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Gears of War 3


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Andate qui a fare i countdown :ok:


Leggete però le regole.


Io non ho scritto i giorni che mancano, comunque per la questione di prima se sono stato antipatico, mi scuso con Legend, finiamola qui ok ? Pace ??? :rolleyes:

Modificato da Boxaro DOC
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Altri video girati da Rod (da notare urla e tante birre) XD


Nulla di particolare, apparte al terzo link dove si vede un pò l'utilizzo degli scudi e soprattutto la prima granata che vedo attaccata ad un muro su gow 3 al minuto 5.50 e al minuto 6.53 esplode.


Che segaioli! :asd:


Molto bella la granata incendiaria. Sembra una Molotov. :mrgreen: Riguardo al piazzare le granate, era inevitabile che si fosse ancora. C'era (cioè c'è) nella Beast Mode, non potevano toglierlo nel multiplayer. Spero solo che si siano inventati qualcosa per evitare i vari campi minati che si vedono tutt'ora in Gears 2.

Tu darai alla gente un ideale al quale ispirarsi. Correranno con te, vacilleranno, cadranno... Ma col tempo saranno accanto a te nella luce. Col tempo li aiuterai a compiere meraviglie.


Instagram: unlimiteddave

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Che segaioli! :asd:


Molto bella la granata incendiaria. Sembra una Molotov. :mrgreen: Riguardo al piazzare le granate, era inevitabile che si fosse ancora. C'era (cioè c'è) nella Beast Mode, non potevano toglierlo nel multiplayer. Spero solo che si siano inventati qualcosa per evitare i vari campi minati che si vedono tutt'ora in Gears 2.


Già XD Speriamo che molti non prendano questa abitudine visto che a quanto pare la sega non si ferma.

Quoto sul fatto che potrebbero inventarsi qualcosa per i campi minati, ma comincio a pensare che se non hanno mostrato e detto nulla a riguardo il modo di attaccare granate sarà rimasto invariato.


Raga sono stati confermati gli obiettivi li metto sotto spoiler perchè potrebbero spoilerare:




* Marcus, It's Your Father (5G) You woke up from a bad dream. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 1 (Cinematic or Arcade).

* Swimmin' in Glowie Gravy (10 G) Defended the Ravens Nest from Lambent Leviathan. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 2 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* We Struck Gold! (10 G) Found food and ammo in Hanover. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 3 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Welcome to Cougar Town (10 G) Defended and escaped from Cougar Stadium. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 4 (Cinematic or Arcade

* Big **** Headshot (10 G) Blew up the Lambent Laviathan from the bridge. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 5 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Where is that? (10 G) Discover the location of Adam Felix. Story Progression in Act 2 Chapter 6 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Well We Did Flood Them Out (10 G) Grabbed a Locust Gas Barge to travel to Anvil Gate. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 3 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Thanks For Flying GasBag Airway (10 G) Arrived safely, kinda. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 4. (Cinematic or Arcade)

* The **** is Back (10 G) Defeated the Lambent Berserker. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 6. (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Good Driver Discount (10 G) Drove from Anvil Gate to Mercy. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 2 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Brothers to the End (10 G) Escaped Mercy. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 3 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Welcome to Griffin Tower (10 G) Found enough fuel to get to Endeavor naval base. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 6 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Baird's Favorite Kind of Top (10 G) Launched the sub. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 1 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* That Looks Like the Front Door (10 G) Passed under the Maelstrom and found Azura. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 2 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Look at That, Instant Summer (10 G) Turned off the Maelstrom device. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 4 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Ok. Faith. Yeah. Got It. (10 G) Rescued Adam Fenix from captivity. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 5 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* We've Finally Got a Tomorrow (10 G) Saved Sera and killed Myrrah. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 6 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Ready For More (50 G) Completed all campaign Acts on Casual or Normal Difficulty (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Ain't My First Rodeo (50 G) Completed all campaign Acts on Hardcore Difficulty (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Once More Unto the Breach (75 G) Completed all campaign Acts on Insane Difficulty (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Collector (5 G) Recovered 5 of 41 Collectables. [any difficulty, cinematic or arcade]

* Pack Rat (10 G) Recovered 20 of 41 Collectables. [any difficulty, cinematic or arcade]

* Hoarder (15 G) Recovered all 41 Collectables [any difficulty, cinematic or arcade]

* Remembered the Fallen (15 G) Recovered all 15 COG Tags during the Campaign (any difficulty, cinematic, or arcade)

* My Fellow Gears (50 G) Completed all chapters in Co-op on any difficulty (cinematic or arcade)

* A Different Kind of Foursome (75 G) Completed all Acts in 4 Player Co-op on any difficulty (cinematic or arcade)

* It's Called Progress (10 G) Complete a chapter in Arcade campaign with an improved high score.

