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State of Decay 2


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Ho iniziato da poco (13 ore) però ho delle difficoltà e non capisco certe cose :?: Intanto le risorse di cibo sono scarse, per non parlare dei medicinali che sono introvabili e devo usare la radio spendendo reputazione; nella mia base all'esterno ho solo infermeria, orto e raccolta acqua piovana dove costruisco il resto? ho usato alcuni manuali, altri costano molto e bisogna avere i personaggi giusti per usarli. Non c'è un attimo di tranquillità, il morale è basso e di notte è veramente difficile proseguire...fai benzina, ripara la macchina, svuota zaino, cambia personaggio perchè stanco... :unsure: Sono pieno di pistole e armi da mischia danneggiate o rotte perchè non ho l'officina...ho la base con 7 posti letto tutti occupati con 2 avamposti creati...ho appena eletto il leader, commerciante sperando di comprare cibo e medicine. Devo capire meglio come funziona :read:

_Xbox Ambassador IV_F.C.Inter_Cleveland Cavaliers_Philadelphia Eagles_OSU Buckeyes_Washington Capitals_METAL

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Allora la prima base è piccola appena puoi prendine una da 1500 più grande con più spazi, magari 2 grandi.


Per le altre cose puoi riscattare luoghi esterni. Io inizialmente ho preso un posto che da cibo e uno che da medicine proprio per non correre di continuo.


In generale nelle farmacie etc trovi quasi sempre medicine, basta che nella mappa vedi che tipo di locale è.

Modificato da Pufferbacco



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  • 4 settimane dopo...

Non è possibile che un gioco open world con una realizzazione tecnica così mediocre vada a scatti continuamente! la prima campagna tutto ok ma dalla fine della seconda e adesso la terza è una settimana che gioco malissimo perchè non è mai fluido! assurdo, a voi funziona bene?

_Xbox Ambassador IV_F.C.Inter_Cleveland Cavaliers_Philadelphia Eagles_OSU Buckeyes_Washington Capitals_METAL

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Inviato (modificato)

Update 3.0 is Live!


Feature Improvements

  • All players in a multiplayer game can now use the “Stuck?” radio command.
  • Vehicles will now be teleported by the “Stuck?” radio command.
  • The “Stuck?” radio command now won’t teleport you all the way back to your base.
  • Players can now use the Workshop facility to repair or salvage equipped weapons, rather than having to drop them into the Supply Locker first.
  • Salvaged weapons now return their ammo to your Supply Locker instead of destroying it.
  • Info flyouts for outposts on the map screen now show the outpost number, which corresponds to the outpost number in the base management screen.
  • Players will now see a banner at the top-center of screen when a community member dies, instead of the brief side notification that previously popped up.
  • Players will now see a banner at the top-center of screen when a community member threatens to leave or leaves, instead of the brief side notification that previously popped up.
  • Communities will now automatically claim an appropriate “starter” home site when traveling to a new map.
  • Several radio commands have been enabled for clients in multiplayer games.
  • Players can now drop equipped weapons.
  • Players can now buy 1 individual item from a stack when trading with enclaves.
  • Players can now navigate conversation options with Left Stick as well as D-pad controller input.
  • The Supply Locker is now automatically sorted by item type. Additionally, the Ranged Weapons tab has the option to sort by either ammo caliber or weapon type.
  • When approaching the Storage facility with a rucksack equipped, the interaction text will now display the resource type and the resource yield.
  • The Mysterious Wandering Trader now appears more reliably.
  • Adjusted the cadence of the Independence Pack DLC trader to better balance with the Wandering Trader.
  • The mission that creates the trader who supplies skill books is now called “Skills Trader” (to more clearly communicate its different nature). Also, this mission can now occur during the week (and not just on weekends).

Balance Changes

  • When you abandon an outpost, you’ll be refunded only 60% of the original influence cost, instead of 100%. This increased investment in an outpost is intended to make it feel like a significant choice by the player, rather than an easily swapped “loot-drop” location that drastically alters the overall experience.
  • Proximity mines are no longer triggered by players or by friendly NPCs.

