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Battlefield 4


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Avviato ora il gioco, aggiornamento da 1.7 Gb. Patch in preparazione del prossimo DLC o cos'altro voi che siete informatissimi?





-Addition of VOIP for Xbox One allowing tablet players to communicate to teammates via voice

-Various bug fixes



-Fix for an issue where players were able to duplicate Battle Pickups by repeatedly picking up a kit

-Fix for an issue where field upgrades would stop working after one round when players had reached the max field upgrade level

-Fix for a crash that could occur when a player left a round

-Added a 15 seconds warm-up timer for all Official games

-Fix for an issue that would cause the Squad Join (Beta) feature to lose functionality after a player has suspended the game while creating a squad, and returns to the game

-Fix for an issue that prevented players to issue squad order around capture points during the sandstorm on Gulf of Oman

-Fix for an issue where a squad leader would kick a member from the squad, but the slot wouldn’t become available for others to join

-Option added for double tap forward to sprint (when on foot)



-Fix for an issue where the player would get a water splash effect on the screen after crashing an EOD/MAV/SUAV into the water



-Added Conquest Small on Xbox One

-Added a competitive Obliteration game mode



-Server Browser support added to Squad Join (Beta)

-Fix for an issue where server administrators couldn’t ban players that had clan tags

-Fix for an issue where server administrators would be able to set password longer than the max allowed characters

-Fix for an issue that could cause the game to freeze while in the My Rental Server menu



-Fix for an issue where the Squad Join (Beta) feature wouldn’t display squad members presence correctly

-Added total team experience points to the end of round screen for the Capture the Flag game mode

-Added user interface options for tweaking the ADS aiming sensitivity

-Fix for an issue where the kill card wasn’t displayed in some cases in Hardcore mode

-Fix for an issue where an incorrect message would be displayed on the first Xbox One if a user decided to sign-in on a second Xbox One

-Dog tags are rearranged in the kill cards so the right one is not obstructed



-Removed the boost button press to turn off boost for vehicles, boost should be turned off by releasing the accelerator, this makes it consistent with soldier sprint and helps using vehicle boost easier

-Adjusted the PWC physics so it drives/controls more nicely in all water levels

-Option added for double tap forward to boost (when driving a vehicle)

-Fix for an issue where the flag would occasionally float in mid-air when players got out of vehicles while carrying the flag



-Fix for an issue where a weapon would flail wildly after a player would die

-Removed the 2nd set of shell that are visible in the speed loader when reloading the M412 revolver

-Fix for the Hawk Shotgun missing “pump action” animation in 3rd person while crouching

-Fix for RPG-7 rocket remaining visible in the launcher after the last shot is fired while zoomed in

-Fixed the bipod animations for MTAR-21

-Foregrip in 3rd person now has hand in the correct position on M416/M417

-Fix for a broken animation when switching to AWS as main weapon

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Io devo ancora sbloccare F2000 .... le 10 kill in un turno su metrò sono una caxxata ma non riesco a fare il nastro assistenza uccisione x2. Avete qualche trucco da suggerirmi ?

Le 10 kill devi farle al interno della metro, se per esempio sei su A o sulla parte laterale non vengono contate

Videogiochi:Prezzi da Paura!! strategica&adv_id=245175"> Guida Strategica</a>

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Io devo ancora sbloccare F2000 .... le 10 kill in un turno su metrò sono una caxxata ma non riesco a fare il nastro assistenza uccisione x2. Avete qualche trucco da suggerirmi ?

Pensavo anche io fosse difficile invece l ho fatta al primo tentativo ...

Allora Gil per completarla più facilmente devi essere nello squadrone che parte da Alpha verso Charlie ti metti supporto con un lmg tipo lsat Mg4 ecc granate mini v40 che ammazzano meno e fanno parecchia assistenza e ti posizioni sopra su Bravo davanti agli ascensori o sulla destra dove c è il corridoio stretto vedrai che la completi subito


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Io devo ancora sbloccare F2000 .... le 10 kill in un turno su metrò sono una caxxata ma non riesco a fare il nastro assistenza uccisione x2. Avete qualche trucco da suggerirmi ?


conquista, fazione con respawn vicino ad A, ti metti nei pressi di B tra scale mobili ed ascensori, supporto, munizioni+claymore... Poi sloga la spalla del tuo omino lanciando granate su granate (V40)...


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Obiettivi DLC Dragon's Teerh aggiunti:

-20G Ripetitore di link :Vinci 2 turni a Catena di link

-20G Quasi a prova di proiettile :utilizza lo scudo balistico per 5 minuti

-20G Cosmopolita : Disputa un turno su tutte le mappe Dragon's Teeth

-30G Assassino a distanza : Otieni 5 ucisioni in un turno con RAWR

-30G Guerriero di strada : Completa tutte le assegnazioni di Dragon's Teeth

Modificato da The Gears of War

Videogiochi:Prezzi da Paura!! strategica&adv_id=245175"> Guida Strategica</a>

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Io devo ancora sbloccare F2000 .... le 10 kill in un turno su metrò sono una caxxata ma non riesco a fare il nastro assistenza uccisione x2. Avete qualche trucco da suggerirmi ?