* Level 5 (5 G) Reached Level 5

* Level 10 (10 G) Reached Level 10

* Level 15 (15 G) Reached Level 15

* Level 25 (25 G) Reached Level 25

* Calling Your Shots (25 G) Completed 10 mini-challenges in Horde (any difficulty)

* First Among Equals (25 G) Was the highest scoring squadmate in 5 chapters of 4-Player Co-op Arcade (any difficulty)

* Don't You Die on Me! (25 G) Reached a x20 team score multiplier in 4-Player Co-op Arcade (any difficulty)

* Award Winning Tactics (25 G) Collected an Onyx Medal

* Seriously 3.0 (100 G) You've done it all! Level 100, campaign on insane, earn every ribbon/medal, complete Horde/Beast on all 10 maps.

* Back to Basic (5 G) Won a match against bots in the Training Grounds.

* Welcome to Versus (10 G) Killed 10 enemies in Team Deathmatch (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to King of the Hill (10 G) Completed a match of King of the Hill (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Team Death Match (10 G) Completed a match of Team Deathmatch (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Capture the Leader (10 G) Completed a match of Capture the Leader (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Execution (10 G) Completed a match of Execution (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Wingman (10 G) Completed a match of Wingman (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Warzone (10 G) Completed a match of Warzone (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Horde Mode (10 G) Survived the first 10 waves of Horde (any difficulty, any map)

* Welcome to Beast Mode (10 G) Completed the first 12 waves of Beast (any difficulty any map)

* Welcome to Arcade Mode (10 G) Completed 5 Arcade Campaign chapters in Co-Op (any difficulty)

* Rust Lung (50 G) Executed an infected player and is now turning Lambent. (or : Execute an Epic Employee or someone who already has this)




A quanto pare il seriamente 3.0 si farà completando tutto al 100% e non uccidere tonnellate di nemici.
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Mhh le granate attaccabili sono sempre state un bel dilemma! tuttavia a parer mio possono tranquillamente lasciarle! perchè? semplice! giocando tanto si imparavano a sopportare e ha schivare! e in alcuni casi rendevano anche le cose tattiche! infatti se si giocava a ****, molto probabilmente si finiva in polpette mentre, con un pò d'attenzione si riuscivano a sventare anche le più insidiose!

Per Boxaro, tranquillo amici come prima! anche se non ti dico, in effetti,non ti mento mi ha dato fastidio, ma sei perdonato alla grande! dato che in primo luogo hai chiesto tu scusa! :ok:

Modificato da Legend

Seguo sempre ma scrivo poco! :)

Sto vendendo quasi tutti i miei giochi Xbox360 e alcuni Ps3 a prezzi stracciati, chi è interessato mi mandi un MP :)

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Già XD Speriamo che molti non prendano questa abitudine visto che a quanto pare la sega non si ferma.

Quoto sul fatto che potrebbero inventarsi qualcosa per i campi minati, ma comincio a pensare che se non hanno mostrato e detto nulla a riguardo il modo di attaccare granate sarà rimasto invariato.


Raga sono stati confermati gli obiettivi li metto sotto spoiler perchè potrebbero spoilerare:




* Marcus, It's Your Father (5G) You woke up from a bad dream. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 1 (Cinematic or Arcade).

* Swimmin' in Glowie Gravy (10 G) Defended the Ravens Nest from Lambent Leviathan. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 2 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* We Struck Gold! (10 G) Found food and ammo in Hanover. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 3 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Welcome to Cougar Town (10 G) Defended and escaped from Cougar Stadium. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 4 (Cinematic or Arcade

* Big **** Headshot (10 G) Blew up the Lambent Laviathan from the bridge. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 5 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Where is that? (10 G) Discover the location of Adam Felix. Story Progression in Act 2 Chapter 6 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Well We Did Flood Them Out (10 G) Grabbed a Locust Gas Barge to travel to Anvil Gate. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 3 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Thanks For Flying GasBag Airway (10 G) Arrived safely, kinda. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 4. (Cinematic or Arcade)

