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Too human

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Salve a tutti,sono nuovo del forum :D ,premetto che posseggo x360 già dal day1 e che mi sta regalando tante di quelle soddifazioni che nessuna console è stata mai in grado di darmi :ok: ;tra i gochi di prossima uscita quello che attira di più il mio interesse è Too human,action-game dei silikon knigtz presentato dalla microsoft game studios in esclusiva x xbox360,a mio avviso se gli sviluppatori sfruttassero al meglio la stupenda trama di questo gioco potremmo trovarci x le mani un possibile capolavoro,se considiriamo(ad esempio)che x quanto riguarda il design delle macchine prederà molto spunto dalla trilogia di matrix(in particolare con il 3 e ultimo episodio,dove nel mondo reale gli umani devono difendere ziron dall'attacco delle macchine),aggiungendo un tocco di mitologia in chiave fantascentifica.

Insomma,questo è un gioco in cui ripongo molta fiducia e ke attendo con trepidazione,fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate voi 8) ,ci tengo :ok:

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Da quei pochissimi video che ho visto, sembra un bel titolo, ma non ho ancora ben chiara la trama... e la visuale mi lascia un pò perplesso.. Magari se avete qualche link di video validi per questo titolo ne sarei contento..


Una domanda: Anche questo titolo sfrutterà l'Unreal E 3?

Timbaland 4ever!

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Da quei pochissimi video che ho visto, sembra un bel titolo, ma non ho ancora ben chiara la trama... e la visuale mi lascia un pò perplesso.. Magari se avete qualche link di video validi per questo titolo ne sarei contento..


Una domanda: Anche questo titolo sfrutterà l'Unreal E 3?

Bè le dichiarazioni ufficiali dicevano di si :ok: ,ma alcuni rumur parlavano che gli svilupattori stessero creando un motore proprietario,quindi avrebbero fatto slittare ancora l'uscita del gioco :shock: ,speriamo che questi rumor dicano il falso 8)

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Bè le dichiarazioni ufficiali dicevano di si :ok: ,ma alcuni rumur parlavano che gli svilupattori stessero creando un motore proprietario,quindi avrebbero fatto slittare ancora l'uscita del gioco :shock: ,speriamo che questi rumor dicano il falso 8)

se vai sulla news che ti ho lincato c'è la smentita del rumor che dici tu.

quindi too human continuerà a usare l'Unreal E 3 :ok: e non ci sarà nessun slittamento :ok:

:acc: siccome abbiamo risposto conteporaneamente ho letto adesso la tua risposta scusami :acc: :acc:

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  • 2 mesi dopo...

Intervista con Dennis Dyack (presidente Silicon Knights)



It's refreshing for to see so much new content on its way to Xbox 360 instead of endless sequels, but when a game has been in development for twelve years on and off in one form or another, can it still be considered truly fresh? Too Human, developed by Ontario, Canada-based Silicon Knights, is a new trilogy for Xbox 360 that puts players in a futuristic world based on Norse mythology, and the creators are confident it's fresher than ever.


"The game itself and the concept goes back to 1994; we've been thinking about it for quite a long time," explains Silicon Knights' affable president Dennis Dyack. "It's been nothing but an advantage, because we've been able to think about the concept and the content for all these years. A good idea lasts forever, and we've always loved this one. We've had many ideas within the company but this has been around since we started - there's always been this love for it.


"The history is that we were working on a version for the PlayStation 1, but then we became a second party of Nintendo and stopped all PlayStation development, with the intention of taking it to the GameCube. Working on Eternal Darkness, and then by the time we finished Metal Gear, it was time for next generation. Silicon Knights and Nintendo went their own separate ways, and hooked up with Microsoft to bring it to the 360."


