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Viva Pinata [Spoiler Inside]


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Oggi sono diventantio maestro di innamoramento di 15 specie in un giorno solo... non vi dico la sudata visto che non sapevo che bisognava rendere stanziali 7 pinate della stesse specie per avere il titolo quindi sono dovuto andare a recuperare tutte quelle pignate che avevo venduto...

Adesso sto sudando 7 camicie( e anche soldi) per avere 7 serpenti a 4 teste.. adesso ne ho sei e voglio fare il settimo accoppiandone due solo che ho ancora lo stesso problema...non riesco proprio A creare la rana viola( non ricordo il nome)... Con il fungo non funziona perchè si ammala subito..che devo fare? grazie in anticipo..

P.s. oggi ho scoperto il drago ma dopo un pò l ho dovutom mandare via perchè procurava una rissa al minuto..

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Hai ragione che imbecille! :crazy:

non avevo capito che si trattasse del gomitolo pensavo fosse "lana" in generale :crazy: :crazy:

Grazie :bow:

oppure se hai una pecora e una casa della lana te la fa gratis, (la pecora di compra da animale di carta al prezzo di 2310 se non sbaglio)


Scusa se ti corrego ma per la farfalla gialla nn e margherita ma ranuncoloe la farfalla nera tulipano!! :mrgreen:

ho fatto un banale copia e incolla chiedo venia

LoL became my favourite Word, because everybody knows that LoL is the word!



FALLOUT 3 is the best game ever

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Ripropongo la domanda: sapete cosa sono i punti frutta attivi che compaiono selezionando un albero? :??:

se non ricordo male sono il massimo di frutta che quel determinato albero può produrre

LoL became my favourite Word, because everybody knows that LoL is the word!



FALLOUT 3 is the best game ever

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se non ricordo male sono il massimo di frutta che quel determinato albero può produrre


Ma scusa se appena cresce io mi ritrovo già come punti frutta attivi 6/12 come può essere? Non può aver prodotto già 6 frutti...

Ma sul manuale c'è per caso scritto qualcosa? Il mio è in inglese e non ci capisco una mazza! :drunken:

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Ma scusa se appena cresce io mi ritrovo già come punti frutta attivi 6/12 come può essere? Non può aver prodotto già 6 frutti...

Ma sul manuale c'è per caso scritto qualcosa? Il mio è in inglese e non ci capisco una mazza! :drunken:


a intuito,credo che i punti frutta si riferiscono al grado di crescita della pianta;

se ti dice 6 su 12 vuol dire che non l'hai concimata al massimo e che,quando pronta e matura,la pianta ti produrrà al massimo 6 frutti.

Se la pianta viene portata alla crescita massima(3 concimate) dovrebbe darti 12 su 12.Non ne son certissimo,ma credo si riferisca a questo!

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a intuito,credo che i punti frutta si riferiscono al grado di crescita della pianta;

se ti dice 6 su 12 vuol dire che non l'hai concimata al massimo e che,quando pronta e matura,la pianta ti produrrà al massimo 6 frutti.

Se la pianta viene portata alla crescita massima(3 concimate) dovrebbe darti 12 su 12.Non ne son certissimo,ma credo si riferisca a questo!


Restando in tema come si fa a concimare gli alberi 3 volte??Io ci riesco una volta sola!!Non riesco a capire qual è il momento giusto per concimarlo le volte successive! Help please

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Restando in tema come si fa a concimare gli alberi 3 volte??Io ci riesco una volta sola!!Non riesco a capire qual è il momento giusto per concimarlo le volte successive! Help please


Esatto, come si fa? Anche a me lo fa solo una volta e stop...

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ciao raga, 3-richieste-3.


1) dove si trovano le banane x le scimmie?

2) come faccio a far indossare i cocci di bottiglia alla talpa e dove li trovo?

3) le canaglie nn si possono fare diventare stanziali?



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capitolo concime(bel capitolo di m...)


ogni pianta,tranne quella di Gemme,può essere concimata sino a tre volte.

I fiori ad esempio,credo tutti da quel che mi ricordo,possono essere facilmente concimati tre volte in qualunque momento una volta piantati.

Per le piante il discorso è diverso e varia anche da pianta a pianta.Una delle cose da tenere sotto controllo è la "fioritura",ossia quel momento in cui l'abero fa sbocciare i boccioli(quei cosi rotondi che crecono!),facendo cadere delle foglie.Alcuni,la maggior parte,devono essere concimati appena sti boccioli compaiono e sentirete il classico rumorino che significherà che il tutto è andato a buon fine.Il problema è che i boccioli compaiono e poi sbocciano in poco tempo,quindi dovrete tener ben d'occhio tutta la fase di crescita della pianta.


Alcune piante invece sono un pò più antipatiche e,anche con i boccioli presenti,la concimata non funge.Io ho risolto standomene li a guardare piu o meno tutta la crescita concimando di tanto in tanto,un pò dispendioso,ma ha funzionato!



