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Dragon Ball: Xenoverse


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Inviato (modificato)

Nuovo film di DragonBall in produzione in arrivo nel 2015!.....Sicuramente avrà qualcosa a che vedere con il misterioso personaggio dio di Dragon Ball Xenoverse.

Modificato da HaloMyLove

I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth.

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Inviato (modificato)

Ho letto che sarà scritto da Toriyama! :love:

Memonale!! Battle of gods, non è che era un gran chè........Per non parlare dei doppiaggi! Cavolo quando Vegeta si era messo a cantare, non voglio farti immaginare che faccia che ho fatto.. :acc:

Modificato da HaloMyLove

I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth.

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Inviato (modificato)

In giapponese poi è ancora peggio :D


Spoiler Battle of Gods:

Il principe dei Saiyan!!! Perchè me lo hanno abbassato a questi livelli :bang:

Modificato da HaloMyLove

I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth.

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Dragon Ball Xenoverse is making it’s way to the Sony PlayStation 4, Sony PlayStation 3, Micosoft Xbox One, and Microsoft Xbox 360 to North America, Europe, and Japan. A release date has not yet been announced. It hasn’t even been specified what year (2014 or 2015) the game will come out, just that it is in development. Details about the game are limited, but a new interview thanks to Treevax from the 2014 Japan Expo with Masayuki Hirano at publisher Bandai Namco Games and Masahiro Kashino at developer Dimps reveals a few small tidbits related to the game. The video below also includes the Dragon Ball Xenoverse presentation given at Japan Expo, interviews with Bandai Namco community staff, and a bit of commentary of things learned. The


From the interview, which starts at 33:40, here are some of the highlights:


First of all, the game has been in development for over 2.5 years. It will be completly different from Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z. Xenoverse is developed by Dimps, while Battle of Z was by Artdink. The team behind Dragon Ball Xenoverse heard the criticism Battle of Z received and are confident fans will be pleased with this latest Dragon Ball fighter.


Secondly, it’s confirmed the game will be more than 1 vs 1. Could this be team battle? Or up to 6 players brawls? That much is unannounced at this point in time.


Third, story mode isn’t an open world affair like Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 on the Sony PlayStation 3 and Nintendo GameCube. The game’s concept isn’t to explore with the Dragon Ball world, but to intervene with it.


Fourth, the game will feature characters beyond just the Dragon Ball Z series. Does that mean DBGT and DB is included or does that beyond the series mean including DBZ movies and specials? Or, does it mean original characters created for the game? That is also unannounced at this point in time. They just mentioned it will go beyond the main story and have a robust roster.


Fifth, manual ki charging will be making a return. It wasn’t in Dimps’ previous DBZ game (Burst Limit), but the development team is working on implementing it in Xenoverse.
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Dragon Ball Xenoverse is making it’s way to the Sony PlayStation 4, Sony PlayStation 3, Micosoft Xbox One, and Microsoft Xbox 360 to North America, Europe, and Japan. A release date has not yet been announced. It hasn’t even been specified what year (2014 or 2015) the game will come out, just that it is in development. Details about the game are limited, but a new interview thanks to Treevax from the 2014 Japan Expo with Masayuki Hirano at publisher Bandai Namco Games and Masahiro Kashino at developer Dimps reveals a few small tidbits related to the game. The video below also includes the Dragon Ball Xenoverse presentation given at Japan Expo, interviews with Bandai Namco community staff, and a bit of commentary of things learned. The


From the interview, which starts at 33:40, here are some of the highlights:


First of all, the game has been in development for over 2.5 years. It will be completly different from Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z. Xenoverse is developed by Dimps, while Battle of Z was by Artdink. The team behind Dragon Ball Xenoverse heard the criticism Battle of Z received and are confident fans will be pleased with this latest Dragon Ball fighter.


Secondly, it’s confirmed the game will be more than 1 vs 1. Could this be team battle? Or up to 6 players brawls? That much is unannounced at this point in time.


Third, story mode isn’t an open world affair like Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 on the Sony PlayStation 3 and Nintendo GameCube. The game’s concept isn’t to explore with the Dragon Ball world, but to intervene with it.


