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La patch 5.0 è prevista per il 9 giugno su PS4, Xbox One e PC!


All Platforms

New Taymyr Rift Map, with new missions
2 vehicle skins (Derry Longhorn 3194, KHAN Lo4F)
Flycam on mod maps
Multiple Save Slots
Multiplayer: Players can now change region together


PC only

Mods: installed mods counter display
Force Feedback setting on steering wheels



Working mirrors



Steering wheel support for consoles could unfortunately not be included in the update, but should arrive within a week or two of Update 5.0.


Update 5.0 will also bring a ton of bug fixes and quality of life improvements. The full list will be available when the patch goes live, but you can see the patch notes on the Public Test Realm for a general idea.


Many major bugs have been addressed, such as freezes, cargo and vehicles falling through trailers, and missing vehicles.


We're extremely thankful for all your bug reports and patience, and can't wait to release this update to you, after which we can all look forward to the release of Phase 1 of further new content and improvements! The Public Test Server will close when Update 5.0 launches, but will be back soon after to prepare for Phase 1.


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PS4 & Xbox One Hotfix


Optimized PS4 memory management (fixes the most frequent crashes on PS4)
Improved dynamic resolution on PS4
Fixed headlights on PS4
First implementation of Logitech G29 on PS4 (Work in progress, expect issues)
First implementation of Logitech G920 on Xbox One (Work in progress, expect issues)


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  • 2 settimane dopo...

Il publisher Focus Home Interactive e il team di sviluppo Saber Interactive hanno annunciato la data di uscita del primo DLC di SnowRunner.


Search & Recovery, questo il suo nome, sarà disponibile dal prossimo 15 luglio, incluso nel season pass così come acquistabile singolarmente.


Nuove missioni di gioco nelle regioni più fredde della Russia


La community di SnowRunner vanta già oltre un milione di giocatori, questo numero è destinato ad aumentare ulteriormente grazie ai ricchissimi contenuti aggiuntivi che verranno rilasciati nei prossimi mesi. Preparatevi ad ammirare i panorami innevati mozzafiato contenuti nelle due nuove mappe del DLC Season 1: Search & Recover e a partire alla ricerca dei resti di un bombardiere della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Questo nuovo contenuto scaricabile includerà anche due nuovi veicoli (TUZ 16 “Actaeon” e Ford 750 4×4 Crewcab), nuove skin e molto altro ancora.


Nuovi contenuti gratuiti in arrivo


Una serie di nuovi contenuti, tra cui nuove missioni sulle mappe già esistenti e strumenti aggiuntivi per il modding del gioco PC, saranno disponibili anche per i giocatori che non possiedono il Season Pass. Ulteriori informazioni riguardanti i prossimi contenuti di SnowRunner verranno rilasciate la settimana prossima.


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First Season Pass Update is live



[DLC] New map: Lake Kovd
[DLC] Players can obtain and use the Prototype Exploration Unit addon to explore this map
[DLC] Players can find new trucks on this map
TUZ 16 "Actaeon"
Ford 750 4x4
[DLC] New skin is available for the Tayga 6436
Added new main menu background and music theme



Number of fixes for achievements that some players did not receive when meeting their requirements
Added option to disable beacon lights via the functions menu
Fixed a bug when a player traveled by a gateway while using the winch connected to an empty truck, the empty truck was not usable anymore
Fixed a bug when upgrades were not discovered with watchtowers on the Rift map
Fixed the Kolob 74941 paint scheme
Fixed Derry Longhorn 3194 paint scheme to work with bumpers
Improved damage collision box for Kolob 74760
Fixed a bug when in co-op truck’s gearbox randomly did not shift to a second gear



Updated cargo icons
Available cargo is now displayed in a map pop-up
Fixed missing fuel station icon on the Rift map
Supported option to hide crane controls UI
Added an option to choose steering type depending on primary input device: gamepad or steering wheel



Added alpha version of the Game Editor that players can use to create new maps and vehicles
Players can upload maps to and use them in custom scenarios menu



Improved texture loading speed on PS4 and Xbox One
Improvements for Logitech G29 and G920 steering wheels



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  • 1 mese dopo...