-per le banane,o pianti un banano(se non hai i semi continua a romper le scatole a Seedos e se sarai a livello abbastanza alto te lo darà prima o poi),o controlla nel negozio,tra la frutta!


-gli occhialoni son nel negozio degli accessori per le Pinata,quello della tipa/gatta/rincojonita


-le canaglie puoi solo pagarle per farle sloggiare,ma nulla più.Solo le Pinata Amare sono stanziabili!

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Grazie mapo per i chiarimenti!!! Anche per quanto riguarda la mia domanda sui punti frutta attivi.

Però scusa ho notato che il melo ad esempio mi ha prodotto 24 frutti nonostante il massimo di punti frutta attivi sia 12... Com'è possibile? Ma sul manuale non c'è scritto niente in merito?


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Grazie mapo per i chiarimenti!!! Anche per quanto riguarda la mia domanda sui punti frutta attivi.

Però scusa ho notato che il melo ad esempio mi ha prodotto 24 frutti nonostante il massimo di punti frutta attivi sia 12... Com'è possibile? Ma sul manuale non c'è scritto niente in merito?


ho controllato ora il manuale e di piante nemmeno parla!!!!

le 24 mele te le ha prodotte contemporaneamente?secondo il mio ragionamento di prima(che non so quanto possa essere valido...)magari te ne ha prodotte 12 per volta,in pratica credo che i "punti frutta"siano i frutti che l'albero può produrre in una volta sola.


Al limite controlla nel diario,bene o male li c'è un pò di tutto!

Modificato da MAPO78
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impossibile che ne abbia fatte 24 contemporaneamente....magari è semplicemente il fatto che il melo può fare più frutta di altri alberi

LoL became my favourite Word, because everybody knows that LoL is the word!



FALLOUT 3 is the best game ever

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ragazzi scusate, ma mio figlio mi chiede come si fa a trovare la pinata horstachio, e anche la miniera, nonchè la mozipan. grazie


1)per horstachio devi avere il 50% d'erba e aver mangiato 8 mele ma devi essere a livello 9

ma per farlo apparire devi avere un ponocky il cavallo giallo che si compra e il 50% d'erba...


2)la miniera si compra al prezzo di 16.000 da willy builder


3)la moozipan si compra a 3080(come il cavallo giallo) da "animali di carta" ma devi essere al livello 7

LoL became my favourite Word, because everybody knows that LoL is the word!



FALLOUT 3 is the best game ever

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impossibile che ne abbia fatte 24 contemporaneamente....magari è semplicemente il fatto che il melo può fare più frutta di altri alberi


Ok. Ma se i punti frutta sono davvero la quota massima di frutta che un albero può produrre come può il melo (per esempio) produrre più di 12 frutti?

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raga nessuno ha voglia di fare un riepilogo con tutte le pinata disponibili in modo da fare un elenco? :)

eccotela purtroppo è un copia e incolla da gamefaqs più qualke mia avete bisogno chiedete pure

Viva Pinata


Eccovi la guida presa da gamefaqs, spero mastichiate un po di inglese ma se avete bisogno basta che mi diciate dove sta il problema






Animal: Spider

Level: 5

Base Value: $1500

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 6 gardener or better


Visit Requirements: a) There are 4 Tafflies or 4 Raisants in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 Tafflies or 2 Raisants


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 Buzzlegums

B) Have an Arocknid house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell flower changes its colour to blue


Notes: a) Will keep Buzzlegums from becoming residents in your garden





Animal: Badger

Level: 5

Base Value: $1500

Housing Cost: $825


Appear Requirements: a) Garden has 2 nocturnal residents


Visit Requirements: a) Garden has 4 nocturnal residents


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Newtgat

B) Has eaten 2 pumpkins


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Squazzil

B) Have a Badgesicle house in your garden


Variants: a) Feeding it an apple changes its color to red


Species Conflicts: a) Syrupent





Animal: Dog

Level: 6

Base Value: $2100

Housing Cost: $1155


Appear Requirements: N/A


Visit Requirements: N/A


Resident Requirements: a) Barbbark can be bought for $2310 from Miss Petula's

Paper Pets


Romance Requirements: a) Has a collar

B) Has eaten 1 bone

c) Have a Barkbark house in the garden


Species Conflicts: a) Kittyfloss





Animal: Baboon/Mandrill

Level: 8

Base Value: $3600

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: a) Have a resident Bonboon in the garden


Visit Requirements: a) Have 1 monkeynut tree planted in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 7 bananas

B) Has eaten 7 monkeynuts

c) Have 1 monkeynut tree grown in the garden

d) Have 1 banana tree grown in the garden


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 3 Jameleons

B) Have a Bonboon house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it an orchid changes its color to white





Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 34 gardener or better


Visit Requirements: a) You are a level 35 gardener or better


Resident Requirements: a) Has lost a fight against a member of the Syrupent

family (Twingersnap)





Animal: Rabbit/Bunny

Level: 3

Base Value: $600

Housing Cost: $330


Appear Requirements: a) A carrot in the garden


Visit Requirements: a) A carrot in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) You have 40 square pinometers of grass (4%)

