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Il creatore di Megaman Keiji inafune lascia capcom


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Un po di settimane fa Keiji "Megaman" Inafune aveva dichiarato di odiare il suo lavoro. Be non stava scherzando. Infatti oggi dopo ben 23 anni a dichiarato di lasciare Capcom. Ecco l'articolo di kotaku


Guess Capcom legend Keiji Inafune wasn't kidding around when he said he hated his job : the Capcom exec said today he's leaving the company he's been with for 23 years at the end of the month.


His full job title had been Head of R&D Management Group, Consumer Games R&D Division and Contents Management Division (phew). In a blog post titled "Sayonara", Inafune explains why.


"A manager's work means evaluating your subordinates and speaking your dreams. Anyone who can do both of those can be a manager. I thought that when I came here, and I still think that now."


The problem being, Inafune believes he can no longer do both those things.


He also reflects on this 23 years at Capcom. Inafune started out as a character designer but, as he points out, he's now reached the top of Capcom's development structure. "There's nowhere higher for me to go."


"I'm leaving Capcom with the intention of starting my life over", he adds. Inafune says he's looking for his next challenge and will not be taking a break.


"People that really know me, can see where I'm coming from. I'm not a regular dude. It's probably because I'm strange."


He closes saying he'll do his best and with a "thank you".


In an interview with, Inafune states that he wants to work for Capcom. "Honestly, the situation has become such that I can't." Inafune could be referring to the reasons he gives in his blog post.


However, Inafune has increasingly taken more heat online — especially in Japan — for controversial remarks like stating that the Japanese game industry is "finished".


Inafune has also resigned from his position as CEO of Daletto, a Capcom subsidiary. Aside from Mega Man, he is best known for creating (or helping create) other notable Capcom franchises like Dead Rising, Lost Planet and Onimusha. In his post, he gave no indication of what he's moving onto next.



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