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Perfect Dark Zero

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ragazzi il multiplayer di questo pd0 sarà stile counterstrike oppure si faranno per dire missioni in due o in tre?se qualcuno ne sa qualcosa spari!


premettendo che non ne so niente di come sarà il multiplayer, credo che ci saranno varie modalità, tipo deatmatch, ma anche team deatmatch (x sfruttare meglio le cuffie con microfono). stile counterstrike credo proprio di no perchè a CS è uno scontro a turni.



Feedback Simo82: [ (7) - (0) ]

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Sicuramente ci saranno le partite a squadre altrimenti fare solo massacri a 32 rischia di rendere il gioco noioso e confusionario.

vai così! ti voglio bannoloso

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solo ecco l'intelligenza artificiale sembra peccare molto, è sicuramente la modalità facile quella vista, speriamo che migliori di molto nelle altre modalità ;)

Ma il redattore e soci di xmu hanno fatto una visita agli studi della Rare in Inghilterra, lo hanno provato e per sta storia dell'IA hanno detto che la modalità + difficile darà filo da torcere perfino a chi ha completato Halo 2 in leggendario.

Magari è una bolla e volevano coprire un buco nell'articolo, ma se fosse vero ben venga l'IA 8)

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  • 2 settimane dopo...

chiedo scusa per il doppio post, ma devo comunicare il nuovo (già pubblicato pure :whew: ) video di pdz che a mio avviso è il + bello per ora visto, peccato non sia in hd.

La cosa + bella è che almeno non sei sempre joanna e puoi essere anche jack nel coop perchè almeno così si ha la possibilità di ammirare la bellezza di joanna :mrgreen:

poi bellissimo l'hummer h2 tamarrissimo :rotfl:


chiedo ancora scusa :piange:




[Edit]Perfect Dark Zero, Il nuovo Halo?


Modificato da Rolling nut

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Ciao a tutti. Ho appena visionato il video del trailer id direct feed di Perfect Dark Zero :? ....ok che è in bassa risoluzione, ma mi è sembrato graficamente poco nextgen :??: ....non vi pare? voglio dire, per esempio i visi dei personaggi, ne ho visti di meglio su xbox :( ! E la qualità poligonale e delle texture mi è sembrata bellla ma non da xbox 360....non trovate? :teach:
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Ciao a tutti. Ho appena visionato il video del trailer id direct feed di Perfect Dark Zero :? ....ok che è in bassa risoluzione, ma mi è sembrato graficamente poco nextgen :??: ....non vi pare? voglio dire, per esempio i visi dei personaggi, ne ho visti di meglio su xbox :( ! E la qualità poligonale e delle texture mi è sembrata bellla ma non da xbox 360....non trovate? :teach:




Prova a visionare questi video:


Sui visi dei personaggi mi trovi d'accordo, sul resto Pd0 mi sembra un gioco decisamente next-gen e aggiungerei "che spacca".


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Ciao a tutti. Ho appena visionato il video del trailer id direct feed di Perfect Dark Zero :? ....ok che è in bassa risoluzione, ma mi è sembrato graficamente poco nextgen :??: ....non vi pare? voglio dire, per esempio i visi dei personaggi, ne ho visti di meglio su xbox :( ! E la qualità poligonale e delle texture mi è sembrata bellla ma non da xbox 360....non trovate? :teach:


Uhmm guarda, io l'ho visto dal vivo su una HDTV gigante, e posso tranquillizzarti che l'effetto "next-gen" c'è tutto :-) Le cose più impressionanti sono le textures degli oggetti, davvero sbalorditive, e l'ampio uso dell'illuminazione dinamica. Concordo con te che i personaggi sono davvero bruttarelli, infatti è l'unica cosa che non mi è piaciuta del gioco, ma per il resto direi che c'è tutto.


Sicuramente PDZ non è il gioco visivamente più sbalorditivo che ci sia su 360, ma non si può dire che non sia next-gen :ok:
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Un link trovato nella home page del nostro bel sito... PD0 Visto in una TV 4/3


L' AA non è di casa nostra eh? :rolleyes:

Modificato da UomoVaniglia

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Mioddio ma quanto è bello il video dell'Attract Mode (linkato in homepage) ? :shock: :dance: :dance:





Questo è il testo di uno dello staff di IGN.. leggete un po..


IGN Perfect Dark review may not come until after launch What IGN's Doug Perry just posted on their messageboards:


OK, so here's the deal with Perfect Dark Zero. We saw it at E3, we saw and played it at X05, and we played it at MS's gameplay visit the week after X05. That's been our total experience with Rare's FPS. I am on the phone or email with Microsoft daily about everything, and PDZ is always on my list of questions. The answer I get is this "PDZ is coming." No explanation at all. Just "it's coming."