Patch Notes


New Content:

[DLC] New map in Kola peninsula region - Imandra
[DLC] New vehicle - TUZ 108 Warthog
[DLC] New vehicle skin for TUZ 166
[DLC] New Wide Flatbed Semi-Trailer
[DLC] New mission addon - Metal Detector
[DLC] Exclusive Bobblehead - Doggy
New Activity: Trial maps (Ride-on King & Lost in The - Wilderness) with exclusive completion rewards (bobbleheads Joker and Masha)
Added interior customization (all platforms) & interior customization modding (for PC):
Added new contracts for Michigan region



All scout vehicles except for the TUZ 420 - Tatarin now have a crane socket on the roof
Can now view owned trucks' location in the player profile
Can now restart tasks and contracts in co-op
Improved dirt particles shading
Added active suspension for Derry Longhorn 3194
Small tweaks for Freightliner m916a1 steering
Improved steering angle for Western Star 6900 TwinSteer


Bug Fixes:

Owned trucks counter in the trucks store is now properly displayed
Fixed a bug with one of containers missing in the "Containers in the river" task
Fixed exhaust pipe model for Cat 745C
Repair crates on Khan Marshall are now properly removed when used
Fixed snorkel for Azov Antarctic
Fixed a problem when players were unable to change bindings for the winch pull
Tweaked front wheels positioning for Voron Grad, Voron D-53233 and Tayga 6436
Fixed a bug when physics was disabled for objects that are far from the player (caused cargo falling through trailers, objects stuck in an unrealistic position)
Fixed wheels falling through rocks in some cases
Fixed snorkel for Royal BM17
Kolob 74941 - fixed rpm arrow and sun visor clipping
Fixed a bug when deleting custom scenarios save slot did not properly delete player save data
Fixed a bug when some vehicles had different purchase/sales prices
Fixed snow flickering on railroads
Fixed a bug when some objects on a map were flying away when player drove nearby
Fixed a bug when available truck info on a global map was incorrect for some players


Steering Wheels & Peripherals

Supported option for input hints display (only wheel/any active input)
Supported camera controls with the d-pad on Logitech G920/G29



Thrustmaster T150, T-GT, TX support
Improved performance while driving on breakable ice on PS4
Improved draw distance for rocks



Can now play co-op with modded trucks:
When a client joins to host with mods, all host mods are automatically downloaded
A player can switch matchmaking settings between the base game and modded version
Supported ability to add custom-made assets to the maps
Added support of gameplay zones set up (garages, tasks, contracts, etc.)
Added reference maps to the editor pak
Custom map data from the editor will now be updated automatically when players go to the main menu without the need to re-launch the game client
Moved to latest SDK, which improved mod download speed
Added broken vehicle to both polygons so modders can easily test repair addons


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Però almeno lo patchato appena metteranno le texture 4k me lo giocherò!


Quelle ancora non ci sono... e forse mai arriveranno!


Come le MODS dicono "non c'è ancora una data di rilascio ma il team ci sta lavorando!"


Patch Notes



In Co-op, fixed kicks from the game after watchtower unlocks, contracts completion

Additional fixes for co-op on a LAN

Fixed bug where trailers' fuel capacity wasn't displayed according to the selected metric system

Fixed a bug when snorkel functionality for Royal BM17 depended on the installed bumper

Fixed incorrect collision and behavior of International Transtar 4070A with Trapezium bumper and Fuel Tank attached (or other heavy loads)



Added Logitech True Force Wheel G923 support for PC, Xbox One and PS4

Fixed conflicts between using D-pad and moving camera using Logitech G920, Logitech G923

Fixed bug when gears binds were not saved when exiting the game

Fixed bug when Clutch Pedal didn't work with TX Racing Wheel Leather Edition

Fixed winch not working when using Logitech G Saitek Farm Controller

Modificato da AngelDevil


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  • 1 mese dopo...

Saber Interactive e Focus Home Interactive hanno rilasciato una serie di immagini dedicate al nuovo DLC Stagione 2: Explore & Expand di SnowRunner, l’acclamato videogioco off-road. Questo nuovo DLC sarà disponibile per l’acquisto per le piattaforme PlayStation 4, Xbox One e PC e sarà scaricabile gratuitamente per i possessori del Season Pass di SnowRunner


Nuovi enormi veicoli e nuove sfide sandbox ambientate nei paesaggi selvaggi canadesi


La stagione 2 introduce due nuove mappe ambientate nella landa selvaggia dello Yukon nel Canada, piena di valli innevate, fiumi insidiosi e pericolose distese di fango, con missioni che consentono un gameplay più creativo che mai. Espandi le tue operazioni in questa nuova frontiera, raccogliendo materie prime per sfruttare le nuove meccaniche crafting di lavorazione del carico per costruire un enorme impianto di lavorazione da zero. Tre nuovi veicoli si uniscono al roster dei veicoli, incluso il CAT 770G: il più grande camion della serie. I veicoli possono anche essere personalizzati ulteriormente, con nuove skin esclusive, ornamenti per il cofano e adesivi esterni.