Fourth, the game will feature characters beyond just the Dragon Ball Z series. Does that mean DBGT and DB is included or does that beyond the series mean including DBZ movies and specials? Or, does it mean original characters created for the game? That is also unannounced at this point in time. They just mentioned it will go beyond the main story and have a robust roster.


Fifth, manual ki charging will be making a return. It wasn’t in Dimps’ previous DBZ game (Burst Limit), but the development team is working on implementing it in Xenoverse.

Ancora oggi Burst Limit è il mio preferito su 360! Xenoverse sarà fantastico. :D

I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth.

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Ho amato la saga di dragon ball. Ho ancora custoditi gelosamente i manga della prima edizione italiana star comics,quelli piccoli con sfondo azzurro. A mio avviso dovevano chiudere la saga dopo la sconfitta di Freezer,con Goku diventato il Sayan leggendario e Vegeta mezzo redento e con l'amaro in bocca. Sarebbe stato epico.

Il resto poi mi è piaciuto cmq,anche se molto meno. Il GT e altra roba uscita manco l'ho presa in considerazione.

Così, my 2 cents.


Se il gioco sarà bello un giorno lo recupererò.

Modificato da Zoid

Slap - Bump - Roll

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Ho amato la saga di dragon ball. Ho ancora custoditi gelosamente i manga della prima edizione italiana star comics,quelli piccoli con sfondo azzurro. A mio avviso dovevano chiudere la saga dopo la sconfitta di Freezer,con Goku diventato il Sayan leggendario e Vegeta mezzo redento e con l'amaro in bocca. Sarebbe stato epico.

Il resto poi mi è piaciuto cmq,anche se molto meno. Il GT e altra roba uscita manco l'ho presa in considerazione.

Così, my 2 cents.


Se il gioco sarà bello un giorno lo recupererò.

Io ho amato la saga di Cell, anche se lo stesso Toriyama riferì in un'intervista che DB avrebbe dovuto finire con la stupenda saga di Freezer... :love:


Ecco la scan del misterioso personaggi, o meglio, del Saiyan, visto che ne abbiamo la conferma! :ok:
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Io ho amato la saga di Cell, anche se lo stesso Toriyama riferì in un'intervista che DB avrebbe dovuto finire con la stupenda saga di Freezer... :love:


Ecco la scan del misterioso personaggi, o meglio, del Saiyan, visto che ne abbiamo la conferma! :ok:

Sembra veramente open wolrd, o stile T2! Miooo al D1!!!

I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth.

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Inviato (modificato)

Sicuramente come per i precedenti titoli di DB, non potrà mancare un edizione da collezzione/limitata, con all'interno lo scooter di Bardack! Lo sò, sono troppo infanitle! Ma lo voglio!! :rotfl:


Sarà figlio di Cyborg numero 13 e Brà! :mrgreen: Ecco come si spiegano i capelli rossi.

Senza scherzare..... potrebbe essere figlio di Brà, oppure di Trunks, indossando il giubbotto della Capsule Corporation, ed essendo un saiyan....... poi non saprei... :whew:


Nuove immagini di Xenoverse!

Modificato da HaloMyLove

I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth.

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Bellissime le immagini. ;)


Le immagini del film del 2015! :love:

Modificato da Boxaro DOC
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Inviato (modificato)

Bellissime le immagini. ;)


Le immagini del film del 2015! :love:


Noti qualcosa di familiare in questa?



Modificato da HaloMyLove

I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth.

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C'è uno strano portale lì sopra... :?:


Stessa cosa di infinite world, quando potevi girare per la mappa, passando attraverso i portali, tipo quando dovevi percorrere il serpentone con Goku. Hai presente? :lol:

Questo gioco mi stupisce sempre di più!

I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth.

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Stessa cosa di infinite world, quando potevi girare per la mappa, passando attraverso i portali, tipo quando dovevi percorrere il serpentone con Goku. Hai presente? :lol:

Questo gioco mi stupisce sempre di più!

Allora sembra confermarsi l'ipotesi della modalità esplorativa... B)
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Allora sembra confermarsi l'ipotesi della modalità esplorativa... B)

Siiiii! :mrgreen:

I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth.

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