* The **** is Back (10 G) Defeated the Lambent Berserker. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 6. (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Good Driver Discount (10 G) Drove from Anvil Gate to Mercy. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 2 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Brothers to the End (10 G) Escaped Mercy. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 3 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Welcome to Griffin Tower (10 G) Found enough fuel to get to Endeavor naval base. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 6 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Baird's Favorite Kind of Top (10 G) Launched the sub. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 1 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* That Looks Like the Front Door (10 G) Passed under the Maelstrom and found Azura. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 2 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Look at That, Instant Summer (10 G) Turned off the Maelstrom device. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 4 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Ok. Faith. Yeah. Got It. (10 G) Rescued Adam Fenix from captivity. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 5 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* We've Finally Got a Tomorrow (10 G) Saved Sera and killed Myrrah. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 6 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Ready For More (50 G) Completed all campaign Acts on Casual or Normal Difficulty (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Ain't My First Rodeo (50 G) Completed all campaign Acts on Hardcore Difficulty (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Once More Unto the Breach (75 G) Completed all campaign Acts on Insane Difficulty (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Collector (5 G) Recovered 5 of 41 Collectables. [any difficulty, cinematic or arcade]

* Pack Rat (10 G) Recovered 20 of 41 Collectables. [any difficulty, cinematic or arcade]

* Hoarder (15 G) Recovered all 41 Collectables [any difficulty, cinematic or arcade]

* Remembered the Fallen (15 G) Recovered all 15 COG Tags during the Campaign (any difficulty, cinematic, or arcade)

* My Fellow Gears (50 G) Completed all chapters in Co-op on any difficulty (cinematic or arcade)

* A Different Kind of Foursome (75 G) Completed all Acts in 4 Player Co-op on any difficulty (cinematic or arcade)

* It's Called Progress (10 G) Complete a chapter in Arcade campaign with an improved high score.

* Level 5 (5 G) Reached Level 5

* Level 10 (10 G) Reached Level 10

* Level 15 (15 G) Reached Level 15

* Level 25 (25 G) Reached Level 25

* Calling Your Shots (25 G) Completed 10 mini-challenges in Horde (any difficulty)

* First Among Equals (25 G) Was the highest scoring squadmate in 5 chapters of 4-Player Co-op Arcade (any difficulty)

* Don't You Die on Me! (25 G) Reached a x20 team score multiplier in 4-Player Co-op Arcade (any difficulty)

* Award Winning Tactics (25 G) Collected an Onyx Medal

* Seriously 3.0 (100 G) You've done it all! Level 100, campaign on insane, earn every ribbon/medal, complete Horde/Beast on all 10 maps.

* Back to Basic (5 G) Won a match against bots in the Training Grounds.

* Welcome to Versus (10 G) Killed 10 enemies in Team Deathmatch (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to King of the Hill (10 G) Completed a match of King of the Hill (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Team Death Match (10 G) Completed a match of Team Deathmatch (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Capture the Leader (10 G) Completed a match of Capture the Leader (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Execution (10 G) Completed a match of Execution (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Wingman (10 G) Completed a match of Wingman (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Warzone (10 G) Completed a match of Warzone (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Horde Mode (10 G) Survived the first 10 waves of Horde (any difficulty, any map)

* Welcome to Beast Mode (10 G) Completed the first 12 waves of Beast (any difficulty any map)

* Welcome to Arcade Mode (10 G) Completed 5 Arcade Campaign chapters in Co-Op (any difficulty)

* Rust Lung (50 G) Executed an infected player and is now turning Lambent. (or : Execute an Epic Employee or someone who already has this)




A quanto pare il seriamente 3.0 si farà completando tutto al 100% e non uccidere tonnellate di nemici.



Dove hai trovato questa lista? :D Fonte?

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No, è che mi sembra strano che già a così tanta distanza dall'uscita esca l'achievement list.

Eppure non sembra così tanto fake, la trovo abbastanza veritiera (segue tra l'altro le info rivelate poco tempo fa su youtube).


Già sembra strano anche a me così presto...

Ma credo che Rod l'abbia rivelata durante l'evento di ustream cioè dagli ultimi video che avevo linkato.
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Già sembra strano anche a me così presto...

Ma credo che Rod l'abbia rivelata durante l'evento di ustream cioè dagli ultimi video che avevo linkato.

No :mrgreen:

Questa lista è da confermare, ed è uscita fuori da qui ( ) da quanto mi pare di aver letto. Finché loro non confermano per me può essere anche falsa fino all'ultimo giorno :mrgreen:

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No :mrgreen:

Questa lista è da confermare, ed è uscita fuori da qui ( ) da quanto mi pare di aver letto. Finché loro non confermano per me può essere anche falsa fino all'ultimo giorno :mrgreen:


Ah ok sembrava strano XD
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Mhh le granate attaccabili sono sempre state un bel dilemma! tuttavia a parer mio possono tranquillamente lasciarle! perchè? semplice! giocando tanto si imparavano a sopportare e ha schivare! e in alcuni casi rendevano anche le cose tattiche! infatti se si giocava a ****, molto probabilmente si finiva in polpette mentre, con un pò d'attenzione si riuscivano a sventare anche le più insidiose!