Bug Fixes Gameplay

  • Players can now improve their Close Combat Specialization skill.
  • Players trying to descend a ladder will no longer experience confused Up/Down controls when the ladder animation involves a camera flip.
  • Players can no longer consume (and waste) energy drinks if their character is still under the effect of a prior energy drink.
  • Grenade launcher rounds no longer occasionally bounce off of fat zombies.
  • Explosives now set off other nearby explosives, such as land mines. Have fun with that;)
  • Losing a benefit that reduces the severity of trauma can no longer kill a character (due to retroactive increase of trauma).
  • Certain rare skills learned from books will now always start at Level 1 as intended.
  • Skill books can no longer be consumed if they would not grant any benefit.
  • Fixed an issue with fire occasionally (and invisibly) remaining in effect beyond the appropriate duration.
  • Recon radio commands now reveal zombies for all players, not just the host.
  • When calling in favors over the radio, the enclave that owes you the favor will now answer, rather than someone from your own community.
  • Facility actions can now be truly instantaneous (cost 0 seconds).
  • Improved the reliability and predictability of the “Stuck?” radio command.
  • Improved the predictability of your starting position when loading back into a saved community.


  • When a home site or previously cleared site becomes infested, it now properly shows an infestation icon on the map.
  • The minimap now zooms in correctly when indoors at an infestation or plague heart.
  • Sell and Buy prices for stacks have been adjusted to fix discrepancies with individual item pricing.
  • The Out of Storage notification now properly triggers when you deposit a rucksack that brings that resource level from just below your base’s maximum capacity to above the maximum capacity.
  • The base management screen’s morale flyout now correctly uses the morale effect’s name instead of the name of the facility providing the effect.
  • Notifications for certain rare skills learned from books now show the correct maximum skill level.
  • The UI for your Storage facility now indicates when withdrawing a rucksack is not possible due to insufficient resources.
  • Fixed an issue with the player’s vehicles not showing up on the map UI after moving to a new map.
  • Flyout info for sites on map screen should now properly show icons for all expected resources.
  • When using the mouse on the map screen, the goal info flyout now shows when hovering over a goal in the list, instead of requiring it to be clicked.
  • Labor and time costs are now shown for facility mod uninstall actions.
  • The Independence Pack supply drop container now shows a “Busy” indicator when another player is interacting with it.
  • Players interacting with the radio menu using a mouse can no longer accidentally click buttons that have been hidden by an opened command category


  • Host no longer sees client’s vehicle help tips.
  • Multiplayer clients are no longer forcibly teleported every time the host switches characters.
  • Multiplayer rewards are now always granted immediately upon return to your saved game
  • Multiplayer location indicators no longer show through the background of the Community screen.
  • Adjusted position of multiplayer name indicators so that they do not overlap when multiple players are in a single vehicle.
  • Fixed an issue causing jerky flashlight movements with bad network updates.
  • Fixed an issue causing flashlights to get “confused” if a player stayed in aim mode for a long time.


  • Vehicle icon now properly persists if the last passenger of a vehicle exits out of a non-driver seat.
  • Fixed an issue with Independence Pack vehicle deliveries occasionally appearing beneath the map (and thus inaccessible.)
  • Clients can now see when their car is properly parked at the host’s base.
  • Clients can now see the name of vehicles while surveying.


  • Added error sound when attempting to select unavailable radio command.

Key Bindings

  • Players who have remapped Struggle and Melee actions to different inputs can now use either one to open locked doors.


  • Tweaked visuals and timing of bloater gas cloud to more closely match effects.
  • Fixed many spots where players could get stuck in the environment.
  • Fixed many instances of world art floating or clipping incorrectly.
Modificato da AngelDevil


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  • 2 settimane dopo...

il DLC Daybreak di State of Decay 2, in uscita il 12 settembre.


Questo contenuto aggiuntivo introdurrà una modalità di gioco completamente nuova. I giocatori saranno chiamati ad impersonare un soldato Red Talon ben equipaggiato per difendere la propria posizione fortificata da ondate di zombie di difficoltà crescente.


