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Kane & Lynch: Dead Men


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Visto che non ho trovato un gran che sul forum ho deciso di aprire il topic per parlare di questo fantastico gioco che, secondo me, farà parlare molto di sè.

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Kane & Lynch: Dead Men is a violent and chaotic journey of two men - a flawed mercenary and a medicated psychopath – and their brutal attitude towards right and wrong. Now, they must partner up as a mess of cash makes for hell on Earth in this co-op action game

Xbox 360 owners already saw what IO Interactive can do with next-gen hardware when they played Hitman: Blood Money. With that project done, the team is now hard at work on Kane and Lynch: Dead Men. By building on the engine of the acclaimed Freedom Fighters, IO Interactive is in the midst of creating a third-person action title that will draw players into the sordid lives of a hardened mercenary and a dangerous schizophrenic. These aren't your run-of-the-mill heroes. The game will take players through squad-based combat with gritty objectives and no clear definition of right or wrong.


The story of Kane and Lynch has clearly been a major focal point during the development process. Unwilling to spoil too much of the story, IO has only given the main characters' backgrounds and details on how they came to be working as a team. Kane is the main character that you'll take the role of when you play the single player game. Kane's formerly normal life was shattered when his son found his gun and shot himself. His wife puts the blame on him, and his life falls apart. Kane becomes a mercenary and, while in South America with a group called The 7, things go awry and everyone dies but him--or so he thinks. He escapes with a fortune in diamonds, but it isn't long before the law catches up with him and he is sentenced to death.


Lynch's background isn't so glorious. He's a working class type of guy with severe schizophrenia that requires extensive medication. One day he wakes up after a blackout and finds his wife dead. He isn't even sure he did it, but that doesn't stop a jury from sentencing him to death.


It's on a bus to death row that Kane meets Lynch, though the bus never reaches its destination. The 7 hijack the bus and kidnap Kane. Lynch is hired on by the mercs to watch Kane and make sure he gets their fortune back. A schizophrenic may seem like an odd choice to put your faith in, but we aren't dealing with ordinary mercenaries either. As further incentive to keep Kane in line, his daughter and wife have been kidnapped.


IO Interactive is planning on incorporating Kane and Lynch's personalities into the actual gameplay mechanics. Lynch is a bit of a loose cannon. When you're looking to go in with guns blazing, he's an asset. Try to finesse your way through a situation and you may find him upping the ante to full combat. Each character will also handle differently. One example we were given was a berserk attack, though many ideas are currently in testing to see what works and what doesn't. Rest assured though, the two core personalities will come through in the game requiring each of them to take on specific tasks to work through the objectives.


We were shown two levels today that were very much a work in progress, but impressive nonetheless. The first was a nightclub where the relationship between Kane and Lynch was made abundantly clear. As the duo entered a crowded nightclub, hundreds of dancers could be seen swaying to the music. The lighting was very dramatic with plenty of cascading light through the front window and music-synched strobes. The nightclub also showed how the crowd system from Hitman: Blood Money has been expanded. For starters, there are a lot more people on screen. But they will also act more like a crowd. People won't just step out of your way, so you'll have to shove your way through and turn sideways to snake into openings. Another cool feature is that enemies will hide in the crowd, and you can hide from them in the same way.


When Kane and Lynch made it through the dance floor and reached the top of a staircase, Kane took out a gun and shot his way in to see a receptionist. Here, Lynch's personality took over and he knocked her out. The two continued to argue over whether they should kidnap her, but eventually Kane won out and Lynch carried her out onto the dance floor. At this point, Kane pulled out a machine gun and started laying into the crowd which quickly scattered while the bouncers and employees pulled out their own guns to fight back.


The second level we were shown focused on the squad based fighting that made Freedom Fighters a fan favorite. The mechanics are being kept as simple as possible--the goal is to allow people to pick up and begin playing the game without needing to read any sort of instructions. To order a squad member to move or attack a certain area, you just need to point your target reticule to where you want to direct them and tap a button. Holding down the button will order the entire squad. In this way, you can position individual members, lay down suppressing fire, or have your entire team do the dirty work for you.


The stage opened with the squad on the roof dressed as window washers to stay under cover. The squad then rappelled down to their targeted meeting room and broke through the windows to start a firefight. The squad immediately took cover behind pillars without being told to, as did the enemies. The stray bullets from the fight took out the corners of walls and slowly broke apart the pillars just like that famous scene from The Matrix. Similar destructible environments were promised as well, such as cars that would only work as cover for a short while before catching fire and exploding.


