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Watch Dogs Legion


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Title Update 2.40 - Patch Notes


We have added the ability to retire Prestige Operatives, which will function like their Permadeath behavior: They will be gone for the remainder of the playthrough. Starting a new game will add the Operatives in that playthrough.
Fixed the Unequip button in the store not unequipping equipped items.
Fixed an issue where skipping a cutscene could cause the cutscene to continue to play while the player regained control over their operative.
Fixed an issue that caused the Welcome Page settings to not correctly reset when choosing the Reset to Default option.
Fixed an issue that caused clothes to not show up on a character after having saved or loaded the game while wearing an outfit. This fix is going live for Xbox One and PC and will follow shortly for PlayStation 4.
Fixed an issue that could cause reflections to judder and pop in with Raytracing enabled.
Fixed incorrectly applying low resolution textures on the Outwear Hoodie item in the "Synthetic Error" clothing pack.
Fixed an issue that caused the paint from paint grenades and paint guns to not show up when hitting enemies.

Xbox Series X/S

Fixed an issue causing the game to not properly save progress.

Xbox One

Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash while driving.
Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash during gameplay.

PlayStation 4

Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when the game was launching.
Additional memory optimizations to improve game stability.
Fixed an issue that could cause the error message “Upload failed” to be shown when uploading saves to the cloud while the upload was actually successful.
Added an additional fix for an issue that could cause the game to crash when quitting to the Main menu.
Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when leaving the game idle for more than 15 minutes.

PlayStation 5

Fixed an issue that could cause a crash to occur during the HUMAN ERROR mission.
Fixed very bright reflections to appear during daytime in New Scotland Yard.

Modificato da AngelDevil


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  • 2 settimane dopo...
  • 2 settimane dopo...

Tutti è una parola grossa.... Sono stati sistemati molti bug...

Quello dei salvataggi era quello più grave...niente di serio spero. Vengo da 200 ore di AC Valhalla super baggato, dite che sono masochista? :asd:

_Xbox Ambassador IV_F.C.Inter_Cleveland Cavaliers_Philadelphia Eagles_OSU Buckeyes_Washington Capitals_METAL

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Quello dei salvataggi era quello più grave...niente di serio spero. Vengo da 200 ore di AC Valhalla super baggato, dite che sono masochista? :asd:

Da quello che ho riscontrato io nulla di serio serio (mai avuto problemi neanche con il salvataggio), a parte che delle volte mi si è impallata la telecamera e non ne voleva più sapere di riprendersi neanche con un viaggio rapido e/o chiudi riapri il gioco... Poi come per magia il giorno dopo il caricamento ha sistemato tutto.. Comunque secondo me giocabile è godibile, sia chiaro...


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  • 5 settimane dopo...

DedSec, stiamo distribuendo TU3.0 su PlayStation 4 e 5, Xbox One e Xbox Series X / S oggi. Questa patch includerà le stesse correzioni globali che PC ha visto con TU3.0, ma include anche diverse correzioni di bug e miglioramenti specifici della console che puoi trovare di seguito.

Grazie al test tecnico su PC siamo già stati in grado di identificare diverse cose su cui il team sta lavorando per rendere il lancio della modalità online il più fluido possibile. Per assicurarci di avere ancora più dati e feedback dai giocatori, stiamo anche eseguendo un test tecnico chiuso più piccolo su tutte le console. Anche questo test sarà sotto NDA ei giocatori non sono autorizzati a trasmettere in streaming o condividere alcun contenuto dal test, ma sono in grado di fornire feedback direttamente al team di sviluppo.


Xbox One

  • Fixed an issue that could cause crackling audio in the open world.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would get stuck on an infinite loading screen if your Xbox Live account got signed out while on the fast travel loading screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the player would get locked out of the Safehouse if their console went into Standby mode during the "New Resistance" mission.
  • Fixed an issue where your first opponent would not appear during Bareknuckle Boxing.
  • Improved memory optimization to increase game stability.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when taking a photo while the News Drone crashes during a Borough Uprising Mission in Camden.

Xbox Series X/S

  • Fixed an issue where the game would not accept any controller input after coming out of Standby mode.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the system to run out of memory.
  • Fixed several issues that could cause the game to crash on launch.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash while driving around London.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when a console restricted account (e.g. age restriction) would attempt to launch the game.

PlayStation 4

  • Fixed animation bug that could cause the game to crash. 
  • Fixed a crash that could occur which could occur when controlling a spiderbot during a Borough Uprising Missions for Westminster.
  • Fixed several issues that could cause the game to crash at launch.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash during gameplay in the Open World.

