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[Fable III] Armi Leggendarie


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Il gioco ufficialmente esce domani perciò mi porto avanti.


In Fable III esistono 50 Armi Leggendarie (escludendo quelle bonus ottenute tramite vari codici), ottenerle tutte sblocca un obiettivo da 20G, la difficoltà sta nel fatto che nel proprio "mondo" se ne trovano circa la metà.

Proprio per questo apro questo topic per poterci aiutare a vicenda ad ottenere l'obiettivo, ma anche per chi semplicemente ne vuole un che gli piace particolarmente.

Ovviamente vorrei anche il vostro aiuto per trovare nomi in italiano, luoghi e consigli vari. Armi, molte Armi

Raccogli le 50* armi leggendarie. Non tutte appariranno nel tuo mondo: scambiale con altri eroi!

* sono 50 senza contare quelle che si ottengono da DLC vari


Luoghi e Negozi

All'interno di ogni "universo" di Albion si trovano 26 armi leggendarie divise tra negozi e forzieri.


12 si trovano nelle armerie di Brightwall, Bowerstone e Aurora


12 si trovano all'interno di determinati forzieri

- Porta del Demonio di Aurora

- Villa Tramonto

- Porta d'Oro di Villa Tramonto

- Forziere d'argento a Mourningwood

- Santuario



2 si ottengono come ricompense per delle missioni

- Gli Gnomi sono Cattivi!

- Ripristinare il Santuario Nero ??? (chiedo conferma) mia Arma è meglio della Tua

Ottieni tutti e tre i potenziamenti unici per un'arma leggendaria.


Evoluzione delle Armi Leggendarie


Acquistando i Forzieri di potenziamento per le armi a Distanza e Corpo a Corpo lungo la Strada per il Trono le armi Leggendarie cambiano il loro aspetto in modo simile a quelle dell'Eroe.


Base - Sono uguali alle armi dell'eroe

Livello 1 - Acquisiscono un emblema colorato che varia con la tua morale

Livello 2 - Si modifica l'Elsa

Livello 3 - Si modifica la Lama

Da qua in poi l'arma non cambia più a differenza di quelle dell'eroe.


Ogni arma Leggendaria può acquisire effetti speciali se si completano determinate "Sfide" elencate tra le informazioni dell'arma.

Adempiendo a queste sfide l'arma acquisisce anche colore ed un'aura speciale.



Ecco l'elenco completo delle armi Leggendarie divise per tipo.


Spade Leggendarie:


La Spada dello Scambista

Lamentazione di Avo



Stocco di Beadle

Mr Stabby

La Spadanga


Gorilla del Mercante

Spada dell'Amore

Forbici Affilatissime


Inquisitore (Pre-Order da Gamestop)

Flagello del Lupo

The Channeler (Pre-Order da Best-Buy America)





Martelli Leggendari:



Martello da Guerra di Falce

Martello di Wilmageddon

Pugno del Dolore

Martello di Jack


Martello Fatato del Re Luna

Gloria di Tannar

La Mazza di Mallet

Martello di Lunarium

Scudo di Aurora

Martello Ossodidrago

Moria di Troll

Champion (Pre-Order da

The Absolver (Pre-Order da Walmart e GAME UK)

Randello di Bloodstone (DLC)




Pistole Leggendarie:


Schiantadraghi .48

Briar’s Blaster


La Fanciulla di Ghiaccio



Furia del Deserto

Tee Killer Shooter


Vendetta Sacra

Il Mutilatore di Mirian

Il Barnumificator

Perforatore delle Industrie Reaver

Giustiziere di Rosaspina

Ammazzatutti del Killer




Fucili Leggendari:



Giustizia di Skorm

Pellegrino Urlante


Difensore della Fede

Irregolare di Swift

Ol’ Malice

Doppietta di Simmons


Marksman 500 (DLC)

La Compagna dell'Eroe


Vecchia Cattivona

Moschetto di Gusket (DLC)

Fucile a Pietra Focaia di Arkwright

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  • Risposte 346
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Miglior contributo in questa discussione

Il gioco ufficialmente esce domani perciò mi porto avanti.


In Fable III esistono 50 Armi Leggendarie (escludendo quelle bonus ottenute tramite vari codici), ottenerle tutte sblocca un obiettivo da 20G, la difficoltà sta nel fatto che nel proprio "mondo" se ne trovano circa la metà.

Proprio per questo apro questo topic per poterci aiutare a vicenda ad ottenere l'obiettivo, ma anche per chi semplicemente ne vuole un che gli piace particolarmente.

