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Cities Skylines


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Per prima cosa segnalo che rispetto alla ottima recensione fatta da Sonakin a suo tempo le ultime patch hanno abilitato la possibilità di aumentare la velocità di gioco (sono 3).


Su One credo sia il miglior gioco gestionale di città. Patch Notes


Major improvements:
- Totally reworked the save and loading system, it will no longer overwrite your previous save if the save process is interrupted in any way.
- The save indicator will no longer disappear before the save has completed.
- Unfortunately previously corrupted saves cannot be rescued. They should be correctly detected and a warning message will appear.
>> We would like to give a special thanks to all the users who reported and helped us track down the cause of this bug (and others too!), and recognize patience of those who waited for a fix.
- Made numerous optimisations allowing the ability to increase the simulation speed. If the simulation is struggling to keep up it will try to run as fast as it can.
- Fixed various memory leaks, and generally reduced the memory overhead of the game.
- Users should now be able to obtain all the achievements in game. If you load a save that still has the conditions met for unlocking the achievement you should be correctly awarded it.
- Fixed the bulldozer getting stuck open.
- Fixed a crash associated with the Guides.
- Fixed an issue causing the "Swap sticks" option to not be saved correctly.
- Game Area Info Panel's close button is now localised correctly.
- District names will be updated when the locale changes.
- Budget panel will play the correct sound on opening.
- Removed a buzzing sound when the credits were allowed to play out.
- Partner Co-ordinator should now correctly appear as a role and not a person.
- Fixed a bug causing some tutorials not to appear.
- The "Left-Handed" control scheme should now work as indicated.
- Unique buildings should now get the "Already Built" icon if they have been built.
- Fixed an issue causing tutorial messages to appear when they should be behind the camera.
- You can now delete saved games from the Load Game panel.
- The tool-tip for the De-Zoning option should no-longer improperly refer to mouse controls.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Main Toolbar buttons to not be highlighted correctly when returning from a full screen window.
- The follow button on Citizen Vehicles will no longer disappear.
- "Line Options" now has a tool-tip.
- You can no longer put the game in an unresponsive state by closing a panel while it's already closing.
- All UI buttons should correctly indicate whether they are being pressed or not.
- Fixed various typos in localisations.
- The follow button will now disappear when a selected object moves out of your owned areas.
- Added a warning when trying to load a game while already in one.
- Arrows should no longer appear on menu items that cannot be toggled by pressing left or right.
- Added a "Reset Configuration" button to the Controls panel.
- The options panel should now wrap correctly.
- The "Invert Y Axis" option will now reset correctly.
- The "Press A" screen will now be correctly localised based on system language.
- Tutorial messages should no longer appear over the UI.
- Fixed various alignment and sizing issues.
- Fixed text overruns in some locales.
Modificato da Aluc74

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Paradox Interactive porterà le mod di Cities Skylines anche su Xbox One a partire dal 20 febbraio.

Nella giornata di domani, come svelato da Xbox Wire, l'utenza console avrà modo per la prima volta di mettere le mani sui contenuti creati dalla community del city builder.

"Se avete sempre voluto dare alla vostra community una stravagante torre dell'orologio, o introdurre qualche piscina, o persino trasformare i velivoli dei vostri aeroporti in astronavi futuristiche, i vostri fan di Cities hanno lavorato duramente per permettervi di farlo", spiegano da Paradox.

Tuttavia, l'immissione di mod nella versione Xbox One non sarà immediato come su PC, ma richiederà un passaggio presso lo sviluppatore.

In soldoni, Paradox curerà internamente una serie di test sui contenuti proposti dai giocatori prima di lanciarli sulla versione finale del gioco ad ondate.

Quella di domani sarà la prima ondata e ne seguiranno altre, non sappiamo con quale cadenza.


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