Pensa che il trucco che ho usato è stato quello di giocare a modalità normale :mrgreen:


L'ho fatta al primo o secondo tentativo (su fanatico ho provato più e più volte ma non ci riuscivo) praticamente prima mi son concentrato sulle dieci uccisioni, fatte quelle ho cominciato a lanciare granate (v40 mini) a caso e sparare a caso qualche colpo senza mai voler uccidere il nemico, infatti anche a costo di morire gli sparavo faccia a faccia un paio di colpi e mi fermavo apposta e mi facevo ammazzare sperando che poi qualcuno lo finiva.

Certo se uno poi guarda il ratio k/d fa un infarto ma personalmente così facendo in un paio di partite dovresti farla.

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Obiettivi DLC Dragon's Teerh aggiunti:

-20G Ripetitore di link :Vinci 2 turni a Catena di link

-20G Quasi a prova di proiettile :utilizza lo scudo balistico per 5 minuti

-20G Cosmopolita : Disputa un turno su tutte le mappe Dragon's Teeth

-30G Assassino a distanza : Otieni 5 ucisioni in un turno con RAWR

-30G Guerriero di strada : Completa tutte le assegnazioni di Dragon's Teeth

pure questi fattibilissimi!!! speriamo che le mappe siano veramente fatte bene... difficilmente saranno ai livelli di Gran Bazar ma spero si avvicinino


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appena disponibile il dlc, le prime partite tutti col RAWR ahahahhahaha :mrgreen:

Modificato da The Gears of War

Videogiochi:Prezzi da Paura!! strategica&adv_id=245175"> Guida Strategica</a>

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Per chi come me usa l app Battlefield commander ho scoperto con l ultimo aggiornamento l'utilizzo del voip su xbox one....adesso si puo' comunicare vocalmente con ogni singola squadra sul campo di battaglia.... Fantastico!!


L'ho provata anchio, spettacolo. Coordinamento perfetto.

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Battlefest is just a small token of our appreciation and commitment to Battlefield 4.  In addition to this, we have DICE teams in Stockholm and LA continually working on improving the gameplay experience, adding new initiatives like the CTE environment, and also developing the next two expansions packs, with Battlefield 4 Dragon’s Teeth releasing next week for Battlefield 4 Premium members.


To get Battlefest started, we’re giving everyone a weekend of double XP from July 12-13, so if you need to level up your game, now is a good time to start or get back into the game.  The 12th also marks the first day of our daily contest (called Battleshots), where we’re asking you to send us a screenshot in Battlefield 4 based on a different theme requirement.  Each daily winning entry will receive an AMD graphics card, $50 gift card to the DICE Store, and a Battlefield 4 Premium membership on their platform of choice.  We’re excited to see what you send in and will be altering the screenshot theme request daily until August 13 for more chances to win.  Official announcement to come; official rules can be found here.


Beyond the daily Battleshots contest, check out these other initiatives we’ll be doing during Battlefest.


- Free Camo Unlocks

Each week we will be releasing a free camo in-game for all players.  This will give you more ways to standout on the battlefield.


- Double XP

As noted above, we’re kicking Battlefest off with a double XP weekend and we’re definitely going to end with one too for all players to reap the benefits.


- Community Missions

Each week we will be hosting a global community challenge to reach a specific goal in-game.  If you reach the goal, everyone who logs in will receive a free gold Battlepack the following week.  The first mission starts on July 15, 2014, where you will have to collectively reach 15 million revives across all platforms, with the mission ending on the eve of July 20, 2014.


- Stunt Video Competition

This a month long contest where we are asking you to send us your best stunt video that can only be done in Battlefield 4. Once we receive the submissions, the DICE team will pick the top 12 and then you, the fans, will vote on the top three winners to win a massive prize.  Official announcement to come; official rules can be found here.


And there it is, a month filled with fun activities and prizes to be given that we hope you’ll enjoy.  But that’s not all, we have more surprises in store that we’re excited to share in the next couple weeks.  Be sure to keep your eyes peeled.  Happy Summer Gaming!

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Adesso vedo anche sul battlelog le nuove assegnazioni che non mi pare nulla di complicato.


Resta da capire adesso come sbloccare l'assegnazione "iniziato phantom" :mrgreen:

l'ho vista pure io !!!le altre due già fatto ma questa nessun idea di cm fare,neanche in rete :rolleyes:

Videogiochi:Prezzi da Paura!! strategica&adv_id=245175"> Guida Strategica</a>

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