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Giochi troppo ad Halo?

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troppo lolloso, se volete ve lo traduco, qui ce ne sono altre.. --->

e anche qui--->


1.)you've the seen legendary ending more then 20 times

2.)wen ur index fingers twitch constantly

3.)when u drool thinkin about halo

4.)when u hallucinate little 5foot grunts running around ur bedroom (fatto)

5.)Your have more then 5 xboxes, and play LAN with yourself

6. You bought a Hummer cuz its the closest thing to a Warthog

7. You have 12 backup copies of Halo

8. You pre-ordered Game Stop's entire first shipment of Halo 2

9. You spraypaint your wife purple to be Cortana

10. You can beat 15 Bungie employees in a LAN CTF game (fatto + o -)

11. You wrote "Master Chief's Cookbook"

12. You homeschool your kids and their history book is "Fall of Reach" (lol)

13. You become an astronomer to proove the existance of the Covenant

14. You've found the Yellow Banshee (più o meno)

15. You beat Halo on Legendary in a half hour (ah ah magari!)

16. You stole Halo 2's source code

17.)You have to take arthritis medication to keep playing (quasi vero sigh)

19.)Your friend is , ready for you, and you STILL prefer to play HALO (ovvio!)

20.)During a power outage, you hooked your XBOX and TV to your computer's battery backup so you could play for 15 more minutes (logico)

21.)the average surface temperature of your XBOX controller is 98.6 (fatto)

22.)A special message flashes across your screen interrupting gameplay, reading "ENOUGH ALREADY, GO TO BED!!" (ah ah fatto, ma mi sa che era mia madre che ci aveva attaccato un post it..)

23.)you've tried to set up a TV and an XBOX in front of the toilet (fatto)

24.)you argue online with people you don't know, about if forerunners are human or not (fatto)

25.)The plastic on your controller is all the way down (fatto)

26.)You were a Spartan for halloween, and your 30 years old


e aggiungo. quando sai a memoria tutti i dialoghi di halo e dei trailer di halo2



ah ho letto anche qualcosa come 300 commenti di un 3d volti a spiegare scientificamente cosa sono i fllod, cos'è halo e a che cosa serve e di che razza fossero i predecessori, appena li ritrovo ve li posto:P
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