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No Man's Sky

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Alone, Together

  • Full multiplayer is finally coming to No Man’s Sky, and the first thing you’ll notice is that the once-lonely galaxy is a lot sillier when playing with friends. Who would have thought walling someone into a cave with a terrain manipulator and laughing at their misfortune was the tweak this game needed?

  • Parties can be up to four players large, with everyone bringing their items and ships along for the ride.

  • There’s no range limit on your party. While you’ll appear in the same place as the player you join, you can then blast off into space and head halfway across the galaxy, while remaining in the same game.

  • While a party’s set up by joining a single player’s game, they aren’t a host. Everyone has equal privileges, and can get the party to take part in their missions, wherever they are in the story.

  • The one restriction is that all players have to be using a save file in the same game mode, Normal, Creative or Survival...

  • … But if you don’t have a compatible save, we’re told you can join another player as a guest, presumably with standardised equipment.

  • The focus is very much on playing together, but you can attack your fellow players. It might be more trouble than it’s worth - when I blew up someone’s ship, they respawned halfway across the planet, which was a bit of a faff for everyone.

  • Starships are strictly assigned to the player that owns them, and they’re still all one-seaters, so you can’t pick up passengers.

  • But you can share almost everything else - transferring items across inventories now gives you the option to send any item to any player in your party.

  • A player can also activate Photo Mode while the rest of the party carries on playing, meaning you can stage some lovely shots.

  • If one player owns a Capital Ship they can accept new multiplayer missions.

  • From what we’ve seen, the new missions err on the side of simple, tasking the party with everything from combat challenges to scanning set numbers of creatures.

Building Bases, Going Places

  • Bases can now be built anywhere - and I mean anywhere. Underwater, up mountains, on floating rocks. It’s worth scouting for the most impressive location.

  • Bases can now be built out of up to 20,000 individual pieces, meaning you can build giant, sprawling complexes - we saw one with buildings at the top and bottom of a ravine, with a staircase that took minutes to climb between them.

  • Base building also comes with a mission tree now, keeping you building by rewarding you with new pieces for old ones.

  • Whoever sets the initial base piece owns the whole building but in multiplayer, any party member can add to a base owned by another party member.

  • You can also base-build within a Capital Ship owned by a party member.

  • Incidentally, landing a whole party’s starships in a freighter will seemingly be the easiest way of getting to new systems together.

  • If you’re rich in units, you can buy a whole fleet of freighters, and a new mission list lets you send them out on various missions, which play out in real time.

  • Those freighters don’t just disappear - they head to the specific system where the mission takes place. If you really wanted to annoy a party member, you could trick them into landing on a frigate, then send it on a mission in a distant system, blasting them into space with your laughter ringing in their ears. Just a thought

Get the Look

  • The game’s added a third-person viewpoint, and it wants you to know that - in our game, it became the default on-foot view.

  • It’s easy to change, however - the contextual menu you use to recharge systems or recall your ship now also lets you switch from third to first person at any time.

  • With the third-person mode and multiplayer comes another addition - you actually have a customisable player model now.

  • You can change your look at any time from a new terminal. That terminal can be found in every space station, and can be built in your bases and freighters.

  • You can change your helmet, suit, even your species. Changing to a short species like the Gek will lower your first-person view appropriately.

  • Speaking of your view, the HUD’s been tweaked a little, with a sleeker contextual menu and less intrusive pop-ups when you pick up items and materials.

  • Perhaps the nicest little change is the ability to repair critically damaged systems piece by piece. Instead of having to stockpile all the materials needed, you can plug in what you have and leave to find more, freeing up inventory space.

  • A new scanning view also helps show off a new addition - worlds can now be peppered with buried treasure, which you can uncover with the terrain manipulator and crack open for various rewards.

Modificato da gaxel


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Hanno annunciato che vi saranno update settimanali.


E un sito per tenere traccia di tutti gli eventi in-game


Io che lo gioco dal dayone, non oso immaginare cosa sarà per voi partire da NEXT, che è qualcosa che non ha eguali nel panorama ludico.