Per Boxaro, tranquillo amici come prima! anche se non ti dico, in effetti,non ti mento mi ha dato fastidio, ma sei perdonato alla grande! dato che in primo luogo hai chiesto tu scusa! :ok:


Puoi dirlo forte ! :lol:


Ma sbaglio o hanno aumentato la potenza delle puzzone ? ( Granate ad inchiostro xD )
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Dell'Arcade mode se ne era parlato molto tempo fà. E' la campagna con punteggio. Se non sbaglio c'era una modalità simile in COD4 se non erro.

Tu darai alla gente un ideale al quale ispirarsi. Correranno con te, vacilleranno, cadranno... Ma col tempo saranno accanto a te nella luce. Col tempo li aiuterai a compiere meraviglie.


Instagram: unlimiteddave

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Ospite M.Dragon

Vi informo che recentemente è stata rilasciata la lista completa degli achievement.


Attenzione, questa lista contiene numerosi spoiler sul gioco, quindi siete avvertiti :mrgreen:




* Marcus, It's Your Father (5G) You woke up from a bad dream. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 1 (Cinematic or Arcade).

* Swimmin' in Glowie Gravy (10 G) Defended the Ravens Nest from Lambent Leviathan. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 2 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* We Struck Gold! (10 G) Found food and ammo in Hanover. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 3 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Welcome to Cougar Town (10 G) Defended and escaped from Cougar Stadium. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 4 (Cinematic or Arcade

* Big **** Headshot (10 G) Blew up the Lambent Laviathan from the bridge. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 5 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Where is that? (10 G) Discover the location of Adam Felix. Story Progression in Act 2 Chapter 6 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Well We Did Flood Them Out (10 G) Grabbed a Locust Gas Barge to travel to Anvil Gate. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 3 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Thanks For Flying GasBag Airway (10 G) Arrived safely, kinda. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 4. (Cinematic or Arcade)

* The **** is Back (10 G) Defeated the Lambent Berserker. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 6. (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Good Driver Discount (10 G) Drove from Anvil Gate to Mercy. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 2 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Brothers to the End (10 G) Escaped Mercy. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 3 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Welcome to Griffin Tower (10 G) Found enough fuel to get to Endeavor naval base. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 6 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Baird's Favorite Kind of Top (10 G) Launched the sub. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 1 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* That Looks Like the Front Door (10 G) Passed under the Maelstrom and found Azura. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 2 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Look at That, Instant Summer (10 G) Turned off the Maelstrom device. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 4 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Ok. Faith. Yeah. Got It. (10 G) Rescued Adam Fenix from captivity. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 5 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* We've Finally Got a Tomorrow (10 G) Saved Sera and killed Myrrah. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 6 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Ready For More (50 G) Completed all campaign Acts on Casual or Normal Difficulty (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Ain't My First Rodeo (50 G) Completed all campaign Acts on Hardcore Difficulty (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Once More Unto the Breach (75 G) Completed all campaign Acts on Insane Difficulty (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Collector (5 G) Recovered 5 of 41 Collectables. [any difficulty, cinematic or arcade]

* Pack Rat (10 G) Recovered 20 of 41 Collectables. [any difficulty, cinematic or arcade]

* Hoarder (15 G) Recovered all 41 Collectables [any difficulty, cinematic or arcade]

* Remembered the Fallen (15 G) Recovered all 15 COG Tags during the Campaign (any difficulty, cinematic, or arcade)

* My Fellow Gears (50 G) Completed all chapters in Co-op on any difficulty (cinematic or arcade)

* A Different Kind of Foursome (75 G) Completed all Acts in 4 Player Co-op on any difficulty (cinematic or arcade)

* It's Called Progress (10 G) Complete a chapter in Arcade campaign with an improved high score.

* Level 5 (5 G) Reached Level 5

* Level 10 (10 G) Reached Level 10

* Level 15 (15 G) Reached Level 15

* Level 25 (25 G) Reached Level 25

* Calling Your Shots (25 G) Completed 10 mini-challenges in Horde (any difficulty)

* First Among Equals (25 G) Was the highest scoring squadmate in 5 chapters of 4-Player Co-op Arcade (any difficulty)

* Don't You Die on Me! (25 G) Reached a x20 team score multiplier in 4-Player Co-op Arcade (any difficulty)

* Award Winning Tactics (25 G) Collected an Onyx Medal

* Seriously 3.0 (100 G) You've done it all! Level 100, campaign on insane, earn every ribbon/medal, complete Horde/Beast on all 10 maps.

