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Mai ascoltare le donne soprattutto se ti danno indicazioni! (dove si è mai visto, sono sempre loro le prima a chiederle!) :mrgreen: E comunque il finale è chiarissimo...sono tutti morti perché l'aereo è stato centrato da un Titan in caduta... :teach: :mrgreen:

hahahahahahahahahah stupendo..... ora mi è tutto chiaro..... :mrgreen:


Hahaha hai perfettamente ragione! E poi metti caso si appassiona tantissimo te il controller non lo vedi più!! :lol:

bravissimo... la mia paura è proprio quella....

"il talento ti fa vincere una partita, l intelligenza ed il lavoro di squadra ti fa vincere un campionato" (M.Jordan)

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sto impazzendooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Requirements to Regen

Hit Level 50 and complete every challenge required for each generation.



There is an experience modifier you gain for each generation, making the leveling up process faster. This will help with getting your unlocks back faster and remedies some of the issue people have with Prestige and other mechanics. The modifier for each generation is:


Gen 2 = 110%

Gen 3 = 120%

Gen 4 = 130%

Gen 5 = 150%

Gen 6 = 180%

Gen 7 = 210%

Gen 8 = 250%

Gen 9 = 290%

Gen 10 = 350% (Not that this rank matters as you don't need to get level 50 in Gen 10)


Challenges Required

The challenges are the tough part. You need to do all of the following for each generation. Take note that not every challenge requires you to kill pilots.


You must do these challenges during each generation as challenges reset when you regen. You can't try to do all the challenges in gen 1 and then just level up. You'll need to earn the challenges while in the current generation.


In lieu of listing the challenge names for the weapons over and over, I'm just going to list how many kills you need to get.


The challenges are:


Generation 1 to 2

No Challenges Required


Generation 2 to 3

EVA-8 Shotgun (Pilot Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 75 Pilots


40mm Cannon (Titan Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 50 Titans


Generation 3 to 4

R-97 Compact SMG (Pilot Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 75 Pilots


Plasma Railgun (Titan Weapon)

Kill 100 enemies

Kill 50 Titans


No Hitter (Challenge)

Kill 50 Pilots with Satchel Charge

Strategy: Battle for Demeter in the campaign. Put a satchel charge in the middle of B and wait for someone to run in, then blow it up. Put a new one and wait some more.

Dead Man's Trigger (Tier 2 Kit) is also nice. Throw a satchel at an enemy before you die and it almost always kills them.


Generation 4 to 5

Longbow-DMR Sniper (Pilot Weapon)

Kill 150 enemies

Kill 50 Pilots


Quad Rocket (Titan Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 50 Titans


RE-45 Auto Pistol (Pilot Sidearm)

Kill 50 Pilots


Charge Rifle (Pilot Anti-Titan Weapon)

Get 30 critical hits

Strategy: See Youtube video below.


Generation 5 to 6

R-101C Carbine (Pilot Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 75 Pilots


Arc Cannon (Titan Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 50 Titans


Sidewinder (Pilot Anti-Titan Weapon)

Kill 10 Titans



Kill a Pilot who is ejecting 50 time(s)

Strategy: Last Titan Standing. Chaingun with extended mag in your Titan. Try to keep a distance so you can clearly make out the enemy. The Arc Cannon also works but it's not as good.

When fighting, don't attack after the Titan goes critical. Some players are a bit slow in ejecting.

If they cloak when they eject, wait and see if they use their booster. They will momentarily be slow, so this is likely the only chance you'll get.


Generation 6 to 7

Spitfire LMG (Pilot Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 75 Pilots


Triple Threat (Titan Weapon)

Kill 500 enemies

Kill 50 Titans


Mag Launcher (Pilot Anti-Titan Weapon)

Kill 10 Titans


Brain Surgeon (Challenge)

Kill 50 Titans by rodeo

Strategy: This works against auto-titans, so it's definitely your best choice. You can use the Spitfire LMG with the Slammer add-on to kill fast.


