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Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4

Hulong Zhan Shi

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Io ho solo UNS2, ma non mi ha entusiasmato. Diciamo innanzitutto che Shippuden non lo seguo nemmeno più, perché ho cominciato a detestarlo. Nulla a che vedere con la prima serie. Questo non ha contribuito ad appassionarmi al gioco. Inoltre, nonostante ammetta subito di non essere un folle appassionato di picchiaduro, il sistema di combattimento non mi piaceva affatto. Con quel ben di dio che avevano a disposizione, con forma e natura del chakra di tipi diversi (e tutte le varie interazioni), tecniche segrete dei vari clan (ma comunque distinguibili per ogni personaggio), tre stili di combattimento perfettamente differenziati; con tutto ciò cosa mi mettono? Ogni personaggio ha qualche tecnica, sempre quelle, senza nessun particolare sforzo di immaginazione per inserire della vera tattica nei combattimenti, interazione con l'ambiente bassissima, solo effetti speciali supermegaextrafighi&spettacolari. Onestamente, proprio la piega che aveva preso Shippuden.

Ora giusto per sfizio voglio provare Broken Bond, anche solo per giocare con quelle splendide musiche.


Non fraintendetemi, non voglio polemicizzare sul gioco. Però, onestamente, un gioco sul mondo di Naruto me lo sono sempre immaginato in maniera totalmente diversa. Ad esempio avrei creato una storia nuova in un ambiente open world, con un personaggio selezionabile da diversi clan e di cui scegliere la natura del chakra. Avrei inserito la possibilità di interagire con l'ambiente e sfruttarlo nei combattimenti, magari focalizzandosi su punti forti e deboli dell'avversario. Insomma, personalmente vedo un gran potenziale sprecato. Stessa identica cosa per One Piece, relegato a musou, se avessero sviluppato qualcosa di serio (e non semplicemente un regalino per i fan) mi sarei preso pure la play.


Fine OT, prometto che smetto di sporcarvi il thread :D



dovevi partire da ultimate ninja sulla ps2

i progressi che hanno fatto sono enormi :ok:

Rest in Peace Chester

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Tranquillo Rocky, poi te la vedrai con me per tutte le bestemmie he hai detto... xD :P


Scherzi a parte, Storm 4 quindi non lo compri? :piange:


Temevo la tua ira Box :asd:


Comunque sinceramente non credo. Magari in un lampo improvviso, se lo trovo scontato, me lo prendo giusto per farmi bastonare un po' da voi :D


dovevi partire da ultimate ninja sulla ps2

i progressi che hanno fatto sono enormi :ok:


Se non erro quello era esclusina ps, giusto? Comunque non metto in dubbio i progressi e l'apprezzamento del gioco da parte dei fan. È che secondo me questa saga sfrutta pochissimo del potenziale del mondo di Naruto :ok:

"Più forte dell'odio è l'amore.

Più forte dell'amore è... Mike Tyson, per esempio.."

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Stavo pensando, ma perché non mettono una cavolo di modalità Editor dove ti crei il tuo ninja con le sue tecniche?

Caspita se sarebbe una figata assurda, poi andare online e sfondarsi di Botte contro altre persone :bow:

Dai Boxaro ( o Dovrei dire Sonaro :P ), fatti sentire e tempestali di messaggi finché non la mettono!

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Temevo la tua ira Box :asd:


Comunque sinceramente non credo. Magari in un lampo improvviso, se lo trovo scontato, me lo prendo giusto per farmi bastonare un po' da voi :D




Se non erro quello era esclusina ps, giusto? Comunque non metto in dubbio i progressi e l'apprezzamento del gioco da parte dei fan. È che secondo me questa saga sfrutta pochissimo del potenziale del mondo di Naruto :ok:


Tu Rocky sai che sarò sempre ad aspettarti, eh! <3


Stavo pensando, ma perché non mettono una cavolo di modalità Editor dove ti crei il tuo ninja con le sue tecniche?

Caspita se sarebbe una figata assurda, poi andare online e sfondarsi di Botte contro altre persone :bow:

Dai Boxaro ( o Dovrei dire Sonaro :P ), fatti sentire e tempestali di messaggi finché non la mettono!

