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Ieri finalmente ho vinto nel team squad a 2... Quando vinci è veramente figo però!


Il mio compagno è morto come ottavo, però che figata che è stata. Resto ugualmente della mia idea, una volta che vinci e ti gasi poi finisce tutto. Al momento, oltre che continuare a giocare per vincere non ci sono vere motivazioni per continuare come obiettivi, punti, ricompense, sfide giornaliere... Mi basterebbe anche avere le skin delle armi come su Rainbow per intenderci.

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Xbox Game Preview Patch Notes #4


Thank you for your enthusiastic feedback and support as we transitioned into 2018.

The team has been working diligently to elevate the overall player experience, as well as listen and react to our community feedback.

Below you will find quality of life fixes, as well as our efforts to resolve known memory crashes, and incremental improvements to performance.

Given the complexity of some of the crashes that have been logged, we know there is still work remaining in order for us to reproduce and address all remaining issues. Crash fixes, like all areas of the game, will be something we continue to improve upon as part of our Xbox Game Preview roadmap.


  • Aim acceleration can now be adjusted by players via in-game option
  • Player weapon damage has been increased against vehicles. We will continue to monitor player feedback and telemetry and make further balancing adjustments as needed in future updates
  • FPP Solo matchmaking queue will be made available for NA/EU/and Oceanic servers. We will open other modes within those regions as concurrency allows
  • Fixed an issue that caused indoor lighting and shadows to appear too dark and blueish
  • Analog stick acceleration added while exiting the plane and while parachuting


  • PhysX performance enhancements
  • Server FPS slightly increased
  • Client FPS slightly increased
  • Some VFX received slight optimizations


  • Music on/off option added

Bug fixes

  • Addressed a number of known crashes
  • Fixed a UI issue that occurred when multiple players attempted to loot from the same source

The servers will be in maintenance from 1 AM PST / 9 AM UTC / 6 PM KST in preparation for the new patch. It will take about 30 minutes.

Please close the game and update your client. Apologies for the inconvenience.





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io però ho sempre e solo parlato di quella % di fortuna.


mettiamola così :

la tattica e le abilità sono necessarie a vincere nell end-match


ma senza il culo (o l assenza di sfiga) nn ci arrivi.


penso che sia una delle tattiche più diffuse e quindi anche più giuste..


alla fine 2 cose contano:

1 mezzo



una volta che ce li hai... si è a cavallo

infatti ormai io mi lancio solo in zone dove so di trovare auto , moto etc ;) poi una volta presa l auto si parte xd continuo peró a ribadire , che allo stato attuale , il gioco non è fruibile come su pc e che ci vogliono degli incentivi per spingerti a giocare per migliorarti ( penso a quacosa di piu rispetto ai BP)



Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk


Sisi ma una volta che li impari per una determinata città, te li passi tutti e prima o poi qualcosa trovi.


Su pc è da 2/3 giorni che lagga malissimo, in early fight i colpi non entrano. In middle e late game invece la situazione torna ad essere normale...

non avevano rilasciato una patch lato server ?



Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk



Xbox Game Preview Patch Notes #4


Thank you for your enthusiastic feedback and support as we transitioned into 2018.

The team has been working diligently to elevate the overall player experience, as well as listen and react to our community feedback.

Below you will find quality of life fixes, as well as our efforts to resolve known memory crashes, and incremental improvements to performance.

Given the complexity of some of the crashes that have been logged, we know there is still work remaining in order for us to reproduce and address all remaining issues. Crash fixes, like all areas of the game, will be something we continue to improve upon as part of our Xbox Game Preview roadmap.


  • Aim acceleration can now be adjusted by players via in-game option
  • Player weapon damage has been increased against vehicles. We will continue to monitor player feedback and telemetry and make further balancing adjustments as needed in future updates
  • FPP Solo matchmaking queue will be made available for NA/EU/and Oceanic servers. We will open other modes within those regions as concurrency allows
  • Fixed an issue that caused indoor lighting and shadows to appear too dark and blueish
  • Analog stick acceleration added while exiting the plane and while parachuting
  • PhysX performance enhancements
  • Server FPS slightly increased
  • Client FPS slightly increased
  • Some VFX received slight optimizations
  • Music on/off option added
Bug fixes
  • Addressed a number of known crashes
  • Fixed a UI issue that occurred when multiple players attempted to loot from the same source

The servers will be in maintenance from 1 AM PST / 9 AM UTC / 6 PM KST in preparation for the new patch. It will take about 30 minutes.