You take on the role of cybernetically enhanced god, Baldur, in an epic battle of gods, men, and machines. Charged with the defence of humanity against a hoard of machine armies trying to wipe out all of mankind, players will work their way through many varied and highly detailed environments, powered by a heavily modified version of Unreal Engine 3. Locations are huge in scale, intricate in detail, and full of impressive character models, while lighting and effects help build a solid atmosphere.


"We're really going to take gamers on a journey from beginning to end, and explore Norse mythology on a very deep level," explains Dyack

Throughout the game, players will see a lot of Norse mythology. In addition to Baldur, there's Thor, Heimdall and Loki, and in fact the whole pantheon will be present in the game, according to Dyack. "Those interested in Norse mythology will get that much more out of the story. It's going to be different and unpredictable in the game though, so it won't spoil anything for you if you look into the mythology. Throughout the game, you're always being told that you're too human, you need to cybernetically enhance yourself in order to compete."


Something that's very different about Too Human is that the 'real world' is ferociously technological but cyberspace is very organic and natural looking. "Our cyberspace looks completely natural, as opposed to all of the hard technology that's available in the real world of Too Human," says Dennis. "For those who know Norse mythology, it's steeped heavily with the Yggdrasil and nature. By going around in cyberspace and exploring the wooded areas, exploring the caves, you'll be able to find technologies, download them and cybernetically enhance yourself. It's a repository of information, but it looks completely natural, so it's very different than anything that you would see in the real world of Too Human."


Too Human is, at its heart, a fast-paced action game, with a combination of melee weapons and gunfire. But depth is added to the formula with RPG elements integrated to give players more customisation and freedom of play style. "Quite frankly, some people who've seen the game briefly have said it looks like Devil May Cry or God of War; and while it does have similarities to those fantastic games, where we differ greatly is in the role-playing element and the online co-op. In some sense, Too Human resembles games like Diablo or World of Warcraft. You can cybernetically enhance yourself and change the way that the game plays... you can actually grow and augment yourself and cater for that style."


Naturally, online will play a huge role in Too Human, with co-op online multiplayer that allows up to four friends to work their way through the game. Offers Dyack: "Working with Microsoft, we really strongly believe that the online experience is paramount to good gameplay, and also it really can't be separated from the game itself. Even though you can play the singleplayer, everything you can do singleplayer, you can do multiplayer."


He added: "The enemies will be placed differently as you play the game through multiplayer; there's going to be many different things that will change as you play, to make sure that the [replay value] stays high."

Silicon Knights has spent a lot of energy talking about its new camera system for Too Human. The camera basically controls itself and finds a position that gives players the best view of the action possible. Says D, "In Too Human, much like in Eternal Darkness, we control the camera for the player. We feel that by removing camera control, players can concentrate on the gameplay and not have to worry about all the complex motions of controlling the camera at the same time."


It's clear that a great deal of thought has gone into the camera as it adapts to targets and zooms around. And for the most part, we found the camera did a good job; when you pull your guns out and start firing, the camera will pull back, and if you start melee combat it will pull in. If there are two targets, the camera will pull back to make sure they're both in sight. It did have some moments of awkwardness, something that's obviously on the to-do-list for further tweaking before release.


"We've been working on the modified Unreal engine quite a bit, but the camera system we completely created by ourselves," says Dyack. "Personally, and a lot of us at Silicon Knights, we're really tired of the over-the-shoulder cameras; nobody would ever sit through a twenty hour movie with an over-the-shoulder camera. We've set ourselves up so that we can try to tell a story n videogames in a way that Hollywood tells it. We want to end that stigma of games that have, you know, 'cinema, gameplay, cinema, gameplay' - we're trying to mix it all into one."


"We've learned a lot in the history of Silicon Knights," he reflects. "When we did Legacy of Kain, we strongly honed our skills at writing stories. When we worked with Miyamoto-san on Eternal Darkness, we really tried to hone our gameplay. Working with Kojima-san, we honed our spectacle. And with Too Human, we're trying to combine all that into one. We want it to be very accessible and very fast-paced right away, but at the same time it's going to be cinematic and very much in the spirit of a Silicon Knights game. The script and story for Too Human is probably the biggest we've ever written."


