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A mio avviso la targhetta più bella è quella del 7 prestigio, di un bel rosso acceso... ce l'avrei vista meglio al 10° prestigio, perchè da un senso di potenza, il rosso è un colore molto carismatico e forte.


In ogni caso, quante ore o meglio, giorni di gioco hai?




Buongiorno, avete anche voi scaricato la patch?

Non ne so nulla, che includa nuove modalità??? oppure serve a cambiare qualcosa? ( del tipo di uccidere 5 piloti in espulsione invece di 50, peccato che appunto ieri l'ho completata :acc: fatica sprecata :acc: )



o magari fixano solo qualche bug.

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Aggiunta dei gruppi privati e riduzione sfida dei 50 piloti. È da ieri sera che faccio private coi miei amici.

Forse è perché ho acquistato il pass.


Ieri notte all'1 non ho visto questo aggiornamento e non ne ho letto notizia da nessuna parte.

Zoid no xe che te si drio farce un pesse d'aprie? :-D


A mio avviso la targhetta più bella è quella del 7 prestigio, di un bel rosso acceso... ce l'avrei vista meglio al 10° prestigio, perchè da un senso di potenza, il rosso è un colore molto carismatico e forte.


In ogni caso, quante ore o meglio, giorni di gioco hai?




Ho all'incirca 4 giorni e 18 ore di gioco.

Salite il primo gradino con fiducia, non occorre vedere tutta la scala...

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Aggiunta dei gruppi privati e riduzione sfida dei 50 piloti. È da ieri sera che faccio private coi miei amici.

Forse è perché ho acquistato il pass.

Le private??? oh che bello!!! ragazzi miei, allora uno di questi giorni ci organizziamo per un 6 contro 6, ci divertiamo da matti :ok:

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Le private??? oh che bello!!! ragazzi miei, allora uno di questi giorni ci organizziamo per un 6 contro 6, ci divertiamo da matti :ok:



Guarda che mi sa che Zoid ci piglia in giro :-)

Salite il primo gradino con fiducia, non occorre vedere tutta la scala...

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La sfida col plasma è quanto di più stupido ed idiota ci sia!! :bang: Sono a poco più di 30 titan eliminati! E chi ci arriva a 50? :bang:

Gentilmente potreste postarmi tutte le sfide (di nuovo) che vedo se puntare alla 5a o fermarmi alla 4a?

The challenges are:


Generation 1 to 2

No Challenges Required


Generation 2 to 3

EVA-8 Shotgun (Pilot Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 75 Pilots


40mm Cannon (Titan Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 50 Titans


Generation 3 to 4

R-97 Compact SMG (Pilot Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 75 Pilots


Plasma Railgun (Titan Weapon)

Kill 100 enemies

Kill 50 Titans

Strategy: Wait for a Titan to get extremely low, then hit them with a critical. This can be frustrating.


No Hitter (Challenge)

Kill 50 Pilots with Satchel Charge

Strategy: Battle for Demeter in the campaign. Put a satchel charge in the middle of B and wait for someone to run in, then blow it up. Put a new one and wait some more.

Dead Man's Trigger (Tier 2 Kit) is also nice. Throw a satchel at an enemy before you die and it almost always kills them.

CTF defending the flag also works, and will give you a good amount of XP as well if you let the enemy grab the flag before you blow it up (you get lots of bonuses for killing the flag carrier and returning the flag).


Generation 4 to 5

Longbow-DMR Sniper (Pilot Weapon)

Kill 150 enemies

Kill 50 Pilots


Quad Rocket (Titan Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 50 Titans


RE-45 Auto Pistol (Pilot Sidearm)

Kill 50 Pilots


Charge Rifle (Pilot Anti-Titan Weapon)

Get 30 critical hits

Strategy: See Youtube video below.