B) Has eaten 3 carrots


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten a daisy or a buttercup

B) You have 60 square pinometers of grass (6%)

c) Have a Bunnycomb house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a pumpkin seed changes its colour to yellow

B) Feeding it a water lily flower changes its colour to pink

c) Feeding it a gooseberry seed changes it color to green





Animal: Buzzard

Level: 6

Base Value: $2100

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: a) Have a Candary in the garden


Visit Requirements: a) Have 5 Candaries in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Have a fir tree in the garden

B) Has eaten 3 Candaries


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 Pudgeons

B) Has eaten 2 Sparrowmints

c) There is a Buzzenge house in your garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a buttercup changes its color to yellow

B) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to blue

c) Feeding it a bottle of medicine changes its color to pink





Animal: Bee

Level: 4

Base Value: $1000

Housing Cost: $550


Appear Requirements: a) Have 2 buttercups in the garden


Visit Requirements: a) Have 4 buttercups in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Have 6 buttercups in the garden


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten any 2 pieces of fruit

B) There is a Buzzlegum house in your garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a venus pinata trap flower changes its color to orange


Species Conflicts: a) Raisant





Animal: Canary

Level: 3

Base Value: $600

Housing Cost: $???


Appear Requirements: N/A


Visit Requirements: N/A


Resident Requirements: a) Feeding a buttercup to a Sparrowmint will turn it

into a Candary


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Yellow Flutterscotch

B) Have a Candary house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a water lily seed changes its color to pink

B) Feeding it a bluebell changes its color to blue

c) Feeding it a gooseberry fool changes its colour to green





Animal: Unicorn

Level: 9

Base Value: $4500

Housing Cost: $2475


Appear Requirements: a) Become a Master Horstachio Breeder (Have 7 Horstachios)


Visit Requirements: a) Have a fully grown gem tree in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 15 gems

B) Have a fully grown gem tree in the garden


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 3 rainbow gems

B) Have a Chewnicorn House in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a water lily seed changes its color to a pink





Animal: Hippopotamus

Level: ???

Base Value: ???

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: a) Have 400 square pinometers of water (40%)


Visit Requirements: a) Have 500 square pinometers of water (50%)

B) Have 14 watercress or 14 water lilies or 14 bullrush

in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 10 water lily flowers

B) Has eaten 10 watercress flowers

c) Has eaten 10 bullrush heads


Romance Requirements: a) Have 700 square pinometers of water (70%)

B) Own a Candary master breeder award

c) Have 1 Candary in the garden

d) Has eaten 4 bird of paradise flowers





Animal: Monkey

Level: 7

Base Value: $2800

Housing Cost: $1400


Appear Requirements: a) There is a fully grown monkeyfruit tree in the



Visit Requirements: a) There is a fully grown monkeyfruit tree in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Have 3 fully grown trees in the garden

B) Has eaten 8 monkeynuts


Romance Requirements: a) Is wearing a fez

B) Has eaten 4 bananas

c) There is a Cinnamonkey house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a chili changes its color to red

B) Feeding it a blackberry seed changes its color to purple

c) Feeding it a water lily flower changes its color to pink





Animal: Chicken

Level: 4

Base Value: $1000

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: N/A


Visit Requirements: N/A


Resident Requirements: a) Cluckles can be bought for $1100 from Miss Petula's

Paper Pets


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten an ear of corn

B) Has eaten a pumpkin seed

B) Have a Cluckles house within the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to blue

B) Feeding it an oak seed changes its color to green





Animal: Crocodile

Level: 6

Base Value: $2100

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: a) Have a resident Cocoadile in the garden


Visit Requirements: a) Have 160 square pinometers of water (16%)

B) Have 5 Quackberry residents in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Have 190 square pinometers of water (19%)

B) Has eaten 3 Quackberries


Romance Requirements: a) Have 220 square pinometers of water (22%)

B) Has eaten 2 Juicygoose


Variants: a) Feeding it a water lily seed changes its color to pink




Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 27 Gardener or better


Visit Requirements: a) You are a level 28 Gardener or better


Resident Requirements: a) Have 160 pinometers of water (16%)

B) Has eaten 1 Sweetooth

c) Has eaten 2 Swananas





Animal: Crow

Level: 5

Base Value: $1500

Housing Cost: $825


Appear Requirements: a) Have a resident Crowla in the garden


Visit Requirements: a) Have 4 resident Lickatoads in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 Lickatoads


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 Shellybeans

B) Have a Crowla house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a water lily changes its colour to pink

B) Feeding it a bird of paradise changes its color to orange





Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 14 Gardener or better


Visit Requirements: a) You are a level 15 Gardener or better


Resident Requirements: a) Have 1 birdbath in the garden

B) Has drunk 1 bottle of medicine





Animal: Doe (deer)

Level: 6

Base Value: $2100

Housing Cost: $1155


Appear Requirements: a) You have 400 square pinometers of grass (40%)

B) Have 80 square pinometers of long grass (8%)


Visit Requirements: a) Have 80 square pinometers of long grass (8%)