Quotone per te! Dovrebbero fare come in Dragon Ball Xenoverse! Ma purtroppo in Storm 4 non lo vedremo l'editor, a quest'ora già se ci fosse stato nel gioco ne saremmo a conoscenza... :(


Ah, se fossi io il capo della CyberConnect2. ... quante me ne inventerei!! :squile:

Modificato da Boxaro DOC
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Tu Rocky sai che sarò sempre ad aspettarti, eh! <3



Quotone per te! Dovrebbero fare come in Dragon Ball Xenoverse! Ma purtroppo in Storm 4 non lo vedremo l'editor, a quest'ora già se ci fosse stato nel gioco ne saremmo a conoscenza... :(


Ah, se fossi io il capo della CyberConnect2. ... quante me ne inventerei!! :squile:


ma infatti tu devi essere il nuovo capo e dovevi essere tu quello travestito da madera RiKoudo Sennin

Modificato da holyvamp
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ma è di suo fratello hahahahahahahaha


boxich quando prendi la one???

Forse tra non molto dovrei comprarla. :ok:


Comunque se arriva la conferma di Madara, è probabile che arrivi assieme a Obito con una scan unica....


Mai vista così tanta bellezza in una sola immagine... :love:



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vero XD :ok:


che figata adri :) non ci posso ancora credere!

Pensa come stavo io emotivamente il giorno dell'annuncio. .. xD :asd:


L'intervista più orribile di sempre. :polliceverso:


Will Naruto Storm 4 have an actual team battle mode?

Bandai Namco and CyberConnect2 are both aware fans would like this feature. Since the game has just been announced, it’s not something that can be confirmed, however, CyberConnect2 does want to implement a lot of things they couldn’t in previous games. The chances are high for team battles, but again at this time it can’t be confirmed.


Will there be crossplay between PS4, Xbox One and PC?



Will there be 4 player online?

It’s too early to say, the game was just announced. There will be a special effort given to the online modes that fulfill requests not just by the fans, but by Bandai Namco’s community management teams. They are willing to go the e-sports route with Naruto games and the Storm League is a part of it. (Saiyan Island Note: For those unfamiliar, Storm League is a website where players can find one another to set up brackets and compete in a tournament-style venue)


Will there be a damage system introduced?

Yes, definitely. It was shown at a demo at the Jump Festa Event. Bandai Namco is still waiting for additional details from CyberConnect2 on how it works. Matsuyama-san mentioned the damage system is going deeper than what was seen in previous Naruto games. What CyberConnect2 would like to do is have things like weapons and armor destruction. Depending on how things are destroyed, the gameplay will change. (Saiyan Island Note: The demo at Jump Festa was a boss battle of Hashirama vs Madara.


Will the damage system be available for online?

That can’t be answered yet


Will Madara in Jubi mode (also known as Jinchuriki Madara or Six Paths Madara) be in the game?

The game will cover the entire story of Naruto until the very end of the manga. Madara in Jubi mode can’t be confirmed explicitly by Bandai Namco, but since Madara is part of the story, fans can take a guess. (Saiyan Island Note: A Bandai Namco producer took the stage as Madara in this form, if that’s any indication.)


Will jutsu clashes from the original Naruto Storm return?

That can’t be said, but it is something that CC2 wanted to do, but couldn’t be done because of the differences in attacks in Naruto.


Will Madara vs the Tailed Beasts be in the game?

Bandai Namco can’t say. (Saiyan Island Note: Since it is a focus in the manga, fans can expect it)


Will there be quick time events (QTE) when performing ultimate jutsu?

Unlikely. QTE’s are linked to boss battles. What can be said is the QTE’s will be better integration with the gameplay. For example, when a player has to mash a button, the gauge will disappear from the screen when they start to mash it because it’s something unnecessary to see. Players understand what they have to do, removing it will allow them to see the full picture


Will content from The Last: Naruto the Movie be in, including a mature Naruto and the new Kurama Mode?

Bandai Namco can’t say. (Saiyan Island note: The Last version of Naruto was not in the English trailer. This is likely due to the movie not yet being released in North America/Europe yet. Great news is, the movie is announced for the US, so there is a good chance The Last movie story will make its way to the game for the entire world, not just Japan).


Will the game have free-roam?

No information has been revealed on that thus far.


Will the counter system from Naruto Storm Revolution return in Storm 4?

Yes, it will and it works in the same way, with evolutions to it. However, this answer is from an early build of the game so much can’t be said yet about how it will be in the final release.


Will Naruto Storm 4 be in 1080p?

The aim is 1080p, 60 fps, but these are things that are reviewed when the product is close to finish due to technical reasons.


Will the team attacks from Storm 3 return?

The return of types have not been confirmed. (Saiyan Island Note: It seems the question may have been misinterpreted, since the Storm 3 team attacks system was not used much by most players)


Will characters such as Kiba, Ino, and Rock Lee receive updated movesets? They have been mostly unchanged since Storm 2.