Generation 5 to 6

R-101C Carbine (Pilot Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 75 Pilots


Arc Cannon (Titan Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 50 Titans


Sidewinder (Pilot Anti-Titan Weapon)

Kill 10 Titans



Kill a Pilot who is ejecting 50 time(s)

Strategy: Last Titan Standing. Chaingun with extended mag in your Titan. Try to keep a distance so you can clearly make out the enemy. The Arc Cannon also works but it's not as good.

When fighting, don't attack after the Titan goes critical. Some players are a bit slow in ejecting.

If they cloak when they eject, wait and see if they use their booster. They will momentarily be slow, so this is likely the only chance you'll get.



IMPORTANT NOTE: It will be reduced to 5 "soon". Those who complete the challenge before it is patched will be recognized somehow by Respawn, so you can complete it now or wait. Read more here:


Generation 6 to 7

Spitfire LMG (Pilot Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 75 Pilots


Triple Threat (Titan Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 50 Titans


Mag Launcher (Pilot Anti-Titan Weapon)

Kill 10 Titans


Brain Surgeon (Challenge)

Kill 50 Titans by rodeo

Strategy: You can use the Spitfire LMG with the Slammer add-on to kill fast. You can do this on Auto-Titans but you must make sure you get the kill. To ensure this, stay on the Titan even after you doom it and shoot it until you see you get credit for the kill on the right side of the screen. You can also jump on already doomed auto-titans and get credit.


Generation 7 to 8

G2A4 Rifle (Pilot Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 75 Pilots


XO-16 Chaingun (Titan Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 50 Titans


Charge Rifle (Pilot Anti-Titan Weapon)

Kill 10 Titans


Fresh Squeezed (Challenge)

Get 25 execution kill(s) as a Stryder Titan

Strategy: You can execute by melee'ing when a Titan has gone critical.


Generation 8 to 9

C.A.R. SMG (Pilot Weapon)

Kill 200 enemies

Kill 75 Pilots


Archer Heavy Rocket (Pilot Anti-Titan Weapon)

Kill 10 Titans


40mm Cannon (Titan Weapon)

Get 75 critical hits

Strategy: See the Youtube video below.


Executioner (Challenge)

Get 25 execution kill(s) as an Atlas Titan

Strategy: You can execute by melee'ing when a Titan has gone critical.


All I Do Is Win (Challenge)

Win 100 rounds


Look Out Below! (Challenge)

Get 50 kill(s) by dropping your Titan on the enemy

Strategy: Works against grunts and spectres. This is your best bet.


Generation 9 to 10

Smart Pistol Mk5 (Pilot Weapon)

Kill 75 Pilots


Hemlock BF-R (Pilot Weapon)

Kill 75 Pilots


Kraber-AP Sniper (Pilot Weapon)

Kill 25 Pilots


Plasma Railgun (Titan Weapon)

Get 50 Critical Hits

Strategy: See Youtube video below.


XO-16 Chaingun (Titan Weapon)

Get 400 Critical Hits

Strategy: See Youtube below.


Disarmed (Challenge)

Get 25 execution kill(s) as an Ogre Titan

Strategy: You can execute by melee'ing when a Titan has gone critical.


MVP (Challenge)

Be the player with the highest score on your team 50 time(s)

Strategy: Play CTF and try to capture the flags. If you learn some good flag paths, it's fairly easy. The person with the most flag caps on the team is always first. In the event of a tie, flag returns are the tie-breaker. You don't need to actually win to get MVP - just first on your team. If you aren't good at CTF, try constantly attacking at Hardpoint - playing defense was patched to be extremely ineffective for purposes of points.


Deadly Apparition (Challenge)

Get 200 kill(s) whilst being cloaked


Death Reincarnate (Challenge)

Get a kill while ejecting 75 times

Strategy: Use Nuclear Explosion.

Modificato da The Gears of War
  • Upvote 3

Videogiochi:Prezzi da Paura!! strategica&adv_id=245175"> Guida Strategica</a>

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Grazie boss!

de nada :)

Videogiochi:Prezzi da Paura!! strategica&adv_id=245175"> Guida Strategica</a>

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