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What is Your Favorite Mission & Multiplayer Experience?


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Hey everyone!

I want to some discussions about the series. With all the buzz around the latest releases & updates I want to know what is your favorite moment from the Halo saga?

It is got to be the mission in Halo Reach where you make that last stand on Noble Team. It really hit me emotionally & I loved how the story wrapped everything up.

Also I want  to hear your thoughts on the multiplayer experiences. Which game modes do you enjoy the most and do you have any epic moments you want to share?

what do you think about the future of Halo? Are there any features or storylines you hope to see in upcoming games? 

As well, I found these resources when doing research on this; &  if anyone have any resources, tutorials or personal experiences please share with me, It would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you……. :)

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