BF Solobari Inviato 30 Ottobre 2011 Condividi Inviato 30 Ottobre 2011 ciao a tutti ragazzi,vi spieghero tutto ieri stavo giocando a gears con il mio profilo sul live spensi l'xbox e oggi vado ad accendere l'xbox e non mi compare piu il profilo vado sulla memoria e vedo profilo dannegiato cosi elimino il profilo e faccio recupera gamertag meddo ID e la Password pero come spingo fatto mi esce scrito "PROFILO NON VALIDO"vi prego ragazzi aiutatemi non so cosa fare Cita Link al commento Condividi su altri siti More sharing options...
odst93 Inviato 30 Ottobre 2011 Condividi Inviato 30 Ottobre 2011 Può darsi che ti abbiano bannato? Cita Link al commento Condividi su altri siti More sharing options...
KoD x PoKeR Inviato 30 Ottobre 2011 Condividi Inviato 30 Ottobre 2011 (modificato) ciao a tutti ragazzi,vi spieghero tutto ieri stavo giocando a gears con il mio profilo sul live spensi l'xbox e oggi vado ad accendere l'xbox e non mi compare piu il profilo vado sulla memoria e vedo profilo dannegiato cosi elimino il profilo e faccio recupera gamertag meddo ID e la Password pero come spingo fatto mi esce scrito "PROFILO NON VALIDO"vi prego ragazzi aiutatemi non so cosa fare avevo sentito che a causa del schermo condiviso di gears of war 3 quindi cooperativa in 2 sullo schermo console causava questo problema cioe corrompeva i file e quindi rendeva profilo dannegiato, prova chiamare assitenza microsoft. edit: è sicuro lo ha scritto epic games sul forum e questo link per segnalazione. "If you have been having issues where you are loading into a game mode and your game freezes I need some information from you. Please reply and fill out the following questionnaire about what you were doing when your profile froze. Please answer EVERY question applicable. Were you playing splitscreen?If yes, was the profile that broke playing on the top or bottom screen?If you were playing in splitscreen, were you playing with two profiles or one profile and a guest profile?Were you connected to Xbox live?If you were not connected to Xbox live: Is your Xbox completely disconnected from the internet or was your party type just set to Local?Were you playing with the Title Update?Did affected profile play in the beta?Is the affected profile Gold, Silver, or Local?Have you been able to get into any game mode since your profile started freezing?If so, have you noticed any issues with your weapon HUD or any strange text onscreen?Was the affected profile on the harddrive or a USB at the moment it first froze? What is the size of the device?Did you have Gears of War 3 installed to your hard drive at the moment you first froze?Look at your achievement list. What icon do you see next to Gears of War 3? What game mode were you playing?If Campaign:What Act and Chapter?Where exactly were you in the chapter?What Act and Chapter did you start at leading up to the freeze? (Example: Act 1 Chapter 1 to Act 5 Chapter 2) If Horde:What level and wave?What enemies were present?What exactly was happening at the time? If Beast:What level and wave?What locust were being played?What exactly was happening? If Versus:What match type and map?Were there bots and how many?What exactly was happening? Are there any other peculiarities you noticed that may be helpful?" fonte epic games Modificato 30 Ottobre 2011 da KoD x PoKeR Cita Link al commento Condividi su altri siti More sharing options...
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