B) Have 10 blackberries or 10 gooseberries in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 6 blackberries or 6 gooseberries

B) Have 80 square pinometers of long grass (8%)


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 sunflower

B) There is a Doenut house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a jack 'o lantern and an ear of corn changes its

color to orange

B) Feeding it an oak seed changes its color to green

c) Feeding it a thistle flower and a gooseberry fool changes its

color to purple





Animal: Dragon

Level: 11

Base Value: $8250

Housing Cost: N/A


Appear Requirements: N/A


Visit Requirements: N/A


Resident Requirements: a) A dragonache egg is obtained by digging in a mine

using the Diggerling. You then send a Cluckles to

the egg to hatch it into a Dragonache


Romance Requirements: N/A





Animal: Dragonfly

Level: 2

Base Value: $2800

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: a) Level 25 Gardener or better


Visit Requirements: a) Level 26 Gardener or better

B) Have 150 square pinometers of water (15%)


Resident Requirements: a) Have 200 square pinometers of water (20%)

B) Have 12 bullrushes in the garden

c) Has won a fight against a Reddhott


Romance Requirements: a) Have 250 square pinometers of water (25%)

B) Has eaten 1 Raisant

c) Have a Dragumfly house in the garden


Species Conflicts: a) Reddhott





Animal: Eagle

Level: 9

Base Value: $4500

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: You are a level 33 Gardener or better


Visit Requirements: Have 5 different species as residents in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Have a fully grown oak tree in the garden

B) Has eaten 4 Buzzenges

c) Have 15 different species as residents in the



Romance Requirements: a) Have eaten 3 Sweetooths

B) Have 2 fully grown Oak Trees in the garden

c) Have an Eaglair house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a buttercup seed changes its color to yellow

B) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to blue

c) Feeding it a bottle of milk changes its color to white





Animal: Elephant

Level: ???

Base Value: ???

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 36 Gardener or better


Visit Requirements: a) Any of 16 blackberries, corn, gooseberries or monkey



Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 4 blackberries

B) Has eaten 4 corn

c) Has eaten 4 gooseberries

d) Has eaten 4 monkey nuts


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 bananas

B) Has eaten 2 acorns

c) Has eaten 2 chillis

d) Has eaten 2 pumpkins

e) Wearing ballet shoes

f) Elephanilla house built


Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell changes its color to blue

B) Feeding it a buttercup changes its color to orange





Animal: Grizzly Bear

Level: 7

Base Value: $2800

Housing Cost: $5600


Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 30 gardener or better


Visit Requirements: a) Have 12 fir cones or 3 jars of honey in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 jars of honey

B) Has eaten 8 fir cones


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 raisants

B) Has eaten 1 bottle of medicine

c) Have a Fizzlybear house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a sunflower seed changes its color to gold





Animal: Snake

Level: 8

Base Value: $3600

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: N/A


Visit Requirements: N/A


Resident Requirements: a) To create a Fourheads romance any two Twingersnaps

and then watch the resulting egg carefully. It will

make a small hop several times and then finally make

a big jump. After the egg makes its big jump whack

it with your shovel and a Fourheads baby will emerge


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Lackatoad

B) Has eaten 2 nightshade berries

c) Has eaten 1 toadstool

d) Have a Fourheads house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell flower changes its color to blue

B) Feeding it honey changes its color to yellow

c) Feeding it medicine changes its color to pink





Animal: Hedgehog

Level: 4

Base Value: $1000

Housing Cost: $550


Appear Requirements: a) 4th night after you take over the garden


Visit Requirements: a) Have 4 Whirlms or 2 thistles in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 Whirlms

B) Has eaten 1 thistle


Romance Requirements: a) Has drunk a bottle of milk

B) Have a Fudgehog house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a chili changes its color to red

B) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to blue



23) Galagoogoo


Animal: Galago

Level: 9

Base Value: $4500

Housing Cost: $2475


Appear Requirements: a) Have a Tower of Sour with 8 parts


Visit Requirements: a) Have a Moon-on-a-Stick light in the garden

B) Have 8 Mothdrops or 16 tulips in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 4 tulips

B) Has eaten 2 Mothdrops

c) You have a groundskeeper in the garden


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 4 orchids

B) Have a Chewnicorn resident in the garden

c) Have a Galagoogoo house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a sunflower changes its color to yellow





Animal: Sheep

Level: 6

Base Value: $2100

Housing Cost: $1155


Appear Requirements: N/A


Visit Requirements: N/A


Resident Requirements: a) Goobaa can be bought for $2310 from Miss Petula's

Paper Pets


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 water lily flower

B) Has eaten 2 poison ivy flowers

c) Have 120 square pintometers of long grass (12%)

d) Have Goobaa house in garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell changes its color to blue

B) Feeding it a tulip seed changes its color to black

c) Feeding it a water lily seed changes its color to pink






Animal: Horse

Level: 7

Base Value: $2800

Housing Cost: $1540


Appear Requirements: a) Have a Ponocky in the garden


Visit Requirements: a) Have a Ponocky as a garden resident

B) Have 500 square pinometers of grass (50%)


