Of Warthog Jump


Overshield Jump: This jump is very useful because it can get you and a Warthog

to places you wouldn't have thought possible. All it requires is a Warthog, a

pile of grenades and an Overshield. Build up your grenades and park a Warthog by

the Overshield so that the driver seat is near it. You want to throw a grenade

and time it so that you get the Overshield and get into the driver seat as your

Overshield is charging up which makes you temporarily invincible. Thus when the

grenade goes off it sends you alive with the Warthog flying into the air in its

driver seat. You can use this to get on top of Silent Cartographer and many

other places which I will leave to you to figure out.


Warthog Eject: A variation on the Overshield Jump. It is basically flying OUT of

the Warthog alive and into the air, although you do die on the way down. To do

this, go about an Overshield Jump normally and then either throw a frag too late

and then get in and get out as the frag explodes or throw a frag too soon and

then as you get in the frag goes off. Both should launch you high into the air

giving you a full survey of your area.


Warthog Launch: A very, very difficult manoeuvre to pull off. It is basically an

Overshield Jump without the Overshield. To do it, build up grenades by the nose

of the Warthog and keep a plasma grenade. Get near the back of the Warthog and

throw a plasma at the front of the Warthog and then jump onto the gunner seat

less than a second after the grenade explodes. First you should watch the

Warthog and notice that the front wheels come up a bit before the entire Warthog

launches into the air. That's the time you want to be jumping from about another

Warthog's distance onto the gunner seat if you're lucky you'll be seated

comfortly in the gunner seat as you fly through the air, but most of the time

you'll just die. But keep with it and you'll get to some remarkable places....


Warthog Bounce: Warthog Bounces can get a warthog high in the air with only 1

plasma, 1 frag and a rocket. Park a warthog parallel to the place you want to

Bounce to and then throw a plasma and then press 'black' once and start tapping

'l' repeatedly and when the frag is thrown tap 'r' repeatedly to shoot a rocket

all in the same place, (half under, half outside the Warthog). The idea of the

tapping is to shoot things faster. You'd be surprised how high Warthogs get. A

few useful things top do with Warthog Bounces are knocking a Warthog on top of a

Blood Gulch base and even the upper level of a Sidewinder base if you're good at



Warthog Catapult: This is a very useful trick that can be performed in many ways

and places. Get a Warthog and place some grenades under it. The grenades should

be spread out and under all of the Warthog depending on the direction you want

to it to go, mainly straight up. Now get to a higher place and throw a plasma

grenade under the Warthog so it goes past the warthog but remains under it so

that the Warthog is throw upwards towards you. Just as the plasma grenade goes

off or a tiny bit before, you want to jump in the Warthog path. If done

correctly then you will be thrown upwards incredibly high. This can also be done

with a Shade but, hey, this is a Warthog Jumping FAQ, not a Shade Jumping FAQ.

You can use this to get on top of the blue beam towers on Halo and other such

incredible places.




Juggertrout's Highest Warthog Jumps:


Single Player - Silent Cartographer - 14 seconds

Co-op - Assault on the Control Room - 21 seconds


:mrgreen: :shock: :? 8) :x :P :oops: :evil: :dance: :roll: :wink: :baby: :ok: :bang: :prr: :whew: :rotfl: :crazy: :teach: :ph3ar:

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