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Unlockable: Foundation Multilplayer Map (w/ Glitch)

Unlock the hidden Foundation level by completing the single player campaign on any difficulty. Due to a serious glitch in the game (and one that will not be corrected), you will need to do the following to unlock the Foundation map for a specific profile:

Start a co-op game with a profile with access to the last episode (The Great Journey) and a completely fresh profile (i.e., one that has not even started the campaign game).


Fight to through the last episode until the players need to board Banshees to progress.


Have the new profile player perform a barrel roll (both directions) and a Loop-the-loop (stick down and A button).


Complete the game as usual and the new profile will have access to the Foundation Map. Since profiles may be renamed, you can delete your old profile and rename your new profile w/ the new map.

Submitted by - mortisguy

Cheat: Anger Skull

Difficulty: Legendary Level: Gravemind Word: Anger Effect: ??????? Fight all the way through the Covenant city until you reach the outdoors. As soon as you are outside, stick to the right-hand side and walk along the wall. You should see a Covenant wall thingy with a red rail on it. Jump up to it (crouch jump helps) and at the end there is the Anger skull in a small grav-lift.

Submitted by - Anonymous

Cheat: Assassins Skull

Difficulty: Legendary

Level: Regret

Word: Assassins

Effect: All enemies in game are permanently cloaked, AI cannot see them and so are no help at all.


Just after you get off the gondola, and go in the structure, there is a big block of stone, jump on that an you can get on a ledge that leads out to the Covenant turrets, facing back towards the structure, jump up another level around the right side of the structure, It is pretty straight lined from here. You should find the Skull on a ledge when you make it around. No visible change to the HUD, BUT all enemies become invisible.

Submitted by - Anonymous

Cheat: Black Eye Skull

Difficulty: Legendary

Level: Great Journey

Word: Black Eye

Effect: Shield won’t regenerate, when you melee someone you get energy power back, so if you melee someone you get a little bit of shield. So you can get a bit at a time all the way to overshield!


SGT Johnson will pilot the scarab and shoot at a building I am calling the Control Tower. If you take a banshee to the tower you will notice that, aside from where spires jut out of it, it has a round slope all the way around. If you take the banshee right up to the slope and as high as you can go, you can almost get over it. Here you must jump out of your banshee to land on the less steep part of the slope. If you turn your banshee to the side or all the way around, it may make it easier to land on the less steep part. Also, try to have your banshee land on a platform below, so you can use it to get back. Once you are on the slope, climb the rest of the way up it. If you are on the right of the door, then you have to jump onto the ledge next to the main part of the building, and then walk up a steep part in the direction of the door. Walk up that, then around and down on the other side. On this side (left of the door from scarab's perspective) you can walk onto the hills and grass. You will notice several angled spires, some of which connect to the building. You must climb the one that is directly opposite the door you would use to enter the tower. It's steep but you can walk up it. I suggest jumping while walking to speed up the process. At the top is a skull which gives you the "black eye" effect - you only recover shields by meleeing enemies. This is only found on legendary. Reverse the process to get back to your banshee (hopefully) or just jump off a cliff and the effect will stay with you.

Submitted by - Perfect

Cheat: Catch Skull

Difficulty: Legendary

Level: Metropolis

Word: Catch

Effect: ??????


Right after you get out of the sewers(Tunnel), there is a big area and 2 ghosts, kill every thing first, then go to the middle of it where you see a arc that leads up onto a building, grenade jump by it to get enough height to start climbing it. When you get to the top take a left and hug the wall around the structure and the skull will be there.

Submitted by - Anonymous

Cheat: Envy skull

Difficulty: Legendary

Level: Delta Halo

Word: Envy

Effect: Cloak instead of Flashlight, 5 second cloak with 10 second recharge


When you first come out of the big building and see the turret and 5/6 shield up on the wall there is a wall over to the left hand side with the two grunt turrets on it, the big block and door are at the far end of that wall... In the room that the block is blocking there are two dead grunts and two plasma swords. There's a door being blocked by a rock. Jump on the rock. Then jump on the ledge that's located above the blocked doorway. Turn left and jump up on another ledge. Grenade jump up to where you'll find Two Red Elites - That become cloaked, surrounding a skull. Pick it up, and it reads Envy.