PlayStation 5

  • Fixed several issues that could cause the game to crash when downloading and switching languages.
  • This fix will also resolve the issue for the Italian language pack, which was one of the languages most affected.
  • Fixed engine bug that could cause the game to crash.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash and display a System Error Message.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when attempting to start a new game, overwriting an existing save.


  • Fixed an issue where certain sound effects would not play after starting a new game, or when resuming a game from the pause menu. 
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the audio to glitch and stutter in the open world. 
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to become stuck in the cinematic after talking to Hamish in the “Power from the People” mission. 
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash due to an audio bug. 
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when loading into the world. 
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when exiting to the Main Menu. 
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the objective to not update after the cinematic in the Lost and Found mission. 
  • Fixed an issue where a recruitment mission would not start when force quitting or crashing the application while the first dialogue sequence is occurring. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused the game to freeze when switching between the Phone and Pause menus while interacting with a server via a Spiderbot during a Borough Uprising Mission. 
  • Fixed an issue causing the Neutralize VIP marker to not follow the target during the Neutralize/Eliminate VIP objective in the Borough Uprising Mission. 
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Clocktower puzzle to become impossible to complete after a Drone Expert’s Shock Drone flew into the tower during a Borough Uprising Mission. 
  • Fixed an issue for a black screen to occur if an operative got hit after interacting with the starting point of the race in a Borough Uprising Mission. 
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a black screen or game freeze to occur when opening the Phone or Pause Menu right after interacting with the keyboard to hijack the chase drone during a Borough Uprising Mission. 
  • Fixed an issue where the "Hijack the News Drone" objective would incorrectly complete if the Drone Expert or Livestreamer operative would hijack their personal drone during a Borough Uprising Mission. 
  • Fixed an issue where Albion guards could disable the hijacked CT Drone rendering the player unable to control the drone during a Borough Uprising Mission. 
  • Fixed an issue where the player was unable to complete the mission after destroying the mission drone on the balcony of the Walkie Talkie Club during a Borough Uprising Mission. 
  • Fixed an issue where a player would occasionally be spawned in a different location when leaving the rooftop of Walkie Talkie building. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Football Hooligan operative could spawn allies inside areas where they would be unable to follow the player. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Ping function would not locate Personal Drones through walls or objects after exiting drone mode.
  • Fixed an issue where completing Camden borough would show the Westminster celebration liberation instead. 
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a photo from the "My Photos" tab in the gallery would update the list to only display one remaining photo. 
  • Fixed an issue where the "Mission Aborted" message would not appear if the player performs an Operative Swap after starting a Parcel Fox activity. 
  • Fixed an issue where pedestrians on sidewalks would not dodge the player's vehicle appropriately. Get out the way, I’m driving here! 
  • Fixed an issue where civilians would start spinning in place when attempting to flee. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Protest Leader's Megaphone gadget would have no effect on NPCs in red zones. 
  • Fixed an issue where the player could easily escape high level felonies by hiding in a Subway. 
  • Fixed an issue where Clan Kelly and Albion AI vehicles may not appear red on the minimap during combat. 
  • Fixed an issue where a player could get stuck on the operative swap screen and their save slot would load infinitely, after their last available operative dies, while the other available operatives are unavailable. 
  • Fixed several clipping issues and visual gaps on several outfits and other apparel.  
  • Fixed an issue where the Halo and Snake on the viper operative would not go invisible when activating the AR cloak. 
  • Fixed an issue where a prestige operative that was killed would become active again if the game was closed while the player was on the op swap or death screen when playing with Permadeath on. 
  • Fixed an issue where a black screen could appear if the player was unable to swap Operatives after getting drunk with their last sober operative, while all other operatives are passed out. 
  • Fixed an issue that would cause podcasts to restart when entering a vehicle shortly after leaving it. 
  • Fixed an issue where the "Investigate the Stage" objective would not progress if the player opened and closed the team app after skipping the cinematic during the Moscow Rules mission. 
  • Fixed an issue where the keypad would stop responding if the player performed an operative swap during the Safehouse entry walk-up animation. 


Modificato da AngelDevil


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  • 2 settimane dopo...

Dopo l’uscita del gioco nello scorso mese di ottobre, Ubisoft ha annunciato oggi, diramando una nota ufficiale, che è imminente l’arrivo di una modalità online per il suo Watch Dogs Legion. Il titolo ambientato a Londra, infatti, vedrà il 9 marzo lo sbarco di questa novità gratis per tutti i possessori del gioco, che sarà disponibile su PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Ubisoft+, Stadia, Ubisoft Store ed Epic Games Store.

