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Console War vinta

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almeno per questo mese.. il ribasso di prezzo ha portato xbox al top della classifica in america (poi troverete la news anche su mx..)


The institute of studies American marketing NPD reveals the sales figures of consoles in the United States for April 2004. Helped well by its fall of price at 149$, Xbox adjudge for the first time the first place of the signal with a score which comes very close to 300.000 past units. It now remains to be observed how the sales will evolve/move in the months to come insofar as Sony has just adjusted the tariff of its PlayStation 2 on the same level. This same PS2 thus knows a rather strong fall while finding less than 200.000 purchasers over the same period while the GBA is sold with 292.570 specimens. Lastly, GameCube also moves back him on the American ground and passes under the bar of the 100.000 sold machines.


Support ...........................April 2004 March 2004

1. Xbox .................................297.351 198.445

2. Game Servant boy Advance.292.570 496.614

3. PlayStation 2 .....................188.669 294.437

4. GameCube .........................96.050 163.028
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Microsoft ha venduto quasi 300.000 Xbox nel solo mese di Aprile... :roll:































Da paura!!! :evil:


Ci sedemmo dalla parte del torto visto che tutti gli altri posti erano occupati - Bertolt Brecht

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