The game's control system, in general, is surprisingly intuitive. Just by moving the stick you can engage in combat; all you need for melee combat is just the right stick - you don't need to tap it either, you can just hold it down in the direction you want to attack. The transition between melee and long distance combat is smooth, allowing players to launch an enemy into the air with a powerful melee attack, followed by a barrage of gunfire, destroying the enemy before it even hits the ground. "Some of the guys at Silicon Knights have gotten so good at air combat, that they can actually clear rooms without ever landing, which can be very fun," notes Dennis. There are also super moves that cause even greater devastation and visual flare, perhaps sucking an enemy up into a vortex.


Too Human's overall gameplay is pretty straightforward and is easy to pick up and play. Accessibility is key, according to Dennis. "We want people to find it very accessible in the first five minutes. With Eternal Darkness, if you sat down and played for two or three hours, you would really love it, but if you didn't, you might have been like, 'pah, it's not for me'. So this time we want gamers to sit down, pick up the controller, and say 'yes, this is what I want to do', and then we're going to hit you with all that content that Silicon Knights usually likes to do."


Even the screen layout is far from intimidating - virtually empty in fact. "It's not that we're trying to be HUD-free, we're just trying to make it as intuitive as possible," explains Dyack. "Depending on what sort of armour you have on, when you get hit, it will change colours for you to see what parts are being damaged, so it's all really there with the character."


And after twelve years, what exactly has motivated the team to keep at it? "I'm a big believer that technology is largely misunderstood by people, and a lot of people need to think about what the effects of technology are on our society. We wanted this game to make a statement that would say to people: 'if you could upgrade yourself cybernetically and replace your body parts with machine parts, what would that mean to you?', and you know, making those kinds of statements we think is important for the videogame industry, because we want it to be taken seriously as a medium. And that's probably one of the biggest reasons we've kept with this idea for so long."


He added: "Obviously the technology is totally different; the Unreal 3 engine was not available then, and this is the first time we've used a third party engine. We're using the technology to tell the story, so we feel that it's a very strong advantage."


If the colossal time and energy invested into Too Human pay off, it could be a huge hit for Microsoft, with two further games planned after the release of the first Too Human at the end of this year. "In the first in the trilogy, the theme is discovery. The second is revenge, and the third is enlightenment, "Dennis reveals. "We're really going to take gamers on a journey from beginning to end, and really explore Norse mythology on a very deep level."


We're eager to see how the finished product comes together for release in December. Stay tuned for updates.


Miezega, dice che dovrebbe uscire a Dicembre di quest'anno ma non si è ancora visto niente di nuovo :(

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Un'altra intervista:



Developer Profile: Silicon Knights, And Where Is Too Human Anyway?

Dean Takahashi, 12:01 AM in Dean Takahashi, Gaming


Ever wonder where Too Human is? It was one of the blockbusters coming for the Xbox 360 from Microsoft Game Studios and Silicon Knights. Well, the game is still in the works but it's just not fully cooked yet for the holiday season.


Denis Dyack is the president of Silicon Knights, the St. Catharines, Canada-based developer. I chatted with him about everything except when his big game is going to ship. But it was a nice chat anyway.


Their name means that "we want to be the knights in shining armor of the game industry," he said. "We want to stand behind quality and not release a game before it's done." Well, I guess that explains Too Human.


Dyack's company has been making games since 1992. In 1998, it signed a deal to make second-party games for Nintendo, making Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem and Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes for the GameCube. It ended its relationship with Nintendo in 2004 and the next year it signed up with Microsoft to do a Too Human trilogy. The company is also doing an unannounced title for Sega. Full told, it has 150 employees on two teams now.


