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Aggiornamenti sistema xbox one


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io cmq dall'xbox vedo sempre quel listone di giochi che NON vanno.. quindi non so.. forse non è vero che è solo xbox fitness il problema eh :/

cmq sia stamane ho cambiato Group e sono passato anche io alla richiesta della nuova xbox experience.. sicuramente non sarò tra quelli di domani o dopodomani.. ma alla prox ondata..e mi sta pure bene.. così sto più sicuro :)


No, la lista l'hanno aggiornata nell'update di stanotte. Sta nelle release notes di quell'update. Te lo riporto per intero, in basso c'è la lista dei giochi e delle app che ancora non vanno:




  • OS version released: th2_xbox_rel_1510.150930-1900

  • Available: 9:00PM PT 10/2 (2AM GMT 10/3)


  • 12-person Party Chat. Garnering over 2200 votes on Xbox Feedback, we are expanding party chat to include 12 people. This feature is being enabled for all of our Xbox users – and the Xbox App on Windows 10 as well as those in the New Xbox One Experience Preview.

  • Party text chat adds more communication options. In the New Xbox One Experience, text chat joins voice chat as a way to communicate with your friends. At the bottom of the ‘Your Party’ page, you will see a button to ‘Show text chat.’ This will let you participate in the conversation. Party text chat will also come to the Beta Xbox App for Windows 10.

  • A streamlined Game DVR experience. We have combined the functionality of the Game DVR snap app and the former Upload app into one easy-to-use app called Game DVR. In full screen mode, you can use this app to view your game clips and screenshot captures. When snapped, you can use Game DVR to start or stop recordings.

  • New animated avatars. They are back and better than ever. You showed us that you are passionate about Avatars with many requests on Xbox Feedback. The new avatars will be animated on your profile and will start showing up in other new places in the new experience. If you prefer a gamerpic, you can easily switch your image.

  • Updated menu for quick access to common actions. The menu button on your controller lets you pin an app or game to Home, launch a recently played game, or quit an app or game with just the touch of a button.

  • Access new settings in the Guide. Adding to settings already included in the guide, like adjusting the headset volume, you can now turn your console off or restart your console directly from the Guide.


  • My Games & Apps: Games installed on an internal or external hard drive should no longer appear in both Installed and Ready to Install.

  • Screen Dimming: You should no longer encounter issues with the screen dimming after a short period of time in Live TV and media apps.

  • Performance and UI Improvements: Various performance and UI tweaks have been made in the build to fit and finish.


  • Please carefully review the known issues below for details on all currently known issues.

  • Remember to report any issues you discover via the Report a problem feature or in the forums!

Known Issues:

Apps not launching: Certain apps may fail to launch.

  • WWE

  • Showtime Anytime

  • Every Street United

  • Overdog

  • BlinkBox

  • TWC TV

  • Upload Studio

  • UPlay

Apps with video issues: The following apps will launch but videos or streams will not play.

  • SyFy

  • USA Now

  • Bravo Now

  • MLB

Games not launching: Certain games may fail to launch.

  • Xbox Fitness

  • Pinball FX2

  • The Crew

  • Monopoly

Game and App Issues:

  • Titanfall: Titanfall may fail to connect to Xbox Live. Workaround: Hard reset the console.

  • Skype: Skype currently will not function if used in the background.

  • NFL Live App: When playing videos in the NFL Live App, the screen may dim after a short period of time.

General System Issues:

Wireless Networking:

  • You may encounter a “wireless network hardware on this console is not working” error when connecting to Xbox Live with a wireless connection.

  • Your Xbox One console may be unable to detect a wireless connection while an external hard drive is plugged in.Workaround: Unplug the external hard drive, hard reset the console, connect to WiFi, then connect the external hard drive.

  • Account Picker: You may be unable to sign in using Account Picker. Workaround:

  • In Settings, change the language/region to en-US.

  • In Settings, set the Power mode to Instant-on.

  • In Settings, change the language/region back to the desired language/region.

  • Sign in.

  • Black screen upon boot: Your console may start up with just a black screen. Workaround: Hard reset the console.

  • Sign In: You may be unable to sign in to Xbox Live. Workaround: Hard reset the console.

  • Snap Center: When YouTube is snapped, it may share input with the home screen.


  • You may experience a black screen when using a device via HDMI-in, even if this device is not a cable or set-top box.

Workaround: Run through the initial TV set-up and configure for a TV provider even if you don’t have a TV provider.

My Games & Apps:

  • My games & apps may crash if switching quickly between Apps and Queue or Games and Queue.

System Update Errors:

  • If you encounter an update error screen while downloading a system update and the console freezes, please wait 3 minutes before rebooting the console to ensure crash data is captured. Crash data is submitted automatically; no action required on your part.

Automatic Downloads:

  • Content purchased from will not automatically download to the Xbox One console. This feature is planned to come later.

  • Notifications: Friends may not receive game toast notifications.

  • Upload Studio: Content may fail to upload correctly.

  • Season passes: In a small number of cases, users with season passes may find that they aren’t recognized by the game.

Workaround: Uninstall your other season passes and re-install the season pass you wish to use.

Community Twist:

  • Currently this area is not fully populated with content and is missing large sections of the user experience. Activity feed content also may not be actionable and items on the trending items second level screen have not been fully tuned. As Preview moves forward content and features in this area will light up.

Xbox One Media Remote:

  • When resuming from connected standby the Xbox One media remote may fail to send commands; a hard reset resolves this.