Non verrà influenzata la comunità di sopravvissuti. Ad ogni morte, il giocatore ritornerà in vita nei panni di un nuovo soldato Red Talon nel giro di 13 secondi. Daybreak includerà nuovi equipaggiamenti, armi inedite e anche una nuova minaccia, il Blood Plague Juggernaut.



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Pessimo DLC, un "difendi il castello" totalmente scollegato dal gioco principale. Alla faccia dei giocatori che volevano nuove mappe e missioni! Vogliamo parlare della nuova patch? hanno sistemato delle cose aggiungendo altri bug! l'auto in uso non compare più sulla mappa, auto che diventano "immateriali" inutilizzabili, auto potenziate col progetto che dopo un pò ritornano normali, compagno reclutato che al rientro alla base sparisce! veramente una delusione questo gioco, troppi errori! :polliceverso:

Modificato da RickyD31

_Xbox Ambassador IV_F.C.Inter_Cleveland Cavaliers_Philadelphia Eagles_OSU Buckeyes_Washington Capitals_METAL

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Pessimo DLC, un "difendi il castello" totalmente scollegato dal gioco principale. Alla faccia dei giocatori che volevano nuove mappe e missioni! Vogliamo parlare della nuova patch? hanno sistemato delle cose aggiungendo altri bug! l'auto in uso non compare più sulla mappa, auto che diventano "immateriali" inutilizzabili, auto potenziate col progetto che dopo un pò ritornano normali, compagno reclutato che al rientro alla base sparisce! veramente una delusione questo gioco, troppi errori! :polliceverso:


Sincero a me non mi ha mai dato un problema.. anzi in Single Player mi è andato tutto liscio..

Adesso non lo tocco da un pò, quindi non saprei..

Ma tanto ho scaricato il primo e appena ho un attimo me lo voglio giocare che l'avevo saltato!

" Non c'è cattivo più cattivo di un buono quando diventa cattivo! " #FINOALLAFINE


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Il problema delle auto immateriali e che spariscono dalla mappa l'ha fatto anche a me più volte... e prima della patch 3 aveva molti altri problemi... diciamo che devono migliorare moltissimo sulla realizzazione tecnica...


Ma voi come usate l'idroponica? Io non riesco a produrre il cibo che dovrebbe... DI base dovrebbe produrne 3 + 3 potenziando con i semi + 3 con la compostiera. Al giorno dovrebbe aggiungere +3 ma non è mai così e con gli inconvenienti che capitano mi ritrovo ad averne sempre di meno.

Sapete da cosa è dovuto?

Ho idea che siano le tempistiche di irrigazione e semina a fregarmi. Ad un certo punto della giornata l'irrigazione finisce (dura 1h31m) e le colture idroponiche si interrompono, appena mi da l'avviso riabilito l'irrigazione ma secondo me mi resetta qualche conteggio sul potenziamento.


Ad altri è capitato?

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Io ci sto giocando da ieri e mi sta piacendo molto :) Sto sfruttando il Gamepass che ho preso a 2 durante la gamescom ( 2 mesi) ... scaricato questo e SoT ... sto dando respiro a f1 2018 e mi sto divertendo a State of Decay 2 ...

Per quanto riguarda il cooperativo : se entro nella sessione di qualcuno , le risorse e le case ripulite restano anche per me una volta terminata la sessione ? Oppure le missioni poi sono da rifare , ad esempio ? grazie

Linux and MacOs User - Tifoso del cavallino da sempre - Fan Napoli, Lakers and Ravens



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Io ci sto giocando da ieri e mi sta piacendo molto :) Sto sfruttando il Gamepass che ho preso a 2 durante la gamescom ( 2 mesi) ... scaricato questo e SoT ... sto dando respiro a f1 2018 e mi sto divertendo a State of Decay 2 ...

Per quanto riguarda il cooperativo : se entro nella sessione di qualcuno , le risorse e le case ripulite restano anche per me una volta terminata la sessione ? Oppure le missioni poi sono da rifare , ad esempio ? grazie



Valgono solo per l'host che ospita..