IO Interactive tried their best to impress upon us that the story to Kane and Lynch would go hand-in-hand with the gameplay. If all goes right, they want to blur the line between playing a game and playing through a story. With this in mind, IO is trying to do away with mission screens and briefings that traditionally have introduced levels.


To further the the cinematic experience, they've kept the HUD as uncluttered as possible. There isn't any sort of health meter. It would be useless anyway since you'll only be able to take about three or four hits before dying. To indicate that you're near death, the screen will begin to turn red, similar to when you die in Hitman: Blood Money, effectively warning you to take cover immediately and wait for your life to regenerate. If you do die, you'll be given a flashback movie that reveals more of Kane's background.


The upper left corner of the screen will occasionally show a picture-in-picture image that will give you information about your squad mates' condition or warn you of impending sniper fire. Other than small icons to remind you of inventory and squad conditions, the screen is empty.


The inventory system is also aiming to keep you engrossed in the action. You can pull up a wheel showing what you have on your person and switch through weapons accordingly, but you won't be able to carry more than a normal human could. That doesn't mean you won't have the proper tools for the job. By calling a squad member over to your side and then pulling up the wheel, a second ring on the outside will appear. This is your teammate's inventory and you have free access to it--most of the time. Early on in the game, you're a known mercenary with a reputation for leaving your team behind. That means you'll only be able to recruit some low-life scum to help you. They'll only follow orders to a point and might refuse to give you their gun. They also won't be the smartest of fellows and might mess up when the brown stuff hits the fan. As you move through the game, you'll be able to recruit more professional help and things will go more smoothly.


Once you do have a crack squad backing you up , it doesn't mean things will be easy. You are, after all, following the story of two escaped convicts. You can expect the authorities to be there at every turn. When you cause a scene, they'll be there in a flash.


Some astute members of online forums have noticed that the story behind Kane and Lynch may have been alluded to in Hitman: Blood Money through the newspaper snippets between levels. IO confirmed to us that was indeed the case. It turns out Kane and Lynch: Dead Men has been in production for about a year and a half, allowing for ample overlap with their previous title.


The story hints aren't the only way that IO's past work is showing through. When asked what the development team learned while working with the 360 for Hitman, we were told that the next-gen hardware made their job much easier. Years of working on the limited memory of PS2 has taught them how to optimize their code and where to spend energy. Translate that to more powerful hardware and you can imagine the results.


IO Interactive is looking to make this game one that you'll be playing for a long time. The single player experience will weigh in at around twenty hours. We were told there would be some form of online multiplayer featuring the characters you meet in the single player game, though they're being tight lipped about any details for now. Each level of the single player game can also be played either co-operatively or solo with the second player taking control of Lynch.





Se non avete voglia di leggere l' intero preview in inglese vi dico i punti salienti:

1)Useremo i 2 mercenari Kane e Lynch (per la maggiore Kane) entrambi con un background forte e profondo

2)Sia Kane che Lynch sono pazzi da legare

3)Grafica mozzafiato

4)I.A. molto avanzata

5)gameplay molto facile e reattivo

6)La storia si scopre con il passare delle ore di gioco

7)Possibilità di distruggere qualsiasi cosa si vede nello schermo (promessa fatta dal direttore speriamo)

8)Bastano 3 o 4 colpi per morire

9)Quando si muore lo schermo diventa rosso e,nel periodo di caricamento per riportarsi in vita si vedrà un video riguardante la vita di Kane che ci aiuterà a ricostruire il background del personaggio

10) Avremo una squadra al nostro fianco a cui impartire ordini

11)Si potranno spostare gli oggetti ma, se un oggetto è troppo pesante per te bisognerà richiedere l' aiuto di un compagno

12)Il single player durerà circa 20 ore

13)Live.....un quesito a cui non so rispondere....c' è o non c' è?

14)Il single player sarà giocabile anche in 2 (uno avrà il controllo di Kane e uno di Lynch)

15)Uscita prevista per il 2007


Il gioco è fatto da Eidos Interactive, la casa che ha prodotto anche Hit Man, perciò ha già una buona esperienza nel campo di questi videogiochi.