Just like everyone else, I am going to the store tomorrow to buy it. I bought the special edition, hell if I know why... Anyway, the only difference between you and me is that I have a 360 to play it on. (Heh heh heh.)


So, what's going on? In my opinion, Microsoft is worried about Good ol' Joanna Dark and her sequel. They're worried about how much scrutiny it will be under; they're worried that PDZ isn't that good, and they're giving Rare as much time and support it can possibly give. At X05, J Allard said it learned a lot about game development with Halo 1, and it wants to give Rare as much time as possible to finish the title -- seeing how well Halo did with the same treatment. BTW, the game is done. The game will be in stores tomorrow. That's when I'll be picking mine up. Cause MS has not sent it to us. And tomorrow is when we'll be playing it. (In fact, if and when we do get it, make sure to check our site for movies and screens and new impressions. We'll let you know either way.) I dont blame MS at all on this one, either. No matter how good or bad that game ends up being, it's a first-person shooter from Rare, and it's a sequel to a Nintendo game, and for whatever other unbeknownst reasons, it's got the lovers and the haters all ready to do their thing on it.


So I think MS is hiding it from us? The thought had crossed my mind. I mean, why else would we have a copy of Kameo and PGS3, but not the biggy, PDZ? I'm a little confused on that one. Usually, when a publisher holds off a game from us, we know it's going to suck eggs. But would MS really hold off PDZ because it thinks its own game sucks? I don't have an answer to that yet, but I am suspicious. And I'll stop being suspicious when I get a copy and figure out how good or bad that game ends up being. Hopefully, tomorrow we can shed some light on it. Lastly, we won't review the game until we beat it and play it online, considering how important online play is for it. For Call of Duty 2 and PGR3 we played a substantial amount of online and LAN play to get a feel for it prior to their release. With PDZ? not nearly enough. So, expect at least one preview piece before the 22nd, and once it comes out, I think we'll wait to play with you guys before scoring it.


Cheers, Doug



In sostanza, per chi l'inglese non lo capisce neanche un po, dice che PD0 non gli è stato mandato dalla MS, e nonostante le insistenze gli è solo stato detto 'stà arrivando' e nulla più.

Quindi si sospetta che la MS abbia paura che le eventuali recensioni taglino le gambe a questo game che è un po il portabandiera della 360, e che non gli rimane altro da fare se non comprarlo al negozio.. come qualunque giocatore..

Che ne dite? Potrebbe essere preoccupante.. come anche no.. sperem :ph34r:

Modificato da Dragoniere Flar
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Secondo me PD0 o sarà un capolavoro o un fiasco,devo dire che vedendo le immagini che avevano messo in rete a maggio pensavo che l'ipotesi più plausibile fosse la seconda , vedendo i video e le immagini di oggi direi la prima.Potrebbe raccogliere il successo di halo,ma non sarà come halo , perchè halo è un gioco unico e irripetibile.Ma sapete se in PD0 potremo utilizzare dei mezzi di trasporto come in halo 1 e 2? :?

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Every level in the game takes a few tries to get through, and more depending on what difficulty level you're playing on. If you're on Agent, which is the easiest setting, you're going to breeze through this game's 13 (14 if you want to be exact, there's one training mission) missions in under 10 hours, since even during the game's most intense sequences, your health won't drop to any level worth concerning yourself with. As fans might expect, higher difficulty levels include a more reactive A.I., more level objectives, and give you less leeway as to how much damage you can take.


The way the level objectives were constantly updated, the way you have to take out security cameras, and the way alarms get pulled and endless waves of guards come at you until it's shut off all contribute to the feeling you got when playing the first one. Another thing that's eerily similar is one specific death animation. Anyone remember how in Goldeneye some enemies would wobble then drop to their knees when they got killed? Remember how you kept shooting at them because you weren't sure they were alive or dead? Well, the same thing applies here, since you'll often find enemies pull off the exact same death animation, which is still as annoying as it was in the past.


Still, it's really cool when you fire ten shots at a guy and watch as all the individual pieces of his armor go flying in all directions before he slams into the ground.


During the single player campaign there were a limited number of sequences where you actually drive a vehicle. These included a jetpack that could both walk, fly, and shoot a never ending stream of machine gun bullets. The other one was a hover tank that had a driver and gun placement at the top. They were fun while they lasted, but there could have been more. If you're a fan of turrets, though, then you're in luck; PDZ has lots of them.