A fare capolino, con la modalità online, sarà la possibilità di esplorare un open world free-roam cooperativo dove formare gruppi di massimo quattro persone per esplorare Londra insieme – dove ad attendervi ci saranno eventi e missioni secondarie. Saranno anche introdotte nuove missioni specificamente cooperative, da due a quattro giocatori, che vi permetteranno di «reclutare la squadra perfetta», anticipano gli sviluppatori.

A tal proposito, potrete misurare le capacità del vostro team in Capobranco, la prima Operazione Tattica pensata per quattro giocatori, che vi spingerà a coordinarvi al meglio delle possibilità: sarà costituita da cinque missioni, da considerare come contenuti endgame, e gli autori promettono che vi darà parecchio filo da torcere.

Arriva anche il PvP, con la Spiderbot Arena: quattro giocatori, ciascuno in controllo del suo ragno-drone, dovranno affrontare ed eliminare quelli degli altri, come in una versione rivisitata e distopica delle Robot Wars che qualcuno di voi ricorderà. Tutte le attività online, sottolinea Ubisoft, vi permetteranno di ottenere punti esperienza per aumentare di livello e avere ricompense esclusive, oltre a punti influenza utili per reclutare nuovi operatori.

Modificato da AngelDevil


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Title Update 3.1

Missing masks: This bug will be fixed in a future update in the next couple of weeks.


  • Fixed an issue where the audio would sometimes cut off when in the Bareknuckle Arena.
  • Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur when loading into the game.
  • Added translations to the radio HUD menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the player was unable to fast forward if a drone was near the fast forward prompt.
  • Various crash fixes on all platforms.
  • Clipping issue fixes for various outfits.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X when Ray Tracing was turned on.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Photo Booth to become unavailable if saving or loading while in it.
  • Bikes have now learned that flying is not appropriate if they clip a curb at high speed.
  • Fixed an issue where some building lights would pop on and off as you walked away from them.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when entering a clothing store during the “Driven to Distraction” Borough Mission. It’s Driven to Distraction, not Driven to Shopping.


  • Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur when resuming the game from suspended mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the Audio Language selection would sometimes reset.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would not respond to a second controller, when the console was switched from one profile to another.
  • Fixed an issue where the audio would be muted if swapping user profiles while in the game.


  • Fixed the Speech to Text feature that was inactive on PlayStation 5.


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  • 2 settimane dopo...
Inviato (modificato)

"Abbiamo identificato un problema con la versione PC che può causare crash con determinate GPU", si legge nel comunicato pubblicato da Ubisoft su Twitter.

"Il team sta lavorando per risolvere la cosa il più rapidamente possibile, ma nel frattempo abbiamo preso la decisione di aspettare a lanciare l'Online Mode. Annunceremo la nuova data al più presto."

"Abbiamo inoltre identificato un problema che può causare crash durante la Tactical Op, e per questo abbiamo scelto di posticipare il lancio su Xbox, PlayStation e Stadia al 23 marzo."

"PlayStation 4 e PlayStation 5 disporranno di capacità limitate per quanto concerne la chat testuale al lancio e stiamo lavorando per sistemare anche questa feature, disponibile a partire dal 23 marzo."


Modificato da AngelDevil


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Inviato (modificato)

DedSec, we are deploying TU3.2 on all platforms today in preparation for the Online mode launch tomorrow. This update will include several backend changes for the online mode, and you can expect a download size of about ~10GB for PlayStation 4, ~2.3GB for PlayStation 5, ~19GB for Xbox Series X and Xbox One. The Watch Dogs: Legion Online mode will unlock on consoles and Stadia tomorrow, Tuesday, at 7 AM PT, 10 AM ET, 4 PM CET.

Title Update 3.2 also includes bug fixes for the singe player campaign and general game improvements. This also includes a fix for the missing mask bug that players have been reporting. Missing masks will automatically return to players’ wardrobes upon first login.


  • Fixed an issue that caused several masks to go missing from players’ wardrobes after TU3.0.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when performing an operative swap in specific areas of the open world.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause placeholder text to be displayed for inactive operatives when inspecting them while in a restricted area.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when ray tracing was enabled.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to freeze when selecting a tab in the in-game store.

PlayStation 5

  • Fixed an issue that could cause buildings in the open world to become temporarily invisible. No more hide and seek!

Xbox Series X/S

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when accessing the different categories in the in-game store.
  • Fixed several issues that could cause graphical corruptions to occur.
Modificato da AngelDevil


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Inviato (modificato)

Ubisoft ha pubblicato un nuovo trailer per ricordarci l'arrivo della modalità online per quasi tutte le versioni di Watch Dogs: Legion. Gli unici a dover attendere ancora un po' sono i giocatori PC, mentre su Xbox One, Xbox Series X e Series S, PS4, PS5 e Stadia è già possibile usufruirne gratuitamente. La versione PC sarà rilasciata su Epic Games Store, Ubisoft Store e per tutti gli abbonati Ubisoft+, in data ancora da destinarsi.