Ragazzi a me ricorda un sacco quel gran film di nome Collateral con tom cruise che faceva l' spettacolo :bow:

Non so voi ma questo potrebbe essere un gran capolavoro....fatemi sapere le vostre idee su questo giocone

Diamo inizio alle danze :dance: :ok:

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Alcune immagini:


in effetti e proprio un bel game si sa quando esce

No,si sa solo che uscirà nel 2007 (si spera) :rolleyes:


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6)La storia si scopre con il passare delle ore di gioco

Incredibile :shock: :shock:


Volevo dire che all' inizio si sa poco o quasi niente della storia e del background dei personaggi ma, col passare delle ore ogni cosa con cui veniamo a contatto nel gioco si concatenerà dandoci la possibilità di capire tutto quello che è avvenuto nel passato e tutto quello che sta avvenendo,come in un puzzle


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Mi dispiace ma non c' è ancora nessun video ingame al momento, ci sarebbe un piccolo trailer ma non riesco a qualcuno lo facesse al posto mio..... :teach:


dai trailer capisc ben poco.. aspetterò un video interamente ingame :ok:

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mi attira non poco.. vorrei solo vedere qualcosa di più (video ingame) e sapere meglio la trama :ok:

per quanto riguarda la trama non si sa molto ancora (c' è scritto nel testo in inglese all' inizio) perchè i produttori non si vogliono sbottonare più di troppo.Appena arriverà qualche notizia la metterò immediatamente :ok:

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a me di questo gioco mi attira l idea di poter giocare in cooperativa :mrgreen:

Sì,in effetti il fatto che il gioco in se e per se non abbia un solo e unico protagonista ma 2 personaggi con i quali poter giocare sembra una bella idea....staremo a vedere come si evolverà la cosa sotto questo punto di vista :ok:

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piccola "novità" sulla trama:

Un mercenario a pezzi e uno psicopatico sotto terapia, costretti a combattere insieme lungo una via caotica e violenta, verso la redenzione. La strana coppia viene spinta oltre ogni limite in questo gioco di combattimento in terza persona brutalmente realistico e dalla trama avvincente, realizzato da IO Interactive, i creatori di Hitman.


Grande delusione :bang:

girando per internet ho letto su diversi siti che non ci sarà il live :ph34r:

Ovviamente niente di certo....anche perchè in altri siti c' è invece scritto che ci sarà spera :whew:

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su XMU cè molto della trama.. a me attira

E' vero,grazie scorpion :bow:

Ora riporto le notizie più importanti sulla trama:


Negli Stati Uniti, un uomo condannato a morte viene definito, in particolari occasioni, "uomo morto che cammina". IO Interactive, il team che sta alle spalle della serie Hitman e del poco conosciuto ma spesso apprezzato Freedom Fighters, ha preso ben due "uomini morti che camminano" e gli ha messo in mano armi e tutto quanto possa servir loro per aprirsi la strada in uno scenario realistico, "iper popolato" e "altamente distruttibile". Le parti tra virgolette arrivano direttamente dal comunicato stampa di Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (questo il titolo esatto del gioco), che Eidos ha appena distribuito.

I protagonisti sono ovviamente Kane e Lynch, un mercenario e uno psicopatico, entrambi naturalmente condannati a morte. Ma qualcosa non funziona, tanto che i due riescono a fuggire e, odiandosi, dovranno proseguire nella loro fuga.

Il comunicato stampa tende a enfatizzare le capacità di gestione di una squadra già messe in luce da IO proprio in Freedom Fighters


Kane & Lynch: Dead Men verrà pubblicato nel 2007 nei formati PC e Xbox 360. Questo il commento di Larry Sparks, Global Head of Brands Management in Eidos: "Nessun giocatore ha mai provato nulla di simile, sia per quanto riguarda il gameplay che la realizzazione grafica".


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E' vero,grazie scorpion :bow:

Ora riporto le notizie più importanti sulla trama:


Negli Stati Uniti, un uomo condannato a morte viene definito, in particolari occasioni, "uomo morto che cammina". IO Interactive, il team che sta alle spalle della serie Hitman e del poco conosciuto ma spesso apprezzato Freedom Fighters, ha preso ben due "uomini morti che camminano" e gli ha messo in mano armi e tutto quanto possa servir loro per aprirsi la strada in uno scenario realistico, "iper popolato" e "altamente distruttibile". Le parti tra virgolette arrivano direttamente dal comunicato stampa di Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (questo il titolo esatto del gioco), che Eidos ha appena distribuito.

I protagonisti sono ovviamente Kane e Lynch, un mercenario e uno psicopatico, entrambi naturalmente condannati a morte. Ma qualcosa non funziona, tanto che i due riescono a fuggire e, odiandosi, dovranno proseguire nella loro fuga.

Il comunicato stampa tende a enfatizzare le capacità di gestione di una squadra già messe in luce da IO proprio in Freedom Fighters


Kane & Lynch: Dead Men verrà pubblicato nel 2007 nei formati PC e Xbox 360. Questo il commento di Larry Sparks, Global Head of Brands Management in Eidos: "Nessun giocatore ha mai provato nulla di simile, sia per quanto riguarda il gameplay che la realizzazione grafica".


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Bello! :shock:

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