Submitted by - Anonymous

Cheat: Famine Skull

Difficulty: Legendary

Level: Oracle

Word: famine

Effect: ?????


After getting off the long elevator ride, you will come to a room where convent and flood are fighting below you, and you have to break the glass to get to where they are fighting. If you crouch/grenade jump up on the opposite side of where you came down, the skull should be up there.

Submitted by - FrostyWolf1

Cheat: Grunt B-Day Skull

Difficulty: Legendary

Level: The Arbiter

Word: Grunt Birthday Party

Effect: Shoot enemy in the head and they will explode.


The very first time you get a banshee, fly down, below you is a large beamlike structure (not to be confused with the one directly below you that turns and goes vertical) running from the arm of the station you just came out of to one exactly like it on the side opposite. Below this structure are 3 cylinders hanging down, with cylinders of light shooting out of the bottom that look like they are what keeps the station floating. If my explanation is too vague, they are the absolute lowest parts of the station. Now go to the middle engine and land on the top part of it. This and the other engines connect to the large structure mentioned earlier. The tops of the engines come up to meet the structure at an angle, where this angle is under the connecting structure and coming up to meet it, there is a place to walk (like being under a bridge). Under one side you will see the six grunts with the skull in the middle.

Submitted by - Anonymous

Cheat: Infinite Skull

Difficulty: Legendary

Level: Quarantine Zone

Word: Sputnik

Effect: ??????


From the start of the level, look to your left for an Elite. To the left of the elite there is a tunnel. Head into the tunnel and go straight until you reach a cliff. Now turn left and follow the cliff till you reach a rock wall. To the right of the wall and the cliff is a narrow passage, skull is at the end of that passage.

Submitted by - FrostyWolf1

Cheat: Iron Skull

Difficulty: Legendary

Level: High Charity

Word: Iron

Effect: ?????


On the final grav-lift on "high Charity", look up. A skull will pass you by. Hold X as it passes you to receive the status.

Submitted by - Anonymous

Cheat: Thunderstorm Skull

Difficulty: Legendary

Level: Cairo Station

Word: Thunderstorm

Effect: ????????


It’s past the two loading docks past the armory type place and in the next big room. It’s in the very highest location in the room. It’s under a trash can, I hit it out of the way and its just laying there.

Submitted by - Anonymous

Unlockable: Blind Mode

At the beginning of the episode Outskirts, go through the first opening but do not head down the ramp. Instead, jump up onto the flourescent lamps over the doorway. From there, you can jump-crouch-jump onto the sloped roof to the left (jump and hold the crouch button at the peak of the jump to get onto the ledge).


Once on the rooftop, look for a narrow alleyway directly to your left. At the end of the alleyway are some grenades and a skull. Picking up the skull (hold the X button) will unlock blind mode, which removes all traces of your HUD.

Submitted by - SeeManz

Hint: Destroy the Ghost

Facing the Ghost from behind, to the left, behind the left wing is an alien gas tank shaped like a circle. It's only on the left side. Shoot it 3 times with pistol or 1 time with the shotgun and say good bye to it.

Submitted by - mark_salkauski

Hint: Magic Sword

This cheat requires two people, on any level. Note that both must be on opposite sides, but the point of this is not to kill your opponent, but rather to help him (or her.) Have your Plasma Sword in hand, and have someone jump on top of your head. While targeting them...have them jump on your head, and press x and b as fast as you possibly can, you should follow your friend up as he jumps on you...see how high you can go, or better yet, where.

Get in the passenger side of a warthog, and target your friend and pull the right trigger. Have your friend run as far as he or she can to the other side of the level and get out. Once you do, aim where you'd like to fly and take off.

Submitted by - William "Cloud" Scot

Hint: Tank Weak Spots

The two tanks in Halo 2 have different weaks spots (and strong points). The human Scorpion tank has a turret that is almost invincible; it's naturally vulnerable in the body and the four tread motors (which count against its hull integrity).