Contenuti gratuiti per tutti i giocatori di SnowRunner


SnowRunner ha offerto un notevole supporto post-lancio gratuito sin dal suo rilascio ad aprile e una vasta gamma di nuovi contenuti gratuiti è in arrivo tra cui l’Xtreme cargo e nuovi oggetti di personalizzazione per interni ed esterni dei veicoli fuoristrada. Le mappe ambientate in Alaska e nel Taymyr verranno rese disponibili per tutti i giocatori quando la stagione 2 verrà lanciata il 16 novembre.










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Patch 10 Notes:


Major Content

[DLC] Brand new region Yukon with two maps
[DLC] New trucks
CAT 770G
KRS 58 "Bandit"
[DLC] Exclusive skin for International Scout 800
[DLC] Exclusive skin for International Loadstar 1700
New contracts in Alaska and Taymyr
New customization options
Two new trials




General changes

Added an option to secure trucks to trailers that are suitable for truck transportation
Added additional sounds for ramp activation
Fixed a bug where if after completing the "Working stiff" objective player sold a Caterpillar 745C it was no longer available in the store
Reworked honk sound for Ank MK 38
Fixed a bug where crane anchors were extended if the player tilted his truck while driving
Tweaked Azov 64131's center of mass
Fixed a bug where trigger zones of destination points that are placed on bridges were not displayed in-game
Fixed a bug where the player did not receive trial rewards if he completed trials before creating a new campaign



Added collision for Tuloma and Kandra Battery Canon on Imandra.
The fence around the aerodrome on Imandra is now displayed on the minimap
Fixed a bug where landmarks of buildings before and after construction were mixed up on the minimap on Drowned Lands and Zimnegorsk, Taymyr



Added an in-game mods browser from
Added regional modding plugin
Supported co-op on modded maps
Supported auto-refund for mod trucks that were purchased in-game player but were removed from afterward
Added indication of the intersection of objects in the editor
Supported localization for map mods
Fixed issues with sound packing for trucks
Fixed a bug when the dev menu was activated in custom scenarios on the second launch
Mod creators are now able to choose if they want or not to have a dev menu available on PC



Fixed a bug where the mouse cursor was stuck on the top left of the screen when restarting an objective
Supported warning message if the player is going to fail one of the contest conditions
Moved Trials menu to the main menu
Fixed a bug where the cursor on a minimap was wobbling if there were several objects under it
Fixed a bug where markers of a quest item positions in "Star in the Sky" remained on screen after the player restarted the contract
Fixed a bug where the yellow cargo marker did not appear after using the metal detector during the 'The Star in the Sky' contract



Supported sync of weather conditions in co-op
Fixed bug where after disconnecting from a co-op game the player was unable to create his own co-op game until the application was restarted



Added an option to disable the truck driver model in cockpit view
Added an option to limit FPS in-game (30/60/unlimited)
Fixed bug where target display was not saved when leaving and relaunching the game (for players with two monitors)
Added option to enable/disable KSIVA
Added option to enable/disable motion blur



Improved visual for waves, caused by a truck driving in the water
Improved terrain textures between mud and water in Zimnegorsk, Rift, White Valley
Improved wheel tracks on ice patches
Improved trees reflections in the water



Further improvements for G923 True Force Feedback on PC, Xbox One, and Playstation 4
Supported vibrotactile effects setting for G923
Added an option to calibrate brake pedal force
Supported Fanatec wheels on consoles



Added additional video settings:
Motion blur
Film grain




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  • 3 settimane dopo...

Patch 11 Notes



Mods are now available on consoles
Added alternative controls scheme for CAT TH357 forklift that allows fork manipulation while driving
Fixed a bug where the player was able to complete cabin delivery just by hovering the cabin over the unloading zone
Fixed a bug where the icon of the disassembling building did not appear on the minimap if another player opened it in a coop session
Fixed a bug where in coop session guests got disconnected when someone drives near disassembling building at levels of Yukon region
Fixed incorrect number of cabins that players need to deliver to complete contracts in the Yukon region



Removed second unloading zone in the Power Line Maintenance objective in Yukon region
Various bug fixes and improvements for Yukon maps



Fixed a bug where some arrows on the dashboard of the 'KRS 58 "Bandit"' truck passed through dashboard texture while driving
Fixed a bug where mirrors of the 'KRS 58 "Bandit"' truck were visibly reeling in the cockpit camera mode while driving
Articulated trucks (CAT 745C and Azov 4220 Antarctic) steering force was slightly buffed
Improved engine sound loop for Cat Th357



Fixed a bug where materials were not completely displayed in the player profile for the Order Master Supreme
Added info pop up for Storage zones on a minimap
Fixed a bug where players were unable to focus the camera on an objective and could not view what the mission objectives are without activating them
Fixed a bug where players were unable to move added destination point on the map

Modificato da AngelDevil


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  • AngelDevil changed the title to SnowRunner

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