Leggiamo altri dettagli tratti dal comunicato stampa ufficiale:

La modalità online di Watch Dogs: Legion include:

  • Free-roam open-world in co-op dove i giocatori potranno unirsi in squadre con i loro amici sino a quattro giocatori ed esplorare Londra, partecipare a eventi cittadini, completare missioni e partecipare ad attività secondarie.
  • Nuove missioni in co-op da due a quattro giocatori con nuove meccaniche di gioco co-op che daranno ai giocatori l'opportunità di reclutare il team perfetto e combattere le minacce di Londra nelle località più iconiche della città.
  • La prima modalità PvP, Spiderbot Arena, che permetterà a quattro giocatori di controllare spiderbot armati e concorrere in un deathmach ad alta intensità.

Oggi verranno lanciate anche due esclusive missioni single player per i possessori del Season Pass:
Protocollo Guardiano: la DedSec ha scoperto un algoritmo che mostra come l'IA possa a volte ignorare le decisioni umane. Se questo algoritmo fosse utilizzato nei droni armati... avrebbero potere di vita e morte.
Non nel Nostro Nome: la DedSec ha scoperto un gruppo segreto che usa il suo nome a Londra, agli ordini di un proprietario di giornali scandalistici senza scrupoli, che usa le informazioni rubate dal gruppo per ricattare le sue vittime illustri e accrescere il proprio potere sulla città.

Il 23 marzo sarà disponibile "Capobranco", il primo Tactical Op cooperativo a quattro giocatori che richiede efficienza e lavoro di squadra. Contenuti aggiuntivi continueranno a essere pubblicati con aggiornamenti gratuiti, compresa la modalità PvP Invasione, nuove missioni co-op, personaggi gratuiti e molto altro.

In Watch Dogs: Legion, Londra se la sta passando male. Tra l'insoddisfazione crescente, un'entità sconosciuta di nome Zero Day ha fatto ricadere la responsabilità degli attacchi dinamitardi che hanno sconvolto la città sulla resistenza segreta della DedSec. Di conseguenza, criminali opportunisti da ogni angolo di Londra hanno riempito il vuoto lasciato. Come membri della DedSec, i giocatori si dovranno schierare contro questi criminali in Watch Dogs: Legion: sadici, mercenari, cybercriminali e molti altri. I giocatori dovranno reclutare membri nella loro squadra per essere preparati ad affrontarle questi criminali, liberando Londra e arrivando a scoprire l'identità di Zero-Day.


Modificato da AngelDevil


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L'Online Mode di Watch Dogs: Legion vedrà l'introduzione della funzionalità cross-play con un aggiornamento: lo ha annunciato il team di sviluppo del gioco con un post su Twitter.

"Sebbene il cross-play e il cross-generation-play non sia attualmente disponibile per l'Online Mode di Watch Dogs: Legion, il team di sviluppo sta lavorando per poter aggiungere questa funzionalità al gioco tramite un futuro aggiornamento", si legge nel post.


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Hotfix 3.21 Patch Notes

Global Online Mode fixes

  • Fixed an issue that could cause an infinite loading screen when starting a Spiderbot Arena match.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the “The Ubisoft service is not available” error and prevent players from connecting to the Online Mode.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the “Boring-Ajiaco” error and prevent players from connecting to a Co-Op session.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the “Boring-Veal” error and prevent players from joining another player’s Spiderbot Arena session.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the “The Ubisoft service is not available” error after leaving any Online Mode session.


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Inviato (modificato)

Title Update 3.25


Patch Notes:

  • Additional fixes for the missing masks players had reporting after TU3.0. Masks should be available in the wardrobe after the update is live.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the “Recruit an Operative” objective to not correctly update during the Online Mode onboarding mission, causing players to be unable to complete the mission.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent players from recruiting an additional operative with a “Team is full” message during the Online Mode onboarding mission, making it impossible to complete.
  • Fixed an issue that would allow enemy NPCs to target and shoot players through the floor.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an infinite loading screen when trying to join another Spiderbot Arena match after finishing a match and joining via the leaderboard screen.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a player to lose control over the camera after joining a new Spiderbot Arena match when joining via the leaderboard screen.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the text chat to not properly work on PlayStation systems. Text chat has been re-enabled.

