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[ME3] Rebelion Pack

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Apparsa per "errore" sul sito PS la pubblicità per la nuova DLC online: Rebelion



-Vorcha sentinella e soldato

-Quarian ingegniere e infiltratore (ma non c'erano già?)

-Phoenix adepto e ricognitore

Due nuove mappe:

-Firebase Jade

-Firebase Goddess su Thessia



Chissà se gratis però....




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Apparsa per "errore" sul sito PS la pubblicità per la nuova DLC online: Rebelion



-Vorcha sentinella e soldato

-Quarian ingegniere e infiltratore (ma non c'erano già?)

-Phoenix adepto e ricognitore

Due nuove mappe:

-Firebase Jade

-Firebase Goddess su Thessia



Chissà se gratis però....





se era pubblicità allora sarà a pagamento, la pubblicità costa.

Se fosse gratuito la pubblicità la farebbero con qualche intervista e dichiarazioni e il resto lo farebbe la rete, imho ovviamente.


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Sono davvero curioso di sapere chi sono questi "Phoenix", una nuova razza? mi pare strano che la inseriscano nel multiplayer...


Phoenix è una stella nell'universo di mass effect..è più probabile che si riferisca ai Prothean e che l'equivoco sia dovuto ad una traduzione errata (dal cinese se non sbaglio)

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Reinforcements are being deployed to all N7 forces, bringing out some heavy hitters thanks to the new Mass Effect 3 Rebellion DLC Pack! Arriving on Xbox Live, the PlayStation Network and PC on Tuesday, May 29 (Wednesday, May 30 on the PSN in Europe), the Mass Effect 3 Rebellion Pack will be bringing you more gear, more weapons, more maps, and more kits, available at no additional cost for anyone who redeemed an Online Pass for Mass Effect 3 on PC, PS3 or Xbox 360.



The Rebellion Multiplayer Expansion opens two new fronts against the Reapers: Firebase Jade’s jungle reservoir and Firebase Goddess on Thessia. In-game reinforcement packs now include three new weapons (Reegar Carbine, Krysae Sniper Rifle, Cerberus Harrier) as well as equipment, consumables, and six new characters from species that have lost lives or whole planets to the Reapers: Quarian Engineer and Infiltrator, Vorcha Soldier and Sentinel, Ex-Cerberus Adept and Vanguard. The battle continues!



Vorcha Soldier


Thanks to their unique physiology and their Bloodlust ability, the Vorcha are joining the fight and are perfectly suited for the utilitarian soldier kit.

Vorcha Sentinel


The innate aggressiveness found within the Vorcha make them shockingly durable combatants, and when coupled with their Flamer skill, the Vorcha sentinel is a force to be reckoned with.

Male Quarian Engineer


Quarians have spent centuries at perpetual salvage and ship repair; the survival of their species depends on this technical expertise. When bringing the new Arc Grenade to the fray, the Quarians prove their prowess as effective engineers on the battlefield.

Male Quarian Infiltrator


The Male Quarian Infiltrator must actively rely on stealth while in the heat of battle, and when they make use of their Tactical Scan ability, they quickly prove their mettle while continuously dishing out the pain.

Ex-Cerberus Vanguard


When the Illusive Man turned to indoctrination in order to ensure the loyalty of his troops, many Cerberus operatives defected and joined the Alliance in order to stop the Reapers. Now that we’re on the same team, Ex-Cerberus Vanguards (along with their new Lash attack) are quickly proving their worth.

Ex-Cerberus Adept


A result of the Illusive Man’s early experiments in enhanced human physiology, Ex-Cerberus subjects are highly skilled combat and biotics specialists. As a result, Ex-Cerberus Adepts can lay waste to the enemy with their Smash and Singularity powers.




Firebase Jade – Surrounded by huge waterfalls, Firebase Jade overlooks an ancient reservoir built by the salarians centuries ago. Set up strategic chokepoints inside the base’s main buildings to get the jump on your enemy, and work with your team to meticulously clear each room to achieve victory.

Firebase Goddess – Nestled in the epicenter of a Thessian metropolis, Firebase Goddess is one of the last strongholds of asari resistance against the Reapers. With its circular layout, Firebase Goddess is a tough location to control. This arena combines heavy cover and elevated firing positions, so stay light on your feet.