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Parlando ai microfoni di, Sean Murray di Hello Games ha dichiarato che No Man's Sky continuerà a ricevere nuovi aggiornamenti settimanali dopo la pubblicazione di NEXT. Gli update introdurranno eventi e missioni con ricompense speciali.


"Non si tratta di inserire loot box o un sistema simile alla microtransazioni. Tutti i contenuti saranno al 100% gratuiti." spiega Sean Murray, confermando che No Man's Sky riceverà una serie di aggiornamenti a cadenza settimanale dopo l'arrivo dell'update NEXT, proponendo ai giocatori nuovi eventi e missioni con cui guadagnare ricompense speciali nel corso dell'avventura.


L'obiettivo è quello di incentivare ad esplorare la Galassia e fare nuove scoperte, permettendo ai giocatori di comunicare tra loro attraverso la mappa: gli utenti potranno creare diversi punti di interesse attraverso i vari sistemi stellari, spingendo gli altri giocatori a visitare pianeti e luoghi particolari scoperti in precedenza.

Modificato da AngelDevil


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E un sito per tenere traccia di tutti gli eventi in-game


Io che lo gioco dal dayone, non oso immaginare cosa sarà per voi partire da NEXT, che è qualcosa che non ha eguali nel panorama ludico.

Io ci gioco da Day One... poi ho venduto la PS4 e mi son fermato... non vedo lora... aspettavo da tanto questo momento dell uscita su XBOX ONE

Nel frattempo Sean Murray è tornato a rilasciare interviste dopo un periodo piuttosto lungo di silenzio radar, e ha spiegato perché in No Man's Sky non verranno introdotti né i vermi della sabbia mostrati nei primi trailer né una modalità PvP vera e propria.


"In uno dei primi video avevamo mostrato questa sorta di gigantesco verme della sabbia, ma durante lo sviluppo è emerso che non erano molto divertenti", ha spiegato Murray a Waypoint. "La gente avrebbe finito per odiarli. Avrebbero sopraffatto totalmente il giocatore. Sarebbero arrivati dal nulla, e semplicemente non funzionavano. Non avevano senso rispetto alla dimensione del gioco".


Il leader di Hello Games ha chiarito che i giocatori non dovrebbero aspettarsi un'esperienza PvP più strutturata e ha fatto notare che in questo caso gli utenti avranno la possibilità di battere in ritirata. "Il PvP non è il vero focus del gioco, può sembrare strano ma è una cosa voluta, non è molto gratificante. È stata una decisione presa consapevolmente. In realtà il gioco è iniziato senza PvP e mi sembrava strano avere a disposizione una nave e non poter sparare agli amici, o altre cose del genere, o avere una pistola e non poterla sfruttare in quel modo".


Murray ha poi dichiarato che l'update Next servirà a dare ancora più supporto a tutte quelle funzionalità che hanno contribuito a rendere No Man's Sky più interessante agli occhi della community, anche in virtù delle novità e correzioni pianificate su base settimanale.

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Hanno aperto il Galactic Atlas


Waking Titan è concluo e questo è il messaggio di Murray





We always wanted No Man’s Sky to grow and develop after it released. I’m happy we’ve been able to do that.

I am so proud of the team at Hello Games. What they did was incredible. Over the years of development the average team size was 6. The final team size was just 15 people at launch. No Man’s Sky has grown to be a very broad game, ambitious, technically unique and very pretty at times. All the more impressive for a team that is still small

Whilst I couldn’t be prouder of the team, I personally made mistakes. I could talk all day about things I personally would change. Certainly one regret is that the intensity and drama of launch left no room for communication with the community.

We decided instead to focus on development rather than words. Following Foundation, pathfinder and Atlas Rises, we really want to include you, the community more.

We know that a million gamers played on the day w launched Atlas Rises. That everyone who played Atlas Rises played for 45 hours on average and 90% rated it positively. We know that 20% of players hit over 100 hours, and 5% hit over 1000. We know that over 200 million hours of No Man’s Sky have been played to date. It makes us happy, but desperate to communicate better.