Resident Requirements: a) Have 500 square pinometers of grass (50%)

B) Has eaten 8 apples


Romance Requirements: a) Have 500 square pinometers of grass (50%)

B) Is wearing a rosette

c) Has eaten 1 toffee apple

d) Has eaten 3 carrots

e) Have a Horstachio house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a watercress flower changes its color to green


Species Conflicts: a) Ponocky

B) Zumbug





Animal: Chameleon

Level: 5

Base Value: $1500

Housing Cost: $1155


Appear Requirements: a) Have 3 different colored Flutterscotches


Visit Requirements: a) Have 4 different colored Flutterscotches


Resident Requirements: a) Have 5 different colored Flutterscotches


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Green Flutterscotches

B) Have a Jameleon house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to blue





Animal: Yeti

Level: ???

Base Value: ???

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: ???


Visit Requirements: ???


Resident Requirements: ???


Romance Requirements: ???





Animal: Goose

Level: 5

Base Value: $1500

Housing Cost: $850


Appear Requirements: N/A


Visit Requirements: N/A


Resident Requirements: a) Feeding a gooseberry to a Quackberry will turn it

into a Juicygoose


Romance Requirements: a) You have 100 square pinometers of water

B) Has eaten 2 Newtgats


Species Conflicts: a) Quackberry





Animal: Cat

Level: 5

Base Value: $1500

Housing Cost: $???


Appear Requirements: N/A


Visit Requirements: N/A


Resident Requirements: a) Kittyfloss can be bought for $1650 from Miss

Petula's Paper Pets


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 ball of wool

B) Has eaten 1 milk

c) Has eaten 1 Mousemallow

d) Have a Kittyfloss house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a bottle of medicine changes its color to pink

B) Feeding it a bluebell changes its color to blue


Species Conflicts: a) Barkbark

B) Shellybean





Animal: Toad

Level: 5

Base Value: $1500

Housing Cost: $825


Appear Requirements: N/A


Visit Requirements: N/A


Resident Requirements: a) Feeding a nightshade berry to a Lickatoad and then

quickly hitting it with your shovel before it gets

sick will turn it into a Lackatoad


Romance Requirements: a) Have 4 Arocknids in the garden

B) You have 60 square pinometers of water (6%)

c) Has eaten 2 toadstools

d) Have a Lackatoad house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell changes its colour to blue





Animal: Toad

Level: 3

Base Value: $600

Housing Cost: $330


Appear Requirements: a) You have the pond head for your shovel


Visit Requirements: a) You have 10 square pinometers of water (1%)


Resident Requirements: a) You have 20 square pinometers of water (2%)

B) Has eaten 1 Taffly


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Green Flutterscotch

B) Have a Lickatoad house in the garden


Species Conflicts: a) Newtgat


Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to purple





Animal: Raccoon

Level: 6

Base Value: $2100

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: a) Have a resident Macaraccoon in the garden


Visit Requirements: a) There are 5 Syrupent family residents in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 3 Syrupents


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Arocknid

B) ???


Variants: a) Feeding it a water lily seed changes its color to pink

B) Feeding it a mushroom changes its color to yellow





Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 23 gardener or better


Visit Requirements: B) You are a level 24 gardener or better


Resident Requirements: c) You have 5 Master Romancer awards

B) Has eaten a Cluckles





Animal: Wolf

Level: 7

Base Value: $2800

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: a) Have a resident Mallowolf in the garden


Visit Requirements: a) Have 6 Rashberry residents in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 3 Rashberries


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Goobaa

B) ???


Variants: a) Feeding it a blackberry changes its colour to pink





Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 31 gardener or better


Visit Requirements: a) You are a level 32 gardener or better


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten a Pigxie





Animal: Cow

Level: 7

Base Value: $2800

Housing Cost: $1540


Appear Requirements: N/A


Visit Requirements: N/A


Resident Requirements: a) Moozipan can be bought for $3080 from Miss Petula's

Paper Pets


Romance Requirements: a) Have 12 daisies or 12 buttercups in the garden

B) ???





Animal: Moth

Level: 3

Base Value: $600

Housing Cost: $330


Appear Requirements: a) Nighttime


Visit Requirements: a) Nighttime


Resident Requirements: a) Has a light in the garden


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 thistle

B) Have a Mothdrop house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a daisy flower changes its color to yellow





Animal: Mouse

Level: 2

Base Value: $300

Housing Cost: $165


Appear Requirements: a) A turnip in the garden


Visit Requirements: a) A turnip in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 turnip


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 daisy seed or 1 buttercup seed

B) There is a Mousemallow house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell turns its colour to pink

B) Feeding it cheese turns its colour to white

c) Feeding it a daisy and a gooseberry seed changes its

color to an off-white color


Species Conflicts: a) Syrupants





Animal: Newt

Level: 4

Base Value: $1000

Housing Cost: $550


Appear Requirements: a) You have 20 square pinometers of water (2%)


Visit Requirements: a) Have watercress growing in the garden

B) You have 30 square pinometers of water (3%)


Resident Requirements: a) You have 30 square pinometers of water (3%)

B) Has eaten 3 watercress flowers


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Raisant

B) ???


Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell flower changes its colour to blue

B) Feeding it a bird of paradise flower changes its colour to



Species Conflicts: a) Lickatoad





Animal: Parrot

Level: 8

Base Value: $3600

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 32 gardener or better


Visit Requirements: a) Have a bird of paradise plant in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Have 1 banana tree in the garden

B) Has eaten 10 bananas


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 3 bird of paradise seeds

B) Has eaten 1 orchid seed

c) Is wearing an eyepatch

d) Have a Pirate Statue in the garden

e) Have a Parrybo house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a venus pinata trap changes its color to orange





Animal: Pig

Level: 8

Base Value: $3600

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: N/A


Visit Requirements: N/A


Resident Requirements: a) The Pigxie is created by cross-romancing a

Swanana and a Rashberry after buying a "Mystery

House" from Willy Builder


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 bullrush flowers

B) Has eaten 2 acorns

c) Is wearing tap shoes

d) The garden is worth 10,000 chocolate coins

e) Have a Pigxie house in the garden


Species Conflict: a) Rashberry

B) Swanana


Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell seed will change its colour to blue





Animal: Pony

Level: 6

Base Value: $2100

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: N/A


Visit Requirements: N/A


Resident Requirements: a) Ponocky can be bought for ??? from Miss Petula's

Paper Pets


Romance Requirements: a) Is wearing a bow

B) Has eaten 1 piece of carrot cake

c) Have any 10 flowers in the garden

d) Have 300 square pinometers of grass (30%)

e) Have a Ponocky house in the garden


Species Conflicts: a) Zumbug

B) Horstachio


Variants: a) Feeding it a water lily flower changes its color to pink

B) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to blue

c) Feeding it a piece of bread changes its color to




41) Preztail


Animal: Fox

Level: 3

Base Value: $600

Housing Cost: $330


Appear Requirements: a) Night-time in the garden


Visit Requirements: a) There is 1 Cluckles or 1 Bunnycomb in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Cluckles or 1 Bunnycomb


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Quackberry

B) There is a Pretztail house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell changes its color to blue

B) Feeding it a water lily changes its color to pink

c) Feeding it gooseberry fool changes its color to green





Animal: Mole

Level: 5

Base Value: $1600

Housing Cost: $825


Appear Requirements: a) Have one resident Profitamole in the garden


Visit Requirements: a) Have 4 Arocknid residents in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 Arocknids


Romance Requirements: a) Is wearing bottle glasses

B) Has eaten 3 carrots

c) Have a Profitamole house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a water lily seed changes its color to pink

B) Feeding it a Watercress changes its color to green





Appear requirements: a) You are a level 19 gardener or better


Visit requirements: a) You are a level 20 gardener or better


Resident requirements: a) Have two mushrooms in the garden

B) Has eaten one Red Flutterscotch





Animal: Pigeon

Level: 6

Base Value: $2100

Housing Cost: $1155



Appear Requirements: N/A


Visit Requirements: N/A


Resident Requirements: a) Pudgeon can be bought for $2310 from Miss Petula's

Paper Pets


Romance Requirements: a) Owns a camera

B) Has eaten 2 ears of corn

c) Has eaten 1 snapdragon seed

d) Have a pirate statue in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell changes its color to blue

B) Feeding it a jam changes its color to purple





Animal: Duck

Level: 4

Base Value: $1000

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: a) You have 30 square pinometers of water (3%)


Visit Requirements: a) Have 1 corn plant in the garden

B) You have 40 square pinometers of water (4%)


Resident Requirements: a) You have 40 square pinometers of water (4%)

B) Has eaten 1 piece of bread


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 bluebells

B) There is a Quackberry house in the garden



Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell changes its color to a blue Quackberry

B) Feeding it a water lily flower changes its colour to pink


Species Conflicts: a) Juicygoose





Animal: Ant

Level: 4

Base Value: $1000

Housing Cost: $550


Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 4 gardener or better


Visit Requirements: a) There is 1 fruit tree of any kind in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 3 fruit of any kind


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 jar of honey

B) Have a Raisant house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell seed and a blackberry changes its

color to purple

B) Feeding it a sunflower changes its color to yellow

c) Feeding it a water lily changes its color to pink



Species Conflicts: a) Buzzlegum





Animal: Pig

Level: 5

Base Value: $1500

Housing Cost: ???