Ovviamente vorrei anche il vostro aiuto per trovare nomi in italiano, luoghi e consigli vari.





Ecco l'elenco (incompleto):

Queste non dovrebbero contare per l'obiettivo


The Channeler

Pre-order da Best-Buy USA


The Absolver

Pre-order da Walmart e GAME UK


The Inquisitor

Pre-order da Gamestop USA e Australia


The Champion

Pre-order su



Codice nella Limited Collector's Edition


The Shardbone Sword

Codice in "Fable: The Balverine Order"



Bloodstone Bludgeon


Gusket's Musket

Potresti modificare il nome e la descrizione dell'obbiettivo mettendoli in Italiano?


Ecco qua la traduzione in ITA (ufficiale) Servono armi, tante armi

Raccogli le 50 armi leggendarie. Non tutte appariranno nel tuo mondo: scambiale con altri eroi!


PS per il resto degli obbiettivi in italiano andate qua:

Modificato da WOrld1
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Io ho trovato questo:

Swords (Melee)


Avo's Lamenation

Righteous - increase your moral standing (+20% damage vs. evil enemies)

Blessed - make 5 villagers love you (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Holy Blast - kill 200 hollow men (+ shock damage)

Value: 12700


Beadle's Cutlass

Dayripper - kill 300 enemies in the daytime (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Killer - kill 100 enemies with flourishes

Braggadocio - complete 30 quests (+30% damage vs. human enemies)

Value: 8500


The Casanova

Location: Shops

Charmer - become friends with 30 villagers (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Perfectionist - kill 200 ugly enemies (+12 extra damage)

Beloved - make 5 villagers love you (+25% attractiveness, immunity to scarring)

Value: 8200


The Love Sword

Breeder - have 5 children (+8 extra damage)

Lover - have *spam* with women 20 times (+8 extra damage)

Phwoar - make 5 villagers love you (+25% attractiveness, immunity to scarring)

Value: 4200


The Merchant's Bodyguard

Location: Shops

Big Spender - spend 8,000 of your personal gold (+2-% damange in multiplayer)

Profiteer - kill 400 mercenaries (+10 extra damage)

Trader - give gifts to 20 players over Xbox Live (gain money with each hit)

Value: 2300


Mr. Stabby

Location: Shops

Massacre - kill 60 villagers or soldiers with flourishes (+15 damange)

Assassin - decrease your moral standing (gain money and evil with each hit)

Taskmaster - drag 8 villagers to work (gain money and evil with each hit)

Value: 8100


Really Sharp Pair of Scissors

Surgeon - kill 80 human enemies with flourishes (+30% damage vs. human enemies)

Despot - earn Guild Seals from evil expressions (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Artist - kill 400 human enemies (gain health with each hit)

Value: 12100



Location: Shops

Scrounger - dig up 30 items (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Stabber - kill 300 human enemies (+10% chance of knockback vs. human enemies)

Purge - kill 50 nobles (+10 extra damage)

Value: 8100



Blackguard - decrease your moral standing (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Shadow Drain - kill 100 enemies found near Aurora (30% damage vs. human enemies)

Thug - earn Guild Seals from evil expressions (+15 extra damage)

Value: 8300


The Splade

Location: Shops

Scrounger - dig up 30 items (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Stabber - kill 300 humans (+10% chance of knockback vs. human enemies)

Purge - kill 50 nobles (+10 extra damage)

Value: 2200


The Swinging Sword

Man's Best Friend - have *spam* with men 15 times (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Ladykiller - have *spam* with women 15 times (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Swinger - have an orgy with 4 other people (+25 extra damage)

Value: 16700



Show-off - kill 200 enemies with flourishes (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Electrocutioner - kill 200 enemies with an unwoven Shock spell (+chance to stun enemy)

Hero - complete 30 quests (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Value: 12100


Hammers (Melee)


Aurora's Shield

Location: Shops

Protector - kill 30 enemies found near Aurora (+40% damage vs. enemies found near Aurora)

Policeman - drag 10 criminals to jail (+30% damage vs. evil human enemies)

Faith - make 5 villagers love you (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Value: 2000


Dragonbone Hammer

Location: Shops

Headsmacker - kill 100 enemies with flourishes (extra knockdown vs. human enemies)

Dragonfire - kill 150 enemies with an unwoven Fireball spell (+ flame damage)

Overseer - drag 8 villagers to work (+ 14 extra damage)

Value: 8200


Faerie Hammer of the Moon King

Location: Shops

Assassin - kill 100 enemies with flourishes (+1 gold per hit)