Asked about our favorite topic on the graphics power of the new consoles, Dyack said, "The 360 and the PS 3 are equal in power in my eyes. Maybe the PS 3 has more processing power. The 360 has more available memory. It's pretty much a net, net. The public perception of the PS 3 was that it was much more powerful. To developers, they look even."


Dyack said his company hasn't looked at games for the Wii. Been there, done that re Nintendo. Regarding staffing, he said the previous generation games required 30 to 60 people, but now that number is "doubled or tripled." Now the teams require story writers, cinematographers, musicians, and audio itself demands a whole team.


"It's starting to approach the cost of small budget movies," Dyack said. "It will be there by the end of this generation."


He says the next-generation programming is tougher. With multiple cores, it's harder to get it right. He says that one of these days, we won't have any more load times in video games. That's one of the benefits of the improving technology (but maybe it's next gen now?).


There is potentially more power in the PS 3, he acknowledged, but it is harder to tap.


"You have to get the timing right," he said, since processing with the Cell requires a juggling act to keep all the sub-processors busy.


Dyack says that he believes that HDMI cable interfaces will make a difference in visual quality. That gives an edge to the PS 3. But he noted that authoring games in 720P resolution "looks nice." He adds, "It is questionable if there is a difference between 1080P and 720P. All of our games are likely to be 720P because of the faster refresh rates. There are all kinds of trade-offs. It takes a lot more RAM to do 1080P. You'll reserve RAM for the textures. 720P is just less pixels. There is definitely a huge difference from 720P and analog."


Dyack says the costs of development are rising every year. "It is more risky for everybody," he said.


Regarding E3, Dyack said he was happy about its "death." "Eight years ago, the previews we did were just OK. Then hype got into the industry. Then the press has to become more critical. When you preview your game, it's not finished. But I was starting to see developers pull back more and more. A lot of companies have to make their quarters. The technology curve is so rapid. I hope that we don't have to spend money on anymore game previews. E3 was a distraction for everyone. Over the history of our company, E3 was the toughest crunch time. The problem was the more you spent on it, the less you spent on the game. People spent a crazy amount of money on E3."


Going to Microsoft wasn't a tough dilemma, he said. The company wanted to work on a next-generation title and Microsoft was ready. Regarding Too Human, Dyack opted not to show the title at Microsoft's event in September in Barcelona.


Who will win?


"It's a tough one. Microsoft is looking really good. Everyone is looking pretty good. At the beginning, everyone thought Sony would walk away with it. We won't know for sure for two years."


The question with Nintendo, Dyack says, is if the "controller stands the tests of time."
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la trama è la seguente: in un mondo futuristico c'è la solita guerra tra umani e macchine. le macchine stanno prendendo il sopravvento, ma ecco che interviene Baldur (il protagonista) un dio semi-meccanizzato che utilizza armi da fuoco e armi "bianche" (si parla di una spada laser, come confermato dalle immagini).

per la giocabilità si parla di frequenze molto frenetiche e divertenti, dove si combinano sparaoie cn confronti corpo a corpo. Si dice che tali scontri possono essere paragonati solo a quelli di GoW. inoltre il motore grafico utilizzato è l'ormai celebre motore Unreal Engine 3, famoso xchè è lo stesso, ancora una volta di GoW.

la longevità nn la conosco, posso sl dire che è suddivisa in 3 capitoli (si tratta di una trilogia), quindi presumo sia accettabile.


ripeto, credo di aver trovato un nuovo nome x la lista della spesa :ok:


La trama ricorda kyashan! :rotfl: :shock: :piange:

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  • 2 mesi dopo...