Please close the game and update your client. Apologies for the inconvenience.





finalmente si può disattivare la musica



Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk

Linux and MacOs User - Tifoso del cavallino da sempre - Fan Napoli, Lakers and Ravens



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Prime opinioni dopo l'aggiornamento...


Just fired up my first match on the new patch and I must say... Bravo

First off, the game immediately felt better. jumping out the plane was much smoother with a higher frame rate and gives much more control. the parachute as well.

I noticed buildings rendered in much quicker for me (One S player). Overall, the whole beginning of the game went way smoother than usual. the frame rate does seem to have a significant boost.

I threw my aim acceleration down to 0 and it was just what I needed. Shotguns are much easier to use now that the controls have this tweak.

Another big thing I noticed was the internal lighting. I used to always see these broken lanterns and wondered why the hell they were there. They now give off a cool lighting effect, but only when up close.

lastly, the vehicles. Man oh man, do they explode fast now. I was in a shootout standing near my motorcycle. it was only shot by a few stray bullets my opponent missed on me. after I killed him, i hopped back on... Half HP.

But this is something everyone has been asking for I guess.

the menu music is awesome, but too loud, so off it goes for now. I have yet to play FPP, but I'll do it tomorrow as I am now exhausted.

Best of all... ZERO CRASHES (in my 1 game).

Happy Hunting people! and enjoy


Everything is running smoother.

Just had a go post patch and I think people are gonna be well pleased. Noticed the improvement immediately in the spawn zone. Feels better and smoother all round. Buildings are now rendering before you hit the ground yay!! FPS have gone up for sure, I had zero lag, no crashes. It actually looks nicer somehow. Aim acceleration makes a hell of a difference. Turned it all the way to zero and it feels like a new game control wise.

The boy's dun good.

FPP server is A LOT fun.

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Io ho sempre il problema che mi da l'errore "riconnetti controller" quando alla fine il controller, in realtà, non si è disconnesso. Ieri mi è perfino crashato il gioco e mi ha disconnesso anche il controller così di punto in bianco.

I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth.

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La patch pesa i soliti 4.5 GB, ho preferito reinstallare (5.3 GB) :)


Grazie mille, stasera procedo con l'installazione e vediamo se è davvero migliorato come dicono!


Un'altra cosa che trovo fastidiosa (ma penso sia fatto apposta) giocando con le cuffie, quando iniziano i bombardamenti e quando arrivano i rifornimenti, non si sente più niente :squile:

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sembra andare meglio , finalmente poi, hanno introdotto la possibilità di disattivare la musica nel menù e si può giocare ora solo in modalità prima persona ;)

Qui nella prima partita, un tizio stava aspettando sulle scale ....

Linux and MacOs User - Tifoso del cavallino da sempre - Fan Napoli, Lakers and Ravens



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Xbox players,

We will be opening Duo and Squad FPP on NA and EU servers today at 12PM KST / 7PM PST / 4AM CET.


We will continue to monitor player data to determine when we can add another game mode in other regions.


See you in-game,

The PUBG Development and Community Team

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Per me è una cosa positiva invece, i mezzi erano troppo determinanti prima, un mio amico prima della patch ha vinto una in singolo senza mai scendere dall'auto e la trovo una cosa ridicola.


Ma non ho detto infatti che è una cosa brutta, dovevano solo bilanciarla meglio, tutto qui.

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Per me è una cosa positiva invece, i mezzi erano troppo determinanti prima, un mio amico prima della patch ha vinto una in singolo senza mai scendere dall'auto e la trovo una cosa ridicola.

dovevano bilanciare meglio e credo lo faranno anche perchè in molti si stanno lamentando sul forum ufficiale ;) prima era assurdo che si vinceva solo grazie ai mezzi ( la maggior parte delle volte almeno) , ora è assurdo che con 3 colpi di M416 mi distruggono la Jeep Posso capire 1 colpo di bazooka ma tre colpi singoli di mitra no ....



Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk

Linux and MacOs User - Tifoso del cavallino da sempre - Fan Napoli, Lakers and Ravens



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in casa vi posso assicurare che è un fumogeno..non vedi ad un palmo dal naso

parlando dei fumogeni a questo punto Sarebbe figo avere la possibilità di trovare visori termici, se ne è parlato di una possibile aggiunta percaso? Modificato da Hulong Zhan Shi
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  • AngelDevil changed the title to PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS

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