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Voti per Full Sprectum Warrior

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In the end, Full Spectrum Warrior is an amazing achievement in design, and really, it's an amazingly visionary and original piece of code, full stop. Sure, there is room for improvement, but the game is still top-notch at every level of development and execution, and Pandemic's final product is a beautiful thing to look at, to play, and to compare to anything else in the marketplace.


As a game, it's thorough, deep, compelling, and it gives players something genuinely unique to play alone or with a friend. It could be longer, it could have more modes of play, and it could, nay, should, have an adversarial online ability, but I guess that's why they have sequels. Perhaps it's because Pandemic literally spent two years working on perfecting the camera system so that they couldn't spend more time on multiplayer modes, I don't know. What I do know is that if you own an Xbox and want a daring, awesome game to play this summer, you cannot go wrong with Full Spectrum Warrior.


-- Douglass C. Perry



10.0 Presentation

An outstanding, high-level production, beautifully presented with a superb intro movie, solid cutscenes and one monster tutorial.


9.0 Graphics

Great detail, excellent use of blurring, awesome particles, fire and explosions, great looking character models, and superb environments.


9.0 Sound

Solid, likeable themes, ranging from atypical militaristic to local Arab and Muslim influenced music. Great voice talent and well written lines. The constant chatter is always amusing.


9.0 Gameplay

Solid mechanics and innovative design push this game into an area no one's been before. It doesn't quite bloom into as deep a game as it could, but that's what sequels are for.


8.0 Lasting Appeal

The 10-12 hour single-player campaign is much harder if you bump the difficulty level. The co-op LIve part is great, but where are all the online mini-games, or adversarial for starters?



(out of 10 / not an average)





Basta è mio :shock:

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su gamespot ha beccato 7.7 mentre riddick 9.3 e sinceramente mi sembra troppo alto il voto di quest'ultimo e troppo basso quello di full anche perchè riddick è breve e senza live.



Non ho letto gamespot ma forse il voto basso a FSW é dovuto al fatto che non é poi così immediato come gioco.



Mah, o forse non ha senso nemmeno tanto quello che ho appena detto, cmq non me ne po fregà de meno tanto lo prendo cmq :(



X Zero: Adesso non so se abbia sparato una cazzata ma un tipo su un altro forum ha detto che ha telefonato al suo negoziante che gli ha detto che FSW li arrivava a giorni. Mah :?





Ciao :mrgreen:

"there is no darkness but ignorance"

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2 cose Duff: La prima, scrivi li invece che gli ( vedi "ma cosa li fai" :D )



Mattia! :D ma dove lo hai letto "ma cosa li fai"? :(



Cmq é da molto che ho smesso di studiare la grammatica :D



Ma gli non vuol dire a lui?





Verrò a fare un giro a VR :evil:





Ciao :mrgreen:

"there is no darkness but ignorance"

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Bastardozzo hai editato il messaggio :D

In "only staff" (ci siamo capiti) hai scritto "ma cosa li fai?" :D


D'altronde il nostro dialetto usa a volte "li" quindi sei giustificato.... ma alla prossima.... :twisted:


Gli è riferito a lui, Le a lei,


ben, noialtri se semo capii :D


Ciao Stuff :D





dai che scherso :D





Ciao :mrgreen:

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