So, play through the game a few times on different difficulty setting you'll be able to go back and use weapons like the Super Dragon, shotgun, plasma rifle, and a many others in the any mission.


Yes, the story in Perfect Dark Zero is not good. In fact, it was the most disappointing aspect of the play experience. The cut-scenes are poorly choreographed, the voice acting is overly catty and tries too hard to have an edge, the characters are extremely shallow, and you'll frequently be unsure of exactly what transpired. For instance, in one scene Joanna is at a standstill with an enemy with both of their guns drawn and pointed at each other. Then, a wall explodes and somebody else jumps in. Immediately following that, the cut-scene ends. You then start the next mission apparently having escaped from that precarious position with no explanation of how it happened. How can this have happened with such a long development cycle? Who knows, but when Joanna said in one cut scene "Didn't anybody tell you, smoking kills," to an enemy guard after he lit a cigarette, then kicked him in the face, it was a sign that there might have been a few problems in coming up with a cohesive story.


The game's graphics were very impressive at times, and at others a letdown. There was slowdown in several of each level's cut-scenes, though we didn't notice any during the actual gameplay. One of the biggest criticisms of PDZ's graphics that can be made is the fact that everything is very, very shiny. From bricks to ancient stone in South America to sleek metallic surfaces in laboratories, every surface in PDZ has a sharp, shimmering sheen. In areas where the walls are made of metal, like the training mission at the start of the game, these graphics don't look so odd. But when you're staring at snow hills that look like they're made of titanium, you'll start to question why this decision was made.


What was impressive about PDZ's graphics wasn't necessarily the texture detail or weapon models, but the sheer size of some of the environments. There's a few shooting sequences in the game, like one around a monolithic space shuttle and another at a monstrous bridge where it's almost unbelievable how much you can see of the environment. With your gun's scope you can check out every detail of the area and there's no slowdown. The enemy animations are also excellent, as the effects of the see-through combat shield look very good.


In terms of sound, the game has awesome gun effects. Every weapon gives you a sharp, distinct, uote]and most importantly loud firing sound, particularly the machine gun. The music, on the other hand, is odd.


Enemy A.I. depends largely on what difficulty setting you've set the game on. On Agent, everyone you fight is a total idiot and must have gouged out their own eyes at some point in their life to be so inaccurate with a gun. On higher settings, they're much more precise. However, it's still the same mechanic as Goldeneye where if you draw the attention of one enemy, a whole bunch more are going to show up and follow you. At no point did I notice any of the enemies pulling off any advanced tactical maneuvers. They simply stood and shot, and sometimes some of them would lob grenades. On higher difficulty levels they were more aggressive and did more damage, but didn't necessarily improve their attack strategies.


The game features some light squad tactics battles at points, which can become frustrating since your friendly A.I. has a tendency to stand directly in the line of fire while calling for help. There were many times in the game where I wanted to shake the character I was trying to protect and scream, "Run for cover you moron!" Instead, the character just sat there and got killed every time while yelling for my assistance.


All in all, the story mode was fun to play, but it's nothing revolutionary. Though there are a few new moves and gadgets, the game feels very similar to its N64 predecessor. Clearly, the big draw of this game is going to be the multiplayer. The game gives you plenty of customization options for split-screen, system link, and play over Xbox Live. This includes standard Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, and Team Deathmatch modes in addition to an entire Dark Ops mode that opts for a system more akin to Counter-Strike and even includes a pre-match buy menu




Ho riportato le parti a mio parere più interessanti :ph34r:



Edit by Lica: aggiustati i quote

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ma ke è na burla????Halo 3 sarà e lo spero un gioko rivoluzionario ke innalzerà a nuovi orizzonti gli standard grafici odierni....questo pd0 è un gran bel gioko e nullla grafika è bellla ma nn è spaventosa, nn è l'emblema della nex gen.....nessuno x il momento lo è. X qnt riguarda il resto, sn gioki assolutamente diversi, sia x lo ambientazioni e sia x il multiplayer, poi nn so...speiamo ke almeno si avvicini a quello di halo.

halo 3O.O

sogno o son desto?

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Dico solo questo, non volevo nemmeno postare su questo topic

perchè spero di veder scivolare, sprofondare, l'eresia del titolo

che mi mette i brividi! PDZ e Halo...non dovrebbero stare vicini nemmeno sugli scaffali! :x

:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Mi vuoi dire che halo 2 è meglio di pdz? :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Stiamo confrontando Next gen con la vechhia, non c'è storia, non c'è halo che tenga :whew:

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