Loved - make 5 villagers love you (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Adventurer - complete 30 quests (+10 extra damage)

Value: 2200


Hammer of Wilmageddon

Fire Mage - kill 100 enemies with an unwoven Fireball spell (+ flame damage)

Blast - kill 200 enemies with an unwoven Shock spell (+ shock damage)

Bonebreaker - kill 150 hollow men (+15 extra damage)

Value: 8350


Jack's Hammer

Blademaster - kill 50 villagers or soldiers with flourishes (+30% damage to humans)

Shade - kill 400 shadow creatures (+30% damage to Dark Minions and Sentinels)

Murderer - kill 100 villagers or soldiers (+20 extra damage)

Value: 16500


Lunarium Pounder

Location: Shops

Night Watchman - kill 200 enemies at night (extra knockdown vs. all enemies)

Thud! - kill 100 enemeis with flourishes (+10% of knockdown per hit)

Hunter - kill 100 wolves or balverines (+40% damage vs wolves and balverines)

Value: 7800


Mallet's Mallet

Location: Shops

Vandal - Smash 40 crates (extra knockdown)

Bleurgh! - kill 200 short enemies (+15 extra damage)

Big Hitter (become friends with 30 villagers (+10% chance of knockbacks vs all enemies)

Value: 8000


Scythe's Warhammer

Avenger - kill 300 evil enemies (+21 extra damage)

Stormlord - kill 200 enemies with an unwoven Shock spell (+ shock damage)

Legendary - complete 30 quests (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Value: 11800


Sorrow's Fist

Lovestruck - kill 5 villagers who love you (extra knockdown vs human enemies)

Menace - earn Guild Seals from evil expressions (+14 extra damage)

Loose Morals - have an orgy with 4 other people (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Value: 8300


Tannar's Glory

Defender - kill 30 enemies found near Aurora (+30% damage vs enemies found in Aurora)

Enforcer - drag 10 criminals to jail (+16 extra damage)

Holy Fire - kill 150 enemies with flourishes (+ flame damage)

Value: 9000


The Tenderiser

Location: Complete Dark Sanctum quests

Soul Burner - kill 3 spouses (lose weight and purity with each hit)

Fiend - earn Guild Seals from evil expressions (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Tenderise - kill 150 villagers or soldiers with flourishes (+20 extra damage)

Value: 12500



Location: Shops

Giantbane - kill 10 large enemies with flourishes (+80% damage vs. large enemies)

Trollbane - kill 150 enemies with an unwoven Fireball spell (+ flame damage)

Regeneration - Earn Guild Seals from evil expressions (gain health with each hit)

Value: 2100



Popular - make 5 villagers love you (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Churn - become friends with 30 villagers (gain money with each hit)

Thwack! - kill 100 enemies with flourishes (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Value: 11700


Pistols (Ranged)


The Barnumificator

Location: Shops

Hard Worker - earn 10000 gold from jobs (+1 gold per hit)

Popular - become friends with 30 villagers (+12 extra damage)

Philanthropist - give gifts to 20 players on Xbox Live (gain money with each hit)

Value: 7800



Blood Drinker - kill 20 villagers who love you (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Overkill - kill 100 human enemies with flourishes (+16 extra damage)

Blood Drainer - kill 30 villagers or soldiers (gain health with each hit)

Value: 12300


The Bonesmasher

Location: Treasure chest in Mourningwood

Cleric - kill 300 hollow men (+7 extra damage, +80% vs. hollow men)

Solar - kill 250 enemies in the daytime (+30% damage to enemies in daytime)

Shotgunner - hit 500 enemies with a flourish attack (+ shotgun spray)

Value: 8200


Briar's Blaster

Blaster - earn 10000 gold from jobs (+ shotgun spray)

Girl Power - kill 150 men (+12 extra damage)

Heroine - complete 30 quests (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Value: 8500



Kicker - kick 100 chickens - +10% chance of knockback per hit)

Scratcher - dig up 30 items (+12 extra damage)

Swashbuckler - complete 30 quests (+12 extra damage)

Value: 16200


Desert Fury

Location: Shops

Fury - kill 30 enemies found near Aurora (+30% damage vs enemies found near Aurora)

Sunblasted - kill 400 enemies in the daytime (+30% damage to enemies in the daytime)

Man-Eater - kill 150 men (gain health with each hit)

Value: 2200


Dragonstomper .48

Revolutionist - kill 50 nobles (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Dragon's Breath - kill 150 enemies with flourishes (+ flame damage)

Workaholic - earn 10000 gold from jobs (+18 extra damage)