Generation 7 to 8

G2A4 Rifle (Pilot Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 75 Pilots


XO-16 Chaingun (Titan Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 50 Titans


Charge Rifle (Pilot Anti-Titan Weapon)

Kill 10 Titans


Fresh Squeezed (Challenge)

Get 25 execution kill(s) as a Stryder Titan

Strategy: You can execute by melee'ing when a Titan has gone critical.


Generation 8 to 9

C.A.R. SMG (Pilot Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 75 Pilots


Archer Heavy Rocket (Pilot Anti-Titan Weapon)

Kill 10 Titans


40mm Cannon (Titan Weapon)

Get 75 critical hits

Strategy: See the Youtube video below.


Executioner (Challenge)

Get 25 execution kill(s) as an Atlas Titan

Strategy: You can execute by melee'ing when a Titan has gone critical.


All I Do Is Win (Challenge)

Win 100 rounds


Look Out Below! (Challenge)

Get 50 kill(s) by dropping your Titan on the enemy

Strategy: Works against grunts and spectres. This is your best bet.


Generation 9 to 10

Smart Pistol Mk5 (Pilot Weapon)

Kill 75 Pilots


Hemlock BF-R (Pilot Weapon)

Kill 75 Pilots


Kraber-AP Sniper (Pilot Weapon)

Kill 50 Pilots


Plasma Railgun (Titan Weapon)

Get 50 Critical Hits

Strategy: See Youtube video below.


XO-16 Chaingun (Titan Weapon)

Get 400 Critical Hits

Strategy: See Youtube below.


Disarmed (Challenge)

Get 25 execution kill(s) as an Ogre Titan

Strategy: You can execute by melee'ing when a Titan has gone critical.


MVP (Challenge)

Be the player with the highest score on your team 50 time(s)

Strategy: Play Hardpoint, capture a point, and just defend it the whole time. Most of the time you will be MVP as the points you get for defense will outweight anyone else who is running around and attacking.


Deadly Apparition (Challenge)

Get 200 kill(s) whilst being cloaked


Easy Pickings (Challenge)

Kill 1500 Grunts


Death Reincarnate (Challenge)

Get a kill while ejecting 75 times

Strategy: Use Nuclear Explosion.


Ragazzi riposto le sfide richieste per i passaggi di generazione.

Modificato da Speedocamp85
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Gen 5 l'unica sfida da completare :uccidi 50 nemici in espulsione ..sto male non riuscirò mai

Videogiochi:Prezzi da Paura!! strategica&adv_id=245175"> Guida Strategica</a>

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Ahahahah smadonnamenti infiniti... :asd:

Almeno però in CLB ti togli soddisfazioni ;)

hahahhahaha davverooo ...troppe bestemmie ...come modalità e la migliore secondome...domani tieniti pronto che si continua :P


non ce la farai mai :evil:

ti piacerebbe...monello ...avvocato lo dica lei

Videogiochi:Prezzi da Paura!! strategica&adv_id=245175"> Guida Strategica</a>

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bagaii in quanti siete alla gen5??

Videogiochi:Prezzi da Paura!! strategica&adv_id=245175"> Guida Strategica</a>

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Io sono alla gen 5.

Sta sera stiamo giocando e a logoramento ci a arrivare a 300 punti e non a 250 come sempre. Hanno cambiato?

hai fatto la sfida di uccidere 50 nemici in espulsione??

Videogiochi:Prezzi da Paura!! strategica&adv_id=245175"> Guida Strategica</a>

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Sto provando a farla tra mille santi e madonne!!! Mi manca solo quella! Sono a livello 50!

manca anche a me....l'unica cosa e trovare 12 persone farla tra di noi

Modificato da The Gears of War

Videogiochi:Prezzi da Paura!! strategica&adv_id=245175"> Guida Strategica</a>

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Guarda io sto giocando sereno e provo a farle natural!!

buon per te ...auguri!!

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Videogiochi:Prezzi da Paura!! strategica&adv_id=245175"> Guida Strategica</a>

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