The alien Covenant Wraith has a very strong glacis (the front armored bulge where the pilot is). Consequently, it has a very weak rear.


Rockets affect both tanks as if the weakest facing is used, meaning two shots will knock out any tank.

Submitted by - caboose_bungel

Hint: Vehicle HWP Shot Table

Number of shots to destroy a vehicle:

Ghost - rocket x1, gauss x1, grenade x1, sniper rifle x8

Spectre - rocket x1, gauss x2, grenade x2, shotgun x6 (close)

Warthog - rocket x1, gauss x2, grenade x2, shotgun x6 (close)

Wraith - rocket x2, gauss x3 (front), gauss x2 (back), grenade x13, tank shot x2

Scorpion - rocket x2, gauss x4 (body/tread), grenade x15, tank shot x2

Banshee - rocket x1, tank shot x1, shotgun x6, brute shot x4 (impact)

Submitted by - HALO-IGN IS GOD

Hint: Reset Thy Ammo

Expended all your ammo at the end of one stage and don't have enough to muscle past the start of the next one? Save and quit your game -- provided you acutally unlocked a new stage on the Stage Select, you can head back into your campaign (via stage select) and get a fresh batch of pre-assigned weapons for Master Chief.


Co-op players already know from the first game that your partner and you can kill one another (one a time) to restart with an initial ammo load when you started the

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Sono dei teschi che Bungie ha disseminato nel gioco, e che una volta trovati e raccolti attivano delle funzionalità speciali. Una specie di easter eggs insomma.


Ora aspettiamo che qualcuno riposti il tutto in maniera più leggibile e magari in italiano ;-)
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Scusa boss fungono solo in multi o anche in single? E quali sarebbero questi effetti? Visto che ci sono volevo chiedervi: ho letto che eisiste un trucco per HALO 1 che consente di avere 20 marines con se, qualcuno di voi è riuscito ad applicarlo? Grazie 1000!!  :teach:

no non esiste, e cmq i marines erano 35... avevo già aperto un topic con i trucchi che avevo trovato per halo1, se hai pazienza (o te lo cerchi o) ti posto il link qui il prima possibile!
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Scusa boss fungono solo in multi o anche in single? E quali sarebbero questi effetti?


No, solo single! E gli effetti sono i più vari: puoi rendere permanentemente invisibili tutti i nemici, oppure attivare una modalità nella quale lo scudo energetico si ricarica solo se dai delle mazzate ai tuoi nemici, ecc :rotfl:
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compatibilmente con gli impegni scolastici inizio a tradurre io (abbiate pazienza ragazzi, se ho tempo magari li provo pure e vidico se funzionano)


Unlockable: Foundation Multilplayer Map (w/ Glitch)

Unlock the hidden Foundation level by completing the single player campaign on any difficulty. Due to a serious glitch in the game (and one that will not be corrected), you will need to do the following to unlock the Foundation map for a specific profile:

Start a co-op game with a profile with access to the last episode (The Great Journey) and a completely fresh profile (i.e., one that has not even started the campaign game).


Fight to through the last episode until the players need to board Banshees to progress.


Have the new profile player perform a barrel roll (both directions) and a Loop-the-loop (stick down and A button).


Complete the game as usual and the new profile will have access to the Foundation Map. Since profiles may be renamed, you can delete your old profile and rename your new profile w/ the new map.


Sblocca: La mappa Foundation


Sblocca la mappa foundation completando la campagna ad un qualunque livello di difficoltà, a causa di un bug del gioco bisogna fare quanto segue per sbloccare la mappa per uno specifico profilo: Iniziare il gioco in modalità co-op con un profilo che abbia sbloccato l'ultimo livello, e uno che non abbia ancora iniziato la campagna, combattete lungo tutto l'ultimo livello finchè non bisogna prendere i banshee, a questo punto il profilo nuovo deve fare un avvitamento laterale a dx e a sx e quindi un giro della morte (giù più pulsante a). Completate il gioco normalmente e il nuovo profilo avrà a disposizione la mappa Foundation.
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