Appear Requirements: N/A


Visit Requirements: N/A


Resident Requirements: a) Rashberry can be bought for $1650 from Miss

Petula's Paper Pets


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 rotten hazelnut

B) Has eaten 1 rotten chili

c) Has eaten 1 rotten gooseberry

d) Have a rashberry house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a watercress seed changes its color to green

B) Feeding it a poppy seed changes its color to red

c) Feeding it a nightshade berry changes its color to purple





Animal: Firefly

Level: 6

Base Value: $2100

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: N/A


Visit Requirements: N/A


Resident Requirements: a) The Reddhott is created when a Taffly is set on

fire by sending it to a firebrand, then quickly

dousing it with the watering can


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 3 chilis

B) Have 3 lights of any kind in the garden

c) Have a Reddhott House in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a water lily flower changes its colour to pink

B) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to blue





Animal: Lion

Level: 10

Base Value: $5500

Housing Cost: $3025


Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 38 gardener or better


Visit Requirements: a) There are 5 Doenuts in the garden

B) There are 5 Zumbugs in the garden

c) The garden is worth 40,000 chocoloate coins


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 Doenuts

B) Has eaten 2 Zumbugs

c) The Garden is worth 50,000 Chocolate coins


Romance Requirements: a) Is wearing a Crown

B) Have a garden worth 60,000 Chocolate Coins

c) Has eaten a pinata worth 4,500 chocolate coins


Variants: a) Feeding it a bottle of medicine changes its color to pink

B) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to blue





Animal: Salamander

Level: 8

Base Value: $2800

Housing Cost: $1540


Appear Requirements: N/A


Visit Requirements: N/A


Resident Requirements: a) Feed a Newtgat a Chili to turn it into a Salamango


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Reddhott

B) Has eaten 2 chili seeds


Variants: a) Feed it a gooseberry to change its colour to green

B) Feeding it a banana changes its colour to yellow





Animal: Snail

Level: 3

Base Value: $600

Housing Cost: $330


Appear Requirements: a) Have 1 Shellybean in the garden


Visit Requirements: a) Have 1 thistle in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 thistle flower


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 bluebell seed

B) Have a Shellybean house in the garden


Variants: a) Feed it a bluebell to change its colour to blue

B) Feeding it a gooseberry changes its colour to green

c) Feeding it an ear of corn changes its color to yellow





Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 4 gardener or better


Visit Requirements: a) You are a level 5 gardener or better


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 apple seed





Animal: Bat

Level: 4

Base Value: $1000

Housing Cost: $550


Appear Requirements: a) Have a Sherbat resident in the garden


Visit Requirements: a) Have 3 Mothdrop residents in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 Mothdrops


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten a tulip flower

B) There is a Sherbat house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell changes its colour to blue

B) Feeding it a sunflower seed changes its colour to yellow

c) Feeding it a chili seed changes its color to red





Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 9 gardener or better


Visit Requirements: a) You are a level 10 gardener or better


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten a jack 'o lantern





Animal: Sparrow

Level: 2

Base Value: $300

Housing Cost: $165


Appear Requirements: a) 2 Whirlms


Visit Requirements: a) 2 Whirlms


Resident Requirements: a) Romancing 2 Whirlms


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten one Whirlm

B) Have a Sparrowmint house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a watercress flower changes its color to green

B) Feeding it a water lily changes its colour to pink

c) Feeding it a thistle flowerhead changes its color to purple





Animal: Squirrel

Level: 4

Base Value: $1000

Housing Cost: $550


Appear Requirements: a) Have any level 3 Pinata resident


Visit Requirements: a) Have 1 hazelnut tree in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 3 hazelnuts


Romance Requirements : a) Has eaten 2 blackberries

B) Have a Squazzil house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a water lily seed changes its color to pink

B) Feeding it a snapdragon blossom changes its color to purple

c) Feeding it a watercress seed changes its color to green





Animal: Swan

Level: 7

Base Value: $2800

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: a) You have 200 square pinometers of water (20%)


Visit Requirements: a) You have 200 square pinometers of water (20%)

B) Garden is worth 20,000 chocolate coins


Resident Requirements: a) You have 250 square pinometers of water (25%)

B) Has eaten 2 sandwiches


Romance Requirements: a) You have a Swanana fountain in the garden

B) Is wearing a diamond choker

c) Has eaten 3 water lilly flowers

d) You have 300 square pinometers of water (30%)

e) Have a Swanana house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a snapdragon changes its color to purple





Animal: Beaver

Level: 6

Base Value:$2100

Housing Cost: $1155


Appear Requirements: a) Level 21 gardener or better


Visit Requirements: a) You have 120 square pinometers of water (12%)

B) One water lily or fir tree in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) You have 140 square pinometers of water (14%)

B) Has eaten 3 fir cones

c) Has eaten 2 water lily flowers


Romance Requirements: a) You have 140 square pinometers of water (14%)

B) Has eaten 3 bullrush heads

c) Have a Sweetooth house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell changes its color to purple

B) Feeding it a sunflower changes its color to yellow

c) Feeding it bottle of medicine changes its color to pink





Animal: Grass Snake

Level: 2

Base Value: $300

Housing Cost: $165


Appear Requirements: a) You have 10 square pinometers of Grass (1%)


Visit Requirements: a) You have 10 square pinometers of Grass (1%)


Resident Requirements: a) You have 20 square pinometers of Grass (2%)

B) Has eaten a Mousemallow


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Lickatoad

B) You have 30 square pinometers of grass (3%)

c) There is a Syrupent house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a buttercup changes its colour to gold

B) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to blue

c) Feeding it a bottle of medicine changes its color to pink


Species Conflicts: a) Badgesicle

B) Mousemallow





Animal: Fly

Level: 2

Base Value: $300

Housing Cost: $165


Appear Requirements: a) Have any kind of flower in the garden


Visit Requirements: a) Have any 2 flowers in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 flower of any kind


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 poppy

B) Have a Taffly house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a poison ivy flowerhead changes its color to green

B) Feeding it a buttercup seed changes its color to yellow

c) Feeding it a blackberry seed changes its color to purple





Animal: Two-Headed Snake

Level: 5

Base Value: $1500

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: N/A


Visit Requirements: N/A


Resident Requirements: a) To create a Twingersnap romance any two Syrupents

and then watch the resulting egg carefully. It will

make a small hop several times and then finally make

a big jump. After the egg makes its big jump whack

it with your shovel and a Twingersnap baby will



Variants: a) Feeding it a snapdragon seed will change its colour to purple

B) Feeding it a bottle of medicine changes its color to orange

c) Feeding it a Venus pinata trap changes its color to yellow





Animal: Worm

Level: 1

Base value: $100

Housing cost: $55


Appear Requirements: a) Have 10 square pinometers of soil or grass (1%)


Visit Requirements: a) Have 10 square pinometers of soil or grass (1%)


Resident Requirements: a) Have 10 square pinometers of soil or grass (1%)


Romance Requirements: a) Have 10 square pinometers of soil or grass (1%)

B) There is a Whirlm house in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a turnip changes its color to purple

B) Feeding it a water lily seed changes its color to red

c) Feeding it a watercress seed changes its color to green


Notes: Whirlms are happier when sprinkled with water





Animal: Butterfly

Level: 3

Base Value: $600

Housing Cost: $330


Appear Requirements: a) Have 1 daisy in the garden


Visit Requirements: a) There are 2 daisies in the garden


Resident Requirements: a) Have 4 daisies in the garden


Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten any piece of fruit

B) A Flutterscotch house is in the garden


Variants: a) Feeding it a poppy flower will change its colour to red

B) Feeding it a watercress flower will change its colour to green

c) Feeding it a bluebell flower will change its colour to blue

d) Feeding it a water lily flower will change its colour to pink

e) Feeding it a tulip flower will change its colour to black

f) Feeding it a bullrush flower will change its colour to brown

g) Feeding it a buttercup flower will change its comour to yellow

h) Feeding it a bird of paradise flower will change its colour to


i) Feeding it a thistle will change its colour to purple





Animal: Zebra

Level: 8

Base Value: $3600

Housing Cost: ???


Appear Requirements: N/A


Visit Requirements: N/A


Resident Requirements: a) When a Horsetachio eats blackberries and daisies,

it turns into a Zumbug


Romance Requirements: a) Have 300 square pinometers of long grass (30%)

B) Has eaten 3 orchids

c) Has eaten a jar of jam

d) ???

e) Have a Zumbug house in the garden


Species Conflicts: a) Chewnicorn

B) Horstachio


Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its colour to blue

B) Feeding it a water lily seed changes its colour to pink

c) Feeding it a banana split and a carrot cake changes its colour

to yellow and orange


• *




Peperoncino a Newgat = Salamango


Ranuncolo a Sparrowmint = Candary


Uva crespa ( o come si chiama ) alla papera = non ricordo cosa viene fuori ( lol )


Mora + margherita al cavallo = Zumbug


Fate accoppiare un oca ( swanana ) e il maiale = Pigxie ps devono gia essersi accopiati una volta e in + devono avere la casa misteriosa


Dopo aver accoppiato 2 serpenti, aspettate che l'uovo faccia dei salti alti e colpitelo con la vanga = serpe a due teste


Dopo aver accoppiato le serpi a due teste colpite l'uovo quando fa i salti alti = serpe a 4 teste


Date il fruttonotturno ( nn ricordo come si chiama esattamente è viola e costa intorno alle 150 monete ) ad una rana poi appena incomincia a ingozzarsi colpitela con la vanga per fargli risputare fuori il frutto ( non aspettate troppo perkè se si ammala il trucco nn funza + ) = una rana orribile e malaticcia LOL



Spero di essere stato utile.


Ah un'altra cosa, per trasformare le farfalle bianche:


farfalla rossa : papavero


farfalla arancio : uccello del paradiso


gialla : ranuncolo


blu : il primo fiore blu della lista ( non ricordo il nome )


viola : la prima pianta infestante della lista


verde : crescione


marrone : seme d'acqua quello che costa 62 monete



se avete problemi con la traduzione chiedete pure


HHH ma quante ore ci hai passato su VP? :ph34r:

sicuramente sopra le 80


Ok. Ma se i punti frutta sono davvero la quota massima di frutta che un albero può produrre come può il melo (per esempio) produrre più di 12 frutti?

dipende...varia da pianta a pianta

Modificato da HHH_is_god

LoL became my favourite Word, because everybody knows that LoL is the word!



FALLOUT 3 is the best game ever

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