Value: 16700



Location: Find all 50 gnomes

Shortlist - kill 200 short enemies (+30% damage vs. short enemies)

Insulter - earn Guild Seals from evil expressions (+10 extra damage)

Smasher - kill 100 enemies with flourishes (+10 extra damage)

Value: 12300


Holy Vengeance

Location: Shops

Paragon - increase your moral standing (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Paladin - drag 10 criminals to jail (gain health with each hit)

Avenger - kill 200 evil enemies (+ shotgun spray)

Value: 2100


The Ice Maiden

Man-Hater - kill 200 men (+15 extra damage)

Sledger - earn Guild Seals from evil expressions (+ shotgun spray)

Seduction - have *spam* with men 15 times (+ flame damage)

Value: 11900


Mirian's Mutilator

Location: Shops

Vanity - kill 5 people who love you (+8 extra damage)

Beloved - make 10 villagers love you (lose weight with each hit)

Marriage Addict - get married 5 times (+8 extra damage)

Value: 2300


Reaver Industries Perforator

Location: Shops

Fiend - decreate your moral standing (+7 extra damage, +30% vs. non-evil enemies)

Retail Therapy - spent 10000 of your personal gold (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Player - have an orgy with 4 other people (+25% attractiveness, immunity to scarring)

Value: 8100


Tee Killer Shooter

Nightowl - kill 200 enemies at nigh t(+40% damage at night)

Accumulator - spend 10000 of your personal gold (gain money with each hit)

Hedonist - have an orgy with 4 other people (+11 extra damage)

Value: 8400


Rifles (Ranged)


Arkwright's Flintlock

Socialite - become friends with 30 villagers (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Spendthrift - spend 10000 of your personal gold (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Revolutionist - kill 40 nobles (+15 extra damage)

Value: 8500


Defender of the Faith

Location: Shops

Settled - get married (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Sunblessed - kill 400 enemies in the daytime (+30% damage to enemies in the daytime)

Avenger - kill 200 enemies with flourishes (+ shock damage)

Value: 2200 The Equaliser

Vigilante - kill 150 mercenaries (+30% damage vs evil human enemies)

Woodward - drag 10 criminals to jail (+ shotgun spray)

Night Watchman - kill 200 enemies at night (+40% damage to enemies at night)

Value: 12850



Location: Shops

Giant - kill 10 large enemies with flourishes (+13 extra damage)

Melter - kill 150 enemies with an unwoven Fireball spell (+ flame damage)

Unholy - Decrease your moral standing (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Value: 8100


The Hero's Companion

Location: Shops

Family - have 2 children (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Benefactor - give gifts to 20 players over Xbox Live (+12 extra damage)

Savior - complete 30 quests (+20% damage in multiplayer)

Value: 8100


Marksman 500

Flourisher - kill 50 human enemies with flourishes (extra knockdowns vs human enemies)

Auroran Champion - kill 100 enemies found near Aurora (+30% damage to enemies found near Aurora)


Ol' Malice

Location: Shops

Hooligan - smash 50 crates (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Featherbrained - kick 100 chickens (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Explosive - kill 100 enemies with an unwoven Fireball spell (+ shotgun spray)

Value: 2200


The Sandgoose

Aggressive - earn Guild Seals from evil expressions (+1 gold per hit)

Adventurous - complete 20 quests (+25 extra damage)

Popularity - become friends with 30 villagers (gain money with each hit)

Value: 16700



Location: Shops

Hard Hitter - hit enemies with 200 flourishes (+8 extra damage)

Scattergun - kill 10 large enemies with flourishes (+ shotgun spray)

Donor - give gifts to 20 players over Xbox Live (+20% damage in multiplayer

Value: 2100


The Shrieking Pilgrim

Righteous - increase your moral standing (+20% damage vs. evil human enemies)

Saintly - make 5 villagers love you (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Sanctity - kill 150 hollow men (+ shotgun spray)

Value: 12200


Simmon's Shotgun

Gulliver - make yourself fatter (+30% damage vs hunans)

Exhumation - dig up 30 items (+ shotgun spray)

Officer - score 2000 at the Mourningwood Fort Mortar game (+20 extra damage)

Value: 12300


Skorm's Justice

Demon - decrease your moral standing (+10 extra damage, +30% vs. non-evil enemies)

Callous - drag 8 villagers to work (+15 extra damage)

Unholy Blast - kill 3 spouses (+ shock damage)

Value: 12600


Swift Irregular

Location: Shops

Determination - kill 300 hollow men (+5 extra damage, +80% vs hollow men)

Swift Regular - score 2000 at the Mourningwood Fort Mortar game (+12 extra damage)

Loyalty - kill 300 mercenaries (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Value: 8100


Exclusive to Fable 3 Limited Collector's Edition



Location: Complete the Silverpines quest

Overkill - kill 50 enemies with flourishes (earn Guild Seals faster in combat)

Lupinator - kill 50 wolves or balverines (+40% damage vs. wolves and balverines)

Moonglow - kill 50 enemies at night (+40% damage at night)

Value: 8600


Where to Find Random Legendary Weapons Locations


Mourningwood Dark Sanctum Silver Key Chest

Shoot a series of flit switches and light cauldrons to reach the chest.


