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Ragazzi comunque qualcuno sa quando faranno l'aggiornamento??? -.-"

Comunque per settiamana prossima che ne dite di un bel martedì sera tutti collegati?

Spero di esserci, la mia connessione è di nuovo pessima!

‎"Parlare di musica è come ballare di architettura."

[Frank Zappa]

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Added an autosave, and the ability to turn autosave off, or set it from 15 minutes up to 2 hours in 15 minute steps.

Split the sensitivity controls into an in-game sensitivity and an in-menu sensitivity.

Added an Interface Opacity slider in the settings for plasma screen users.

Added a gamertag display in splitscreen, and the ability to enable/disable it in the settings.

Added an option in the settings menu to enable/disable in-game hints.

Added an option in the settings menu to enable/disable tooltips.

Added a co-ordinate display to the in-game map.

Added new sections in the How To Play on Multiplayer, Sharing Screenshots, and What's New.

Added a warning message when attempting to place lava near the spawn area.




Fix for the leaderboard crash when toggling between filters/leaderboards.

Fix for server disconnect message appearing when offline or in leaderboards.

Fix for issue where posting a screenshot to Facebook caused a back out to the main menu.

Fix for clay generation.

Fix for ‘Awaiting Approval' showing all the time on some signs.

Various crafting menu fixes.

Fix for being able to stand on sugarcane.

Fix for intermittent crash on saving.

Fix for duplication bug with the furnace.

Fix for not being able to place water near the spawn area.

Fix for intermittent problem on entering the Nether putting the player above the Nether world.

Fix for frame-rate drop around the edge of the world.

Fix for intermittent problem where some achievements were not being awarded.

Fix for graphical issue with stairs.

Fix for issue with enemies spawning inside a house when they shouldn't.

Fix for Zombie Pigmen not being counted for leaderboard scores.





AHIME non mi risultano i pistoni



Video di Clan War su Battlefield 3, su ogni mappa!

Video di Clan War su Battlefield 4, su ogni mappa!

Andate a iscrivervi al nostro canale YOUTUBE!





Pagina facebook:


... Omnes nos timent ... Tenebrae veniunt nobiscum ...


Call of Duty 4: 10° prestigio livello 55

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3: 16° prestigio

Red dead redemption: 3° livello di leggenda

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Added an autosave, and the ability to turn autosave off, or set it from 15 minutes up to 2 hours in 15 minute steps.

Split the sensitivity controls into an in-game sensitivity and an in-menu sensitivity.

Added an Interface Opacity slider in the settings for plasma screen users.

Added a gamertag display in splitscreen, and the ability to enable/disable it in the settings.

Added an option in the settings menu to enable/disable in-game hints.

Added an option in the settings menu to enable/disable tooltips.

Added a co-ordinate display to the in-game map.

Added new sections in the How To Play on Multiplayer, Sharing Screenshots, and What's New.

Added a warning message when attempting to place lava near the spawn area.




Fix for the leaderboard crash when toggling between filters/leaderboards.

Fix for server disconnect message appearing when offline or in leaderboards.

Fix for issue where posting a screenshot to Facebook caused a back out to the main menu.

Fix for clay generation.

Fix for ‘Awaiting Approval' showing all the time on some signs.

Various crafting menu fixes.

Fix for being able to stand on sugarcane.

Fix for intermittent crash on saving.

Fix for duplication bug with the furnace.

Fix for not being able to place water near the spawn area.

Fix for intermittent problem on entering the Nether putting the player above the Nether world.

Fix for frame-rate drop around the edge of the world.

Fix for intermittent problem where some achievements were not being awarded.

Fix for graphical issue with stairs.

Fix for issue with enemies spawning inside a house when they shouldn't.

Fix for Zombie Pigmen not being counted for leaderboard scores.





AHIME non mi risultano i pistoni



Ovvio questo non è l'aggiornamento alla versione 1.8.2 almeno credo

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Ragazzi comunque qualcuno sa quando faranno l'aggiornamento??? -.-"

Comunque per settiamana prossima che ne dite di un bel martedì sera tutti collegati?

pure io sarò presente, anche se non ho ben capito come giocare online con gli altri?. se qualcuno mi spieghi come fare l'ho ringrazio anticipatamente.

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pure io sarò presente, anche se non ho ben capito come giocare online con gli altri?. se qualcuno mi spieghi come fare l'ho ringrazio anticipatamente.


Basta che il creatore del mondo dove tu vuoi entrare ti manda un invito a giocare tu lo accetti ed entri nella partita max 8 giocatori per mondo.Spero di essermi spiegato :ok:

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Basta che il creatore del mondo dove tu vuoi entrare ti manda un invito a giocare tu lo accetti ed entri nella partita max 8 giocatori per mondo.Spero di essermi spiegato :ok:

sì ti sei spiegato molte bene, grazie mille per avermi risposto.

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Added an autosave, and the ability to turn autosave off, or set it from 15 minutes up to 2 hours in 15 minute steps.

Split the sensitivity controls into an in-game sensitivity and an in-menu sensitivity.

Added an Interface Opacity slider in the settings for plasma screen users.

Added a gamertag display in splitscreen, and the ability to enable/disable it in the settings.

Added an option in the settings menu to enable/disable in-game hints.

Added an option in the settings menu to enable/disable tooltips.

Added a co-ordinate display to the in-game map.

