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Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (live arcade)


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il terzo non è ai livelli del secondo e sopratutto del primo (nessuno che verrà doo lo sarà)


gli dò un 8.5


p.s. riesco a fare la seconda fatality!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:


ma l'animality no accidenti, dice di fare, avanti, su, su... ma se premo su il personaggio salta, come faccio? :bang:




riesco a fare prima, seconda fatality, babality e fatality pit


e dopo che shadow ha scritto nella recensione che solo gli esperti possono riuscirci, mi sento ancora più guru di MK :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


però l'animality proprio non riesco a farla. :bang:


ma come faccio se devo premere 2 volte su? il personaggio mi salta! :x

il Palermo arriverà 2° :D

zenga esonerato perchè fallisce l'obiettivo stagionale

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qualcuno sa dove diavolo vanno inseriti i codici?? ho finito il gioco a livello "novice" e mi ha dato un codice di 12 caratteri mentre quando perdi te ne fà inserire solo 10.

Sotto i dodici caratteri c'è scritto:" you have discovered the lost treasures of shao kahn" poi se clicco mi manda alla schermata dove inserire i codici (come quella quando perdi) ma anche questa ha solo 10 caratteri.......


Sapete qualcosa in merito?

Modificato da Goodrich
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allora, prima di tutto i codici in maniera più leggibile


Player 1: LPx9, BLx8, LKx7 - Player 2: LPx6, BLx6, LKx6 "Hold Flippers During Casino Run" message appears

Player 1: LPx7, BLx1, LKx1 - Player 2: LPx3, BLx1, LKx3 "Rain Can Be Found in the Graveyard" Message

Player 1: LPx1, BLx2, LKx3 - Player 2: LPx9, BLx2, LKx6 "There Is No Knowledge That Is Not Power" Message

Player 1: LKx4 - Player 2: LPx4 "Whatcha Gun Do?" Message

Player 1: BLx2 - Player 2: BLx2 Blocking Disabled

Player 1: HPx8, LPx1, BLx8, LKx3, HKx5 - Player 2: HPx8, LPx1, BLx8, LKx3, HKx5 Classic Sub-Zero is playable

Player 1: LPx6, BLx8, LKx8 - Player 2: LPx6, BLx8, LKx8 Dark Kombat

Player 1: LPx1, BLx2, LKx2 - Player 2: LPx2, BLx2, LKx1 Display "Skunky !!" Message

Player 1: LPx4, BLx4, LKx8 - Player 2: LPx8, BLx4, LKx4 Don't Jump at Me

Player 1: HPx1, LPx2, BLx3, LKx4, HKx4 - Player 2: HPx4, LPx4, BLx3, LKx2, HKx1 Ermac is playable

Player 1: LPx2, BLx2, LKx7 - Player 2: LPx2, BLx2, LKx7 Explosive Combat (2 on 2 only)

Player 1: LPx6, BLx8, LKx8 - Player 2: LPx4, BLx2, LKx2 Fast Uppercut Recovery Enabled

Player 1: BLx9, BLx1 - Player 2: LPx1, BLx9 Kombat Zone: Bell Tower

Player 1: LPx3, BLx3 - Player 2: BLx3, LKx3 Kombat Zone: Jade's Desert

Player 1: LKx4 - Player 2: BLx7 Kombat Zone: Kahn's Kave

Player 1: LPx8, BLx8 - Player 2: LPx2, BLx2 Kombat Zone: Kahn's Tower

Player 1: LPx6, Player 2: BLx4 Kombat Zone: Kombat Temple

Player 1: BLx5 - Player 2: BLx5 Kombat Zone: Noob Saibot Dorfen

Player 1: LKx2 - Player 2: LKx3 Kombat Zone: River Kombat

Player 1: LPx3, BLx4, LKx3 - Player 2: LPx3, BLx4, LKx3 Kombat Zone: Rooftop

Player 1: LPx9, BLx3, LKx3 Kombat Zone: Scislac Busorez

Player 1: LPx6, BLx6, LKx6 - Player 2: LPx4, BLx4, LKx4 Kombat Zone: Scorpion's Lair

Player 1: LPx1, BLx2, LKx3 - Player 2: LPx9, LKx1 Kombat Zone: Soul Chamber

Player 1: BLx7, LKx9 - Player 2: BLx3, LKx5 Kombat Zone: Street

Player 1: LPx8, BLx8 - Player 2: BLx8, LKx8 Kombat Zone: Subway

Player 1: BLx7, LKx7 - Player 2: BLx2, LKx2 Kombat Zone: The Bridge

Player 1: LPx6, BLx6, LKx6 - Player 2: LPx3, BLx3, LKx3 Kombat Zone: The Graveyard

Player 1: LPx8, BLx2 - Player 2: BLx2, LKx8 Kombat Zone: The Pit 3

Player 1: HPx2, LPx2, BLx2, LKx6, HKx4 - Player 2: HPx2, LPx2, BLx2, LKx6, HKx4 Mileena is playable

Player 1: LPx2, BLx8, LKx2 - Player 2: LPx2, BLx8, LKx2 No Fear = EB Button, Skydive, Max Countdown

Player 1: LPx9, BLx8, LKx7 - Player 2: LPx1, BLx2, LKx3 No Powerbars

Player 1: BLx3, LKx3 Player 1 Half Power

Player 1: LPx7, LKx7 Player 1 Quarter Power

Player 2: BLx3, LKx3 Player 2 Half Power

Player 2: LPx7, LKx7 Player 2 Quarter Power

Player 1: LPx4, BLx4, LKx4 - Player 2: LPx4, BLx4, LKx4 RandPer Kombat (Method 1)

Player 1: LPx4, BLx6 - Player 2: LPx4, BLx6 RandPer Kombat (Method 2)

Player 1: LPx9, BLx9, LKx9 - Player 2: LPx9, BLx9, LKx9 Revision

Player 1: LPx5, BLx5 - Player 2: LPx5, BLx5 See the Mortal Kombat Live Tour !!

Player 1: LPx3 - Player 2: LPx3 Silent Kombat

Player 1: LPx1 - Player 2: LPx1 Throwing Disabled

Player 1: LPx6, BLx4, LKx2 - Player 2: LPx4, BLx6, LKx8 Two-Player Mini-Game of Galaga

Player 1: BLx4, LKx4 - Player 2: LPx4, BLx4 Unikoriv Referri: Sans Power

Player 1: LPx4, BLx6, LKx6 - Player 2: LPx4, BLx6, LKx6 Unlimited Run

Player 1: LPx9, BLx6, LKx9 - Player 2: LPx1, BLx4, LKx1 Winner of This Round Battles Motaro

Player 1: BLx3, LKx3 - Player 2: LPx5, BLx6, LKx4 Winner of This Round Battles Shao Kahn

Player 1: LPx2, LKx5 - Player 2: LPx2, LKx5 Winner of this Round Battles Smoke

Player 1: LPx7, BLx6, LKx9 - Player 2: LPx3, BLx4, LKx2 Winnoer of This Round Battles Noob Saibot



secondo per le animality

al terzo round effettuare una mercy (uguale per ogni personaggio tenere premuto la corsa fare giù giù e rilasciare la corsa) poi effettuare la mossa per ogni personaggio (per quanto riguarda sub zero tieni premuto la parata e fai avanti su su)

Se un uomo non è disposto a lottare per le sue idee o le sue idee non valgono nulla o non vale nulla lui

Articolo 1 codice di Norimberga

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