  • The buttons for media playback will not work (rewind, play, pause, fast forward, skip back, stop, skip forward). The directional and center “select” button will function as normal.

  • All non-navigational buttons may not function (including Volume Up and Volume Down).

USB TV Tuner:

  • If you have a USB TV Tuner plugged into your Xbox One console, Windows and Windows Phone SmartGlass devices will crash when attempting to connect to the console. To avoid this, you can switch to the Xbox App on Windows 10 or reset your TV settings and avoid setting up the USB TV Tuner.

Racing Wheels:

  • Racing wheels cannot be used to navigate home or system dialogs.

Live TV Issues:

Cable/Satellite STBs:

  • Cable/Satellite set top box compatibility is not yet at parity with the Durango experience. Please continue to report video playback and audio issues using the Feedback app to help us improve the experience. HDMI troubleshooting steps:

    • Go Home and press the menu button on the OneGuide app to quit, then restart it.
    • Unplug and re-plug the HDMI-in cable from the Xbox, ensuring it’s seated securely in the port.
    • With the Xbox One turned on, pull the power cord on the cable/satellite box, wait a few seconds, and plug it back in.
    • Press and hold the power button on the front of the Xbox One to perform a hard reboot of the console.
  • Dolby Digital surround sound will not work for Live TV.

  • Favoriting is not currently supported for App channels.

  • The “Xbox Snap TV” voice command does not work. You can snap TV via voice command by saying “Xbox Snap OneGuide” or choosing OneGuide from the Snap Center.

  • The OneGuide pin doesn’t function. You can launch OneGuide using the app, voice commands, or from the OneGuide twist.

  • You may experience a stuck frame streaming TV to the Xbox App. You can enter OneGuide or resize your window to restore video playback.

  • The media transport controls do not work when streaming TV to SmartGlass and Xbox app clients.

  • When resuming from connected standby the Xbox One media remote may fail to send commands; a hard reset resolves this.

  • You may be unable to use voice commands to navigate in Live TV.

Xbox App/SmartGlass Issues:

SmartGlass and Xbox App Live TV/OneGuide:

  • You may experience issues connecting to Live TV or OneGuide when connecting to the console with SmartGlass.Workaround: Set your SmartGlass connection to auto connect, quit the app, and restart. If the issue persists, hard reset the console.

SmartGlass Functionality:

  • Basic SmartGlass functionality is now available including gamepad navigation, touch navigation, remote text entry, media playback control, and companions for apps and games. Other features such as two-finger touch panning, media companions, and power on/off will not function in this build.


  • We have all new content for you, so be sure to check out the Preview Dashboard app for more details! In particular, we would love for you to focus on the following two quests:

  • Can You See It? This quest will ask you to try out the new guide and let us know if it appears properly on your TV.

  • OneGuide on NXOE: All about the new OneGuide area on the New Xbox One Experience Dashboard. Tell us what you think!

  • Quest available in the following locales: US, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Mexico, Brazil
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Major Nelson ha recentemente confermato che Cortana farà il suo debutto ufficiale su Xbox One nel corso del 2016, probabilmente l'assistente vocale arriverà durante i primi mesi del prossimo anno.


C'è una buona notizia però, perchè gli iscritti al Programma Preview potranno testare le funzionalità di Cortana per Xbox One già durante l'autunno, con una beta prevista per la fine dell'anno. Maggiori dettagli non sono noti al momento, Major Nelson fa sapere che ne sapremo di più dopo il lancio della New Xbox Experience, prevista per il mese di novembre.


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Major Nelson ha recentemente confermato che Cortana farà il suo debutto ufficiale su Xbox One nel corso del 2016, probabilmente l'assistente vocale arriverà durante i primi mesi del prossimo anno.


C'è una buona notizia però, perchè gli iscritti al Programma Preview potranno testare le funzionalità di Cortana per Xbox One già durante l'autunno, con una beta prevista per la fine dell'anno. Maggiori dettagli non sono noti al momento, Major Nelson fa sapere che ne sapremo di più dopo il lancio della New Xbox Experience, prevista per il mese di novembre.


presto il tutorial "How to burn your kinect" :asd:



p.s. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tornano gli avatar!! :love:

Modificato da Aiirbandit

Rest in Peace Chester

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Ospite MRBIG

dovresti leggere change pending

Ok grazie, in effetti in status leggo enrole change pending, è la prima voce sulla destra che mi dà solo pending, ora vediamo un po' quando arriverà , grazie

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Mike Ybarra di Microsoft ha confermato che “nei prossimi giorni” la nuova dashboard di Xbox One sarà disponibile per tutti i membri del programma Preview.


“Speriamo che nei prossimi giorni” la dashboard arrivi “a tutti quelli che sono iscritti” al programma Preview, le parole di Ybarra a un fan che chiedeva lumi su Twitter.


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ma i giochi che prima non funzionavano sulla nuova dashboard (tipo Destiny), adesso funzionano o ancora devono sistemare?


c'è una lista col changelog completo più indietro, tra cui anche i giochi che hanno ancora problemi. Destiny non rientra tra questi.


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Io so a applicazione dell'aggiornamento anche a voi si è riavviata 2 colte la console durante questa fase?

Aggiornata la reattività del sistema operativo è impressionante tutto molto fluido e veloce! Sono presenti errori di traduzione e lo store crasha a volte quello delle applicazioni crasha anche quando vado sul mio profilo e cerco di vedere feed o personalizzarlo mi riporta alla home, ho già segnalato tutto!


P.S: per chi l'ha ricevuta su registrazione cosa leggete? io enroll pending.

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