Cerberus Harrier Assault Rifle – These Cerberus-modified Mattock rifles are fully automatic. Cerberus gunsmiths reined in the recoil issues, resulting in a gun that stay on target, but delivers slightly less punch per round than a standard Mattock. As such, the weapon is typically utilized by Cerberus’ elite troopers, who train constantly to make every burst count.

Reegar Carbine Shotgun – This electrical weapon improves upon the arc pistol’s design by generating a sustained current on its target. This weapon is named for the Quarian Reegar family, whose marines have served valiantly against the Geth.

Krysae Sniper Rifle – This Turian antimaterial rifle is modified to kill Reaper enemies. The Krysae’s scope uses a rangefinder that adjusts to keep the target in proper proportion to the shooter, which comes in useful when the sniper is forced into close range. Its specialized ammunition is both armor-piercing and explosive. In a desperate move, the Turians released its specifications over the extranet so that nearly anyone with a fabricator could manufacture this weapon to help the war effort.


When is the Resurgence Pack available?


The Resurgence Pack is available on May 29 for PlayStation 3 in North America, Xbox 360 and PC worldwide. The pack will be available on May 30 for PlayStation 3 in Europe..

What is included with the Rebellion Pack?


Firebase Jade and Firebase Goddess are available to play on as soon as the Rebellion Pack is downloaded. The new weapons, characters, and equipment are available as rewards inside Reinforcement Packs.

Does each new character come with new abilities?


Yes the new characters will have their own unique abilities and loadouts.

How much does the Resurgence Pack cost to download?


The Resurgence Pack is available at no additional cost to download.

How do I get new characters and weapons from the Rebellion Pack?


The new items in the Rebellion Pack will be available as rewards inside existing Reinforcement Packs. Make sure to look out for promotional packs and weekend challenges for other ways to unlock the content.



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Lo scarico giusto perchè è gratis, se mi fosse venuto a costare un solo microsoft point l'avrei lasciato lì a marcire dov'è

andiamo.. SOLDATO VORCHA?!? eh che caspio certo che alla bioware prima di iniziare a sviluppare sto dlc devono proprio essersi fatti di una qualche sostanza sperimentale.. mi pare l'unica!


In ogni caso son contento.. sarà che stanno cercando di tenerci buoni ma questi dlc sono vere e proprie boccate di aria fresca in un mondo dove tutto costa :ok:
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i soldi li spennano già a chi compra i pacchetti con i microsoft point (ce ne di nerd che fanno questo)


Ora spiegami perchè chi compra i dlc è nerd. Dai su, voglio sentire la tua spiegazione da "unica persona furba sulla terra che non compra i dlc".


voglio tornare a giocare solo per divertirmi, quindi, aggiungetemi: MisteKiNG




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ragazzi non iniziamo una discussione in un topic che non c'entra niente con essa

Don’t cry to give up; cry to keep going. You're already in pain. You're already hurt. Get a reward from it./// Non piangere per arrenderti, piangi per continuare. Stai già soffrendo, prendi una ricompensa da quella sofferenza

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figurati non devi scusarti, sono il primo che si mette a discutere per queste piccole cose :whew:

ma a volte bisogna solo lasciar stare :mrgreen:


PS:come sono le nuove classi?

PPS:ieri ho incontrato uno col varren al 20 :shock: e il dlc era uscito da poco :shock:

Modificato da Lezio

Don’t cry to give up; cry to keep going. You're already in pain. You're already hurt. Get a reward from it./// Non piangere per arrenderti, piangi per continuare. Stai già soffrendo, prendi una ricompensa da quella sofferenza

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figurati non devi scusarti, sono il primo che si mette a discutere per queste piccole cose :whew:

ma a volte bisogna solo lasciar stare :mrgreen:


PS:come sono le nuove classi?

PPS:ieri ho incontrato uno col varren al 20 :shock: e il dlc era uscito da poco :shock:

varren? hanno messo anche i cani? :asd:

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acc, vero... vorcha scusa :whew:


avevo appena fatto la missione su tuchanka, e sentire il ricognitore dire che i vorcha sono come i varren, ma sporcano meno, mi ha confuso :whew:

Modificato da Lezio

Don’t cry to give up; cry to keep going. You're already in pain. You're already hurt. Get a reward from it./// Non piangere per arrenderti, piangi per continuare. Stai già soffrendo, prendi una ricompensa da quella sofferenza

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