Mill Fields Silver Key Chest

The chest is located behind the statue near the Demon Door.


Aurora Silver Key Chest

Beat the Goddess Puzzle in the Auroran Mine by performing a level 3 magic attack on the 8 flit switches after shooting 8 other switches throughout the mine. The chest will then appear in the statue's hands.


Sunset House Gold Key Door

Enter Sunset House from Mourningwood and head down the path, turning right while approaching rocks and trees. Look for a Golden Door that has the Legendary weapon (need a gold key to open it, found in the back of the Chillbreath Caverns).


Treasure Chest in Hero's Sanctuary Trophy Room

Amass around 6,000,000 in gold to gain access the key that opens a chest hiding under your fortune (move the money to the castle after obtaining the key).


Mistpeak Valley Demon Door

Need an Xbox Live friend to perform the kiss, hug and tickle expressions to open the Demon Door and find the chest with the Legendary weapon.


Aurora Demon Door

Return to Aurora after the revolution. Achieve absolute evil or goodness to open the Demon Door and get the Legendary weapon.


Beat High Score at Mourningwood Fort Mortar Game

First buy the Mourningwood Fort, then play the mortar game until you rack up 200 hollow man kills in 200 seconds. Easier said than done.


Shatter the Mirror Puzzle

In the abandoned dining room of the Sunset House, beat the flit switches to get to the chest with the Legendary weapon.


The Ossuary Gold Key Door Reward

Behind a golden door in a room with a lone sarcophagus. Need a golden key to open the door.



Non ho osato leggerlo perché non voglio anticiparmi nulla :teach:

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mommox dimentichi me ù-ù


comunque, Valvo com' è la coop? si è separati o è come nel nello stesso schermo ò.ò? ( non voglio provarla per rovinarmi il gioco xD )


Schermo intero, lui va dove vuole, tu più o meno lo devi seguire. Se non lo segui ti appare la scritta "il tuo amico ti sta aspettando"

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io ho trovato la pistola di reaver, cioe quella che si vinceva con il primo premio al poligono di tiro di westklift in fable 2, pero ho visto un video su you tube dove un altro giocatore trovava l'arma nello stesso posto pero era una speccie di fucile d'orato, quindi mi sa che per le armi leggendarie essistono solo delle posizioni dove trovarle senza sapera di qualle si tratera. Cmq volevo fare una domanda ma quando si è in possesso di un arma leggendaria e pero per prenderne un altra che nel tuo mondo non esiste devi scambiarla, quella che perdi viene comunque contate nelle 50 cioe volgio dire che sarebbe dura possedere tutte e 50 allo stesso momento anche perche penso che altri giocatori non saranno così disponibili a perdere le loro armi leggendarie magari per solo oro, e come si fa a distinguere un arma leggendaria da una normale ??

Modificato da akisailent
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Ragazzi salve a tutti...ho un problema immenso e spero e vi imploro di aiutarmi...praticamente tutte le armi di fable 3, sia quelle scaricate che quelle nei negozi, sono identiche alle armi dell eroe e si evolvono come quelle, praticamente sono tutte uguali, ho provato a riniziare il gioco ma nn c è verso, nonostante abbia fatto un obbiettivo in un tipo di arma essa rimane identica a quella dell eroe. Es. ho scaricato "il randello di Bloodstone" e il "moschetto di Gunsket", praticamente nell immagine sono in un modo invece nella stanza delle armi e anche equipaggiati, sono uguali al martello e al fucile dell prego aiutatemi...VI PREGOOOO...!!!!!!

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Si modificano quando sblocchi i cesti lungo la strada per il trono.


Ho appena trovato la "Ice Madien" (ora non ricordo il nome italiano) che è una pistola malvagia e "da donne" visto che prende bonus per espressioni malvagie e fare sesso con dei maschi.

Comunque se vi interessa la scambio per un'altra arma leggendaria che non ho, quello che vi pare, possibilmente spade.

Modificato da BlackSpectre51
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