The game will cover the entire Naruto story, so there will be old attacks alongside new ones which were used toward the end of the manga. The one thing Bandai Namco emphasized is if characters didn’t evolve in the manga, then they won’t evolve in the game.


Will the Sound 4 be in the game?

Bandai Namco can’t say at this time. It might be unlikely since they are not part of the Naruto Shippuden storyline, but fans will have to wait and see.


2015 has been mentioned as the year for Naruto Storm 4′s release. What is the exact release date?

It hasn’t been determined yet.

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Pensa come stavo io emotivamente il giorno dell'annuncio. .. xD :asd:


L'intervista più orribile di sempre. :polliceverso:


Will Naruto Storm 4 have an actual team battle mode?

Bandai Namco and CyberConnect2 are both aware fans would like this feature. Since the game has just been announced, it’s not something that can be confirmed, however, CyberConnect2 does want to implement a lot of things they couldn’t in previous games. The chances are high for team battles, but again at this time it can’t be confirmed.


Will there be crossplay between PS4, Xbox One and PC?



Will there be 4 player online?

It’s too early to say, the game was just announced. There will be a special effort given to the online modes that fulfill requests not just by the fans, but by Bandai Namco’s community management teams. They are willing to go the e-sports route with Naruto games and the Storm League is a part of it. (Saiyan Island Note: For those unfamiliar, Storm League is a website where players can find one another to set up brackets and compete in a tournament-style venue)


Will there be a damage system introduced?

Yes, definitely. It was shown at a demo at the Jump Festa Event. Bandai Namco is still waiting for additional details from CyberConnect2 on how it works. Matsuyama-san mentioned the damage system is going deeper than what was seen in previous Naruto games. What CyberConnect2 would like to do is have things like weapons and armor destruction. Depending on how things are destroyed, the gameplay will change. (Saiyan Island Note: The demo at Jump Festa was a boss battle of Hashirama vs Madara.


Will the damage system be available for online?

That can’t be answered yet


Will Madara in Jubi mode (also known as Jinchuriki Madara or Six Paths Madara) be in the game?

The game will cover the entire story of Naruto until the very end of the manga. Madara in Jubi mode can’t be confirmed explicitly by Bandai Namco, but since Madara is part of the story, fans can take a guess. (Saiyan Island Note: A Bandai Namco producer took the stage as Madara in this form, if that’s any indication.)


Will jutsu clashes from the original Naruto Storm return?

That can’t be said, but it is something that CC2 wanted to do, but couldn’t be done because of the differences in attacks in Naruto.


Will Madara vs the Tailed Beasts be in the game?

Bandai Namco can’t say. (Saiyan Island Note: Since it is a focus in the manga, fans can expect it)


Will there be quick time events (QTE) when performing ultimate jutsu?

Unlikely. QTE’s are linked to boss battles. What can be said is the QTE’s will be better integration with the gameplay. For example, when a player has to mash a button, the gauge will disappear from the screen when they start to mash it because it’s something unnecessary to see. Players understand what they have to do, removing it will allow them to see the full picture


Will content from The Last: Naruto the Movie be in, including a mature Naruto and the new Kurama Mode?

Bandai Namco can’t say. (Saiyan Island note: The Last version of Naruto was not in the English trailer. This is likely due to the movie not yet being released in North America/Europe yet. Great news is, the movie is announced for the US, so there is a good chance The Last movie story will make its way to the game for the entire world, not just Japan).


Will the game have free-roam?

No information has been revealed on that thus far.


Will the counter system from Naruto Storm Revolution return in Storm 4?

Yes, it will and it works in the same way, with evolutions to it. However, this answer is from an early build of the game so much can’t be said yet about how it will be in the final release.

Will Naruto Storm 4 be in 1080p?

The aim is 1080p, 60 fps, but these are things that are reviewed when the product is close to finish due to technical reasons.


Will the team attacks from Storm 3 return?

The return of types have not been confirmed. (Saiyan Island Note: It seems the question may have been misinterpreted, since the Storm 3 team attacks system was not used much by most players)


Will characters such as Kiba, Ino, and Rock Lee receive updated movesets? They have been mostly unchanged since Storm 2.

The game will cover the entire Naruto story, so there will be old attacks alongside new ones which were used toward the end of the manga. The one thing Bandai Namco emphasized is if characters didn’t evolve in the manga, then they won’t evolve in the game.


Will the Sound 4 be in the game?

Bandai Namco can’t say at this time. It might be unlikely since they are not part of the Naruto Shippuden storyline, but fans will have to wait and see.


2015 has been mentioned as the year for Naruto Storm 4′s release. What is the exact release date?

It hasn’t been determined yet.



era quello che temevo XD e vabbè me ne farò una ragione

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