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Dead Or Alive Extreme 2


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ma nemmeno con la grafica tra 20 anni, avremo solo sempre più linee e superfici affiancate

Noinch, Noinch, Noinch, Schmokin' Weed, Schmokin' Weed, Doin' Coke, Drinkin' Beers...

Adventure, excitement... a Jedi craves not these things.

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  • 3 mesi dopo...
  • 3 settimane dopo...

Scusate, magari il contrario mi è sfuggito, ma non mi sembra di aver sentito parlare di Casinò.


Non ditemi che l'hanno tolto nella nuova versione!... :piange:


Voglio dire, per vedere un paio di tette ballonzolanti farei comunque di tutto :mrgreen: , ma se mi riducono il gioco ad una serie di mini concept ci rimarrei malissimo... male male male....


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  • 4 settimane dopo...

Tecmo ha rilasciato ai rivenditori nipponici i dettagli sul faceplate dedicato a Dead or Alive Xtreme 2, in uscita il prossimo 22 novembre in Giappone. L'accessorio, che raffigurerà la bella Kasumi, sarà messo in vendita al prezzo di 3150 yen, circa 20 euro.

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  • 2 settimane dopo...

Lista obiettivi:


Kasumi's Lovely Collection 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Kasumi!


Make 2 Friends (Kasumi) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Kasumi!


Make 4 Friends (Kasumi) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Kasumi!


Make 6 Friends (Kasumi) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Kasumi!


Kasumi Complete Collection 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Kasumi!


Ayane's Adorable Collection 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Ayane!


Make 2 Friends (Ayane) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Ayane!


Make 4 Friends (Ayane) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Ayane!


Make 6 Friends (Ayane) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Ayane!


Ayane Complete Collection 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Ayane!


Hitomi's Fresh Collection 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Hitomi!


Make 2 Friends (Hitomi) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Hitomi!


Make 4 Friends (Hitomi) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Hitomi!


Make 6 Friends (Hitomi) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Hitomi!


Hitomi Complete Collection 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Hitomi!


Leifang's Idolic Collection 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Leifang!


Make 2 Friends (Leifang) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Leifang!


Make 4 Friends (Leifang) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Leifang!


Make 6 Friends (Leifang) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Leifang!


Leifang Complete Collection 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Leifang!


Kokoro's Cute Collection 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Kokoro!


Make 2 Friends (Kokoro) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Kokoro!


Make 4 Friends (Kokoro) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Kokoro!


Make 6 Friends (Kokoro) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Kokoro!


Kokoro Complete Collection 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Kokoro!


Helena's Celebrity Collection 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Helena!


Make 2 Friends (Helena) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Helena!


Make 4 Friends (Helena) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Helena!


Make 6 Friends (Helena) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Helena!


Helena Complete Collection 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Helena!


Christie's Wild Collection 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Christie!


Make 2 Friends (Christie) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Christie!


Make 4 Friends (Christie) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Christie!


Make 6 Friends (Christie) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Christie!


Christie Complete Collection 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Christie!


Tina's Dynamite Collection 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Tina!


Make 2 Friends (Tina) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Tina!


Make 4 Friends (Tina) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Tina!


Make 6 Friends (Tina) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Tina!


Tina Complete Collection 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Tina!


Lisa's Tropical Collection 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Lisa!


Make 2 Friends (Lisa) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Lisa!


Make 4 Friends (Lisa) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Lisa!


Make 6 Friends (Lisa) 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Lisa!


Lisa Complete Collection 20

Gather as many swimsuits as you can with Lisa!


Secret Achievement 100

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

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Ionon loprendo di sicuro... per me è inutile un videogioco in cui delle ragazze in bikini giocano al tiroalla fune e a beach volley... :ph34r:


ecco...hai centrato il punto...cioè non capisco che scopo ha il gioco in se stesso

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ecco...hai centrato il punto...cioè non capisco che scopo ha il gioco in se stesso

Il gioco secondo me in realtà è una pura fregatura... siccome lamaggior parte dei videogiocatori sono maschi, tecmo ha deciso di fare un gioco del genere... Voglio dire, se voglio vedere le ragazze diDOA nude vado a vedere gli hentai...mica spendo 70euro per un gioco inesistente... :ok:
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Il gioco secondo me in realtà è una pura fregatura... siccome lamaggior parte dei videogiocatori sono maschi, tecmo ha deciso di fare un gioco del genere... Voglio dire, se voglio vedere le ragazze diDOA nude vado a vedere gli hentai...mica spendo 70euro per un gioco inesistente... :ok:


e poi la fisica del seno è scadente al 200 %

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ma si è un gioco per uscire dal solito sparatutto o corse clandestine senza un attimo di distrazione per appunto rilassarsi e vedere un bel paio di seni femminili (che lo so che sono rilassa un casino vederle ballonzolare... :ph34r: )
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