Le tue non vengono completate, a meno che non ospiti tu.. :)

" Non c'è cattivo più cattivo di un buono quando diventa cattivo! " #FINOALLAFINE


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bah non saprei .... io avendo finito le ferie e non avendo più molto tempo l'ho disinstallato ... lo avevo provato per il gamepass e il gioco in sè è molto carino ;) le ore volano via un piacere . Forse un domani ci torno su xd

Linux and MacOs User - Tifoso del cavallino da sempre - Fan Napoli, Lakers and Ravens



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Patch 4.0


General Issues

  • Fixed an exploit involving buying and selling stackable items with traders to earn massive amounts of Influence.
  • Removed an apparent soft-lock caused by the death of a leader.
  • Removed some locks and crashes associated with pop-up boxes.
  • Fixed a handful of buildings that were inaccessible due to collision.
  • Fixed a number of localization issues.

Characters and Communities

  • Random “resource loss” events are now dependent on morale and traits. If you recruit carefully and keep everyone happy, then random resource losses should be a thing of the past.
  • Characters who incur “resource loss” events because of low morale will now receive a temporary morale benefit for doing so. IE, they binged on a bunch of food, but at least it made them feel better.
  • Skilled characters will now sometimes provide the community with new free items in place of the “resource loss” events.
  • Exiles should now always count towards exile-related achievements.
  • Characters from other enclaves will no longer receive the large-scale death-banner treatment when they die.

Bases and Facilities

  • Fixed an issue where facilities would sometimes stop building when the main menu was opened.
  • Fixed an issue where weapons would be repaired for free.
  • Fixed collision on the Sniper Tower to allow it to be scaled.
  • Fixed a case where the old Rally Point bases could still be claimed.
  • Extended the new resource-counting prompt for depositing rucksacks in the generic Storage facility to apply to specialized Storage facilities as well.


  • Fixed an issue where some missions would provide deceptively large piles of resources.
  • Fixed many cases where critical NPCs would not show up for missions (or in one case, would attack you for no reason).
  • Fixed an issue with the Warlord: The Informant mission, which was not counting vehicle kills.
  • Fixed an issue with the Builder: The Call Is Answered mission, in which some enclaves would flee the player’s home site.


  • Armored zombies are no longer killed by flames. Instead, they catch fire and become scarier, like a juggernaut;)
  • Zombie kills with vehicles should now count towards zombie-killing achievements.
  • Fixed some issues where zombies would spawn trapped in geometry.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed some clients to easily blow up the host’s vehicles.
  • Fixed an issue with indefinitely persistent C4 charges left by dead characters.


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Patch 4.1 is Live Now!


Key Highlights

  • A minor scripting error caused our new and improved resource loss events to behave just like the old ones, which was not an improvement. Now they actually behave as intended, with resource losses depending on low Morale and negative Traits.
  • We made some changes to address the bug that caused an audio blowout and loss of all sound. This problem is stubborn and elusive, so please let us know it you encounter it again after installing the update.

Daybreak Fixes

  • Red Talon now offers an explanation when they cannot send a contractor to a full community, rather than leaving you hanging.
  • Red Talon facilities now inform you that you were refunded the rare items needed to build them when they are dismantled.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed Daybreak clients to hang around on the rewards screen and get rewards without playing.
  • The Select Starting Gear menu in Daybreak should no longer show inappropriate item descriptions when navigating off the edge of the menu.
  • Ferals should no longer be able to vindictively disable walls if killed while climbing.
  • Crawling zombies will no longer attempt to imitate helicopters by spinning their legs in the air.

Other Notable Fixes

  • The Purchase button for the Independence Pack actually goes away now when you buy the pack, instead of waiting to ambush you.
  • The Independence Pack banner should no longer jump in at inappropriate times after cinematics.
  • Legacy characters with Red Talon’s Compact Ordnance hero bonus should no longer crash the game.
  • CLEO Fire Support is no longer blocked when you are aiming your gun.
  • Characters with full Stamina will no longer waste snacks.
  • Kicking too many clients in rapid succession should no longer soft-lock the game.
  • The Survey Mode prompt should no longer follow you into a friend’s game and awkwardly hang around.
  • Hostile humans should no longer wink out of existence when hit with a car. They were getting off too easy.
  • Prestige now accurately counts towards the achievement “The Turn”.


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