Added new sections in the How To Play on Multiplayer, Sharing Screenshots, and What's New.

Added a warning message when attempting to place lava near the spawn area.




Fix for the leaderboard crash when toggling between filters/leaderboards.

Fix for server disconnect message appearing when offline or in leaderboards.

Fix for issue where posting a screenshot to Facebook caused a back out to the main menu.

Fix for clay generation.

Fix for 'Awaiting Approval' showing all the time on some signs.

Various crafting menu fixes.

Fix for being able to stand on sugarcane.

Fix for intermittent crash on saving.

Fix for duplication bug with the furnace.

Fix for not being able to place water near the spawn area.

Fix for intermittent problem on entering the Nether putting the player above the Nether world.

Fix for frame-rate drop around the edge of the world.

Fix for intermittent problem where some achievements were not being awarded.

Fix for graphical issue with stairs.

Fix for issue with enemies spawning inside a house when they shouldn't.

Fix for Zombie Pigmen not being counted for leaderboard scores.





AHIME non mi risultano i pistoni


Ecco perchè non riuscivo a collocare l'acqua .__________________.

Abruzzo: la giunta regionale ha trovato l'idea vincente per risolvere il problema delle prostitute che si appartavano nel bosco con i clienti.Faranno abbattere il bosco.

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Added an autosave, and the ability to turn autosave off, or set it from 15 minutes up to 2 hours in 15 minute steps.

Split the sensitivity controls into an in-game sensitivity and an in-menu sensitivity.

Added an Interface Opacity slider in the settings for plasma screen users.

Added a gamertag display in splitscreen, and the ability to enable/disable it in the settings.

Added an option in the settings menu to enable/disable in-game hints.

Added an option in the settings menu to enable/disable tooltips.

Added a co-ordinate display to the in-game map.

Added new sections in the How To Play on Multiplayer, Sharing Screenshots, and What's New.

Added a warning message when attempting to place lava near the spawn area.




Fix for the leaderboard crash when toggling between filters/leaderboards.

Fix for server disconnect message appearing when offline or in leaderboards.

Fix for issue where posting a screenshot to Facebook caused a back out to the main menu.

Fix for clay generation.

Fix for ‘Awaiting Approval' showing all the time on some signs.

Various crafting menu fixes.

Fix for being able to stand on sugarcane.

Fix for intermittent crash on saving.

Fix for duplication bug with the furnace.

Fix for not being able to place water near the spawn area.

Fix for intermittent problem on entering the Nether putting the player above the Nether world.

Fix for frame-rate drop around the edge of the world.

Fix for intermittent problem where some achievements were not being awarded.

Fix for graphical issue with stairs.

Fix for issue with enemies spawning inside a house when they shouldn't.

Fix for Zombie Pigmen not being counted for leaderboard scores.





AHIME non mi risultano i pistoni


Ecco perché non potevo neanche dormire a casa mia can tutte le porte chiuse!

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salve volevo chiedere come si sellla una maiale? e come si fà la sella?grazie in anticipo

si trova solo nei dungeon generati casualmente sotto terra, non la puoi creare. per sellare un maiale devi solo usare il grilletto sinistro con la sella in mano. attento però che i maiali anche se sellati non sono controllabili.

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Ciao ragazzi stasera penso al 90% che ci sarà il nostro server per chi lo conosce attivo...

Chi vuole venga, è in benvenuto! sarebbe bello essere 8!


Aggiungetemi se siete interessati: Pda Drakuun



Video di Clan War su Battlefield 3, su ogni mappa!

Video di Clan War su Battlefield 4, su ogni mappa!

Andate a iscrivervi al nostro canale YOUTUBE!





Pagina facebook:


... Omnes nos timent ... Tenebrae veniunt nobiscum ...


Call of Duty 4: 10° prestigio livello 55

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3: 16° prestigio

Red dead redemption: 3° livello di leggenda

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Ciao ragazzi stasera penso al 90% che ci sarà il nostro server per chi lo conosce attivo...

Chi vuole venga, è in benvenuto! sarebbe bello essere 8!


Aggiungetemi se siete interessati: Pda Drakuun



Mi dispiace ma stavolta devo passare... ho la 360 in assistenza, si surriscalda :bang:

Comunque l'altro giorno ero in cerca di lana, e girovagando per il mio Server ho trovato un'isola nel cielo (in pratica un piccolo pezzo di terra per aria)

L'ho raggiunto facendo una torre e sopra ci ho trovato... UN POLLO :ph34r:
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Eh si non c'era nessuno... se no sarei stato asd


Comunque si davvero una stanza in 8 sarebbe bello..



Video di Clan War su Battlefield 3, su ogni mappa!

Video di Clan War su Battlefield 4, su ogni mappa!

Andate a iscrivervi al nostro canale YOUTUBE!





Pagina facebook:


... Omnes nos timent ... Tenebrae veniunt nobiscum ...


Call of Duty 4: 10° prestigio livello 55

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3: 16° prestigio

Red dead redemption: 3° livello di leggenda

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Eh si non c'era nessuno... se no sarei stato asd


Comunque si davvero una stanza in 8 sarebbe bello..

io da sabnato in poi ci dovrei essere su minecraft quindi automaticamenmte sul vostro server ma il mio problema è che posso giocare solo il sabato e la domenica molto raramente durante la settimana come ben sai draku

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