PlayStation 5

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when launching the PlayStation 4 backwards compatible version of Watch Dogs: Legion.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when leaving a Spiderbot Arena match and joining a public free roam session.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when disconnecting from a Spiderbot Arena match.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Text To Voice Chat option to not work.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash during combat or while driving.

Xbox Series X/S

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when disconnecting from a Spiderbot Arena match.

Ubisoft ha svelato quali saranno i contenuti gratuiti per Watch Dogs: Legion in arrivo nelle prossime settimane, che comprendono la modalità single player e quella multiplayer. Fornite anche informazioni sulle novità in arrivo per chi ha acquistato il pass stagionale. Leggiamo:

I contenuti post-lancio di Watch Dogs: Legion comprendono per tutti i giocatori:

  • 23 marzo: Capobranco, la prima Operazione Tattica che richiede lavoro di squadra ed efficienza, è disponibile nella modalità online di Watch Dogs: Legion. Lavorando con un informatore, la DedSec scopre una pericolosa iniziativa che porta un'avanzatissima IA a coscienza collettiva nella Guerriglia Urbana con i Droni. Devono affrettarsi per fermare il programma mentre traccia e scoprire una terrificante minaccia nascosta al centro di tutto.
  • Alla fine di maggio, i giocatori avranno accesso a due nuove modalità PvP: Estrazione Invasione, la preferita dei fan, insieme a una nuova Operazione Tattica, Project Omni, per la modalità online di Watch Dogs: Legion. Project Omni è una sfida intensa e impegnativa che richiede un gruppo di quattro giocatori per infiltrare un progetto segreto e scoprire perché i dispositivi Optik dei londinesi stanno creando dei problemi ai loro cervelli.

Per i possessori di pass stagionali:

  • [Fine aprile], Mina, una cavia di esperimenti transumani che possiede l'abilità di controllare le menti, sarà disponibile con una nuova missione.
  • [Fine giugno] uscirà Watch Dogs: Legion - Bloodline, una nuova linea narrativa che include Aiden Pearce e Wrench dei precedenti episodi di Watch Dogs, completamente giocabili nella campagna single player e online.
  • [Agosto], Darcy, membro dell'Ordine degli Assassini da Assassin's Creed sarà disponibile come personaggio giocabile con nuove missioni.


Modificato da AngelDevil


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Ubisoft conferma l' intenzione di portare Watch Dogs: Legion ai 60 fps su PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X|S con una modalità dedicata.

L'aggiunta di una modalità performance per Watch Dogs: Legion consentirà ai giocatori di avventurarsi tra le vie di Londra con un frame rate ancorato a 60 fps. Al momento, non è stata offerta una precisa data di lancio, in merito alla quale Ubisoft si riserva di offrire dettagli più precisi nel corso delle settimane. La feature approderà dunque su PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X e Xbox Series S nel prossimo futuro.


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  • 2 settimane dopo...

Title Update 3.30


  • Improvements made to reduce the game freezing when a player joins or leaves an Online Mode session.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause game chat to not work anymore after being kicked out of an Online session due to inactivity.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause potential recruits to be removed from a players list after disconnecting from the game.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Spiderbot Arena entry point to disappear from the map when disconnecting from a public Online session.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause gunfire sound effects to infinitely loop during Online sessions.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Operatives to spawn stuck in inside textures after switching Operatives during the Vigilante and The Red Blade missions.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the camera position to be misplaced when joining a Spiderbot Arena match from another Spiderbot Arena lobby.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Tactical Op missions to restart when the session host left the group.
  • Fixed lighting issues inside the Drowning Post pub.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the map objective to not properly update after switching to the first recruited Operative in Online Mode.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the objective “Investigate the Stage” to not properly update under certain circumstances during the “Moscow Rules” mission.

PlayStation family

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent users from accessing the Online Mode when disconnecting a user by switching profiles.

PlayStation 4

  • Fixed an issue that could cause a Spiderbot to become unresponsive to Hacking after gathering several Hotspots.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash after playing for an extended period.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash on loading into London free roam, co-op or Tactical Op missions.

PlayStation 5

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to become stuck at “Connecting to servers” when trying to launch the Single Player campaign.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when running the PlayStation 4 version of Watch Dogs: Legion.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when excessively using the text chat in the Online Mode.
  • Fixed several missing car engine audio files.

Xbox family

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent players from reconnecting to the Online mode after disconnecting from the game.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the achievements “Piece de Resistance”, “Bullseye” and "Bottom's Up" to not correctly transfer from Xbox One to Xbox Series X/S.

Xbox One

  • Fixed an issue that could cause a black screen when starting the game if two users on the same consoles were using different audio DLCs.


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