A little while after the release of No Man’s Sky NEXT, Hello Games has planned its first season of weekly content and community events. This will be free for all players, with NO MICROTRANSACTIONS.

We are also launching a new website dedicated to the community, which we’re calling the Galactic Atlas. The site features points of interest in the No Man’s Sky Euclid Galaxy, all nominated by you through the survey we created earlier this month. This will grow in functionality and expand over time, in part through your feedback.

Slide 5

One day I hope to reach a point where I feel No Man’s Sky is “finished,” but luckily there’s still so much more we want to do. Working on NEXT feels important to us, but I know it’s not the end of the journey. We know the journey would be more fun together.

Thank you for playing No Man’s Sky. Thank you for playing Waking Titan, and we hope you enjoy everything still to come.


10 minuti Gameplay Xbox One


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Per chi ha gia giocato il gioco su PC/ps4, ma la modalità creativa, oltre alle risorse infinite, quali vantaggi porta? Lo scopo è lo stesso della modalità standard? oppure ci sono cose che nella creativa non puoi fare?

I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth.

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Per chi ha gia giocato il gioco su PC/ps4, ma la modalità creativa, oltre alle risorse infinite, quali vantaggi porta? Lo scopo è lo stesso della modalità standard? oppure ci sono cose che nella creativa non puoi fare?

Se è rimasta uguale non cambia nulla. Tutte le modalità sono identiche


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Credo di si...per forza! A differenza di elite dangerous... che purtroppo per questo, non riesco a giocare

Fatti un gruppo e vedi che non ci sono problemi su elite.

Se un uomo non è disposto a lottare per le sue idee o le sue idee non valgono nulla o non vale nulla lui

Articolo 1 codice di Norimberga

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Fatti un gruppo e vedi che non ci sono problemi su elite.


Che poi l'inglese in Elite è poco e scolastico.

Primo incontro in multi

Il tizio ha confermato che, una volta attivato il Gold gli è apparsa una nuova voce di menu per entrare in una partita random

Quindi, serve il Gold e devi manualmente joinare un altro giocatore per vederlo


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Murray su Twitter: "No Man's Sky Next multiplayer is about playing co-op with a small group of friends. At launch this is a team of four.


It's not a seperate mode. You get to carry your save across and can dip in and out of playing with friends.


Other players may enter your game, and you may choose to jump into other people's games. You can also choose to turn this off."


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Creative Mode = God Mode ( Infinite Health / Resources ) For exploring to your hearts content without downtime as well as building bases over and over to find a style and look you enjoy.


Normal Mode = Easy Mode ( Casual Gameplay ) For a relaxed yet "official" version of gameplay. You can feel good about what you accomplish as it's legit, even if slightly easy.


Survival Mode = Veteran Mode ( Hostile Environments / Harder Resource Management ) A new set of challenges for veteran players to overcome. More planets with hostile environments that deplete your shields quicker. You also lose more health while running around and take more damage from ships, creatures and sentinels.


Permadeath = YOLO baby! It's difficult + you only get 1 life. You die, game over man, game over.

Modificato da Hulong Zhan Shi
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26 minuti di gameplay (in francese)

Sto facendo un update da 4,81 GB... avevo già fatto il pre download qualche giorno fa... ed erano 7,8 gb (il gioco).


Il tizio che ha leakato ha detto che installato il gioco, poi gli ha fatto scaricare un update da 4.8GB, evidentemente sul disco non ci sta NEXT o manca comunque qualcosa.


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26 minuti di gameplay (in francese)



Il tizio che ha leakato ha detto che installato il gioco, poi gli ha fatto scaricare un update da 4.8GB, evidentemente sul disco non ci sta NEXT o manca comunque qualcosa.

Si infatti. Io lho messo a scaricare. Il gioco qualche giorno fa e oggi l update da 5gb
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