IGN effettuerà tra qualche settimana un hand-on su una versione avanzata del gioco, rilasciando video e foto oltre alle impressioni:


Too Human: Proving Ground


Years ago, I was really bummed to report that Silicon Knights would no longer be making games as a Nintendo second party. I understood the reasoning behind the decision -- Nintendo wanted to keep budgets down and to make simple, easily accessible software and Silicon Knights wanted to develop games to rival Hollywood's production values -- but it still kind of sucked. As a Nintendo fan, I mean. But at the same time, I was happy for the studio because I realized that with Microsoft as a partner and with Xbox 360 as the platform, its games could really shine. And to be specific, Too Human -- a concept a decade-in-the-making -- could really flourish. This game that marries Norse mythology with a seemingly futuristic world has totally and completely intrigued me and as such I've followed it, even as it transformed into an ambitious Xbox 360 trilogy.


I'm confident that Too Human is going to be great, but -- and I think Silicon Knights would agree -- its true potential was not on display at E3 2006, a show I'll bet the developer would love to forget. Too Human follows the cybernetically-enhanced Baldur, a "god" who, I believe, sides with the human race in a war against the machines. That is a very primitive breakdown of what is undoubtedly a very complicated and thorough storyline, so forgive me. The end game blends an epic yarn with third-person action, melee and projectile-based fighting, and a wide array of RPG elements. All pretty awesome, but the E3 demo of Too Human was marred by a jumpy framerate, some stiff character animation and a camera that was oftentimes panned too far back to see and appreciate the detailed models the company had designed.


Naturally, backlash ensued and both critics and skeptics seemed to have nothing but negative remarks for the experience. I played it at the event and agree that technically speaking, it needed work, but the core gameplay mechanics seemed very promising. What Silicon Knights did not demo at E3 2006 were any story elements or any of the RPG elements.


Post-E3, the developer went into a quiet period and worked pretty much non-stop to improve engine performance, to up the art ante, and to really show the industry that Too Human would live up to the hype.




Now the developer wants to prove it. I've been invited to an exclusive hands-on of the game. In the next few weeks, Fran and I will head out to Canada to go hands on with a completely playable and totally made-over version of Too Human. Updated gameplay mechanics. Enhanced graphics. You name it. And the best part for IGN readers? We'll be able to pull back the curtain on it all, giving you an in-depth view of how it plays, from combat to exploration and to RPG mechanics. We'll be able to show you its graphic improvements in gorgeous direct-feed videos and screenshots. And we'll have interviews with the guys and gals making the proeject, too.


I'm really excited about this opportunity. Silicon Knights has always been so adamant about strong storytelling in videogames and yet we've never seen any real story aspects of Too Human. Now, we're going to see them and in turn you're going to see them. I'm psyched. On top of that, we're going to get a real sense of what the gameplay is like -- not a glimpse, as was shown it E3, but a legit play test of a massively improved build on just about every level.


If you've got any questions you want answered while we're there, post 'em to the blog now and I'll make sure to get them answered for you -- if, that is, they can be answered. Please, no rude commentary. If you're a Nintendo fan and hate SK for making Xbox 360 games, please ignore this post and go elsewhere. If, on the other hand, you are genuinely interested in the future of the franchise and have real questions or concerns, I want to hear from you.;entryid=43785
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  • 1 mese dopo...
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Non male ragazzi....

Il grosso errore è stato di presentare quella versione embrionale l'anno scorso che come al solito ha fatto (S)parlare i più, secondo me questo titolo sarà un capolavoro! :dance:
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Non male ragazzi....

Il grosso errore è stato di presentare quella versione embrionale l'anno scorso che come al solito ha fatto (S)parlare i più, secondo me questo titolo sarà un capolavoro! :dance:

non scordiamoci che questo titolo è uno a cui microsoft tiene di più.....sicuramente sarà un grande gioco e credo che diventerà un capolavoro.....

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si scorpion è una trilogia.....chissà che non diventi il nuovo halo per la microsft :fischio:


tutto può accadere... :ph34r: ... anche perchè se continua di questo passo ci troveremo dinanzi un capolavoro... mamma mia una trilogia come questa affiancata alla trilogia di Mass Effect :loving: :loving: :loving:

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