* Back to Basic (5 G) Won a match against bots in the Training Grounds.

* Welcome to Versus (10 G) Killed 10 enemies in Team Deathmatch (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to King of the Hill (10 G) Completed a match of King of the Hill (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Team Death Match (10 G) Completed a match of Team Deathmatch (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Capture the Leader (10 G) Completed a match of Capture the Leader (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Execution (10 G) Completed a match of Execution (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Wingman (10 G) Completed a match of Wingman (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Warzone (10 G) Completed a match of Warzone (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Horde Mode (10 G) Survived the first 10 waves of Horde (any difficulty, any map)

* Welcome to Beast Mode (10 G) Completed the first 12 waves of Beast (any difficulty any map)

* Welcome to Arcade Mode (10 G) Completed 5 Arcade Campaign chapters in Co-Op (any difficulty)

* Rust Lung (50 G) Executed an infected player and is now turning Lambent. (or : Execute an Epic Employee or someone who already has this)



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Vi informo che recentemente è stata rilasciata la lista completa degli achievement.


Attenzione, questa lista contiene numerosi spoiler sul gioco, quindi siete avvertiti :mrgreen:




* Marcus, It's Your Father (5G) You woke up from a bad dream. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 1 (Cinematic or Arcade).

* Swimmin' in Glowie Gravy (10 G) Defended the Ravens Nest from Lambent Leviathan. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 2 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* We Struck Gold! (10 G) Found food and ammo in Hanover. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 3 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Welcome to Cougar Town (10 G) Defended and escaped from Cougar Stadium. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 4 (Cinematic or Arcade

* Big **** Headshot (10 G) Blew up the Lambent Laviathan from the bridge. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 5 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Where is that? (10 G) Discover the location of Adam Felix. Story Progression in Act 2 Chapter 6 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Well We Did Flood Them Out (10 G) Grabbed a Locust Gas Barge to travel to Anvil Gate. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 3 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Thanks For Flying GasBag Airway (10 G) Arrived safely, kinda. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 4. (Cinematic or Arcade)

* The **** is Back (10 G) Defeated the Lambent Berserker. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 6. (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Good Driver Discount (10 G) Drove from Anvil Gate to Mercy. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 2 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Brothers to the End (10 G) Escaped Mercy. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 3 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Welcome to Griffin Tower (10 G) Found enough fuel to get to Endeavor naval base. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 6 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Baird's Favorite Kind of Top (10 G) Launched the sub. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 1 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* That Looks Like the Front Door (10 G) Passed under the Maelstrom and found Azura. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 2 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Look at That, Instant Summer (10 G) Turned off the Maelstrom device. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 4 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Ok. Faith. Yeah. Got It. (10 G) Rescued Adam Fenix from captivity. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 5 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* We've Finally Got a Tomorrow (10 G) Saved Sera and killed Myrrah. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 6 (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Ready For More (50 G) Completed all campaign Acts on Casual or Normal Difficulty (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Ain't My First Rodeo (50 G) Completed all campaign Acts on Hardcore Difficulty (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Once More Unto the Breach (75 G) Completed all campaign Acts on Insane Difficulty (Cinematic or Arcade)

* Collector (5 G) Recovered 5 of 41 Collectables. [any difficulty, cinematic or arcade]

* Pack Rat (10 G) Recovered 20 of 41 Collectables. [any difficulty, cinematic or arcade]

* Hoarder (15 G) Recovered all 41 Collectables [any difficulty, cinematic or arcade]

* Remembered the Fallen (15 G) Recovered all 15 COG Tags during the Campaign (any difficulty, cinematic, or arcade)

* My Fellow Gears (50 G) Completed all chapters in Co-op on any difficulty (cinematic or arcade)

* A Different Kind of Foursome (75 G) Completed all Acts in 4 Player Co-op on any difficulty (cinematic or arcade)

* It's Called Progress (10 G) Complete a chapter in Arcade campaign with an improved high score.

* Level 5 (5 G) Reached Level 5

* Level 10 (10 G) Reached Level 10

* Level 15 (15 G) Reached Level 15

* Level 25 (25 G) Reached Level 25

* Calling Your Shots (25 G) Completed 10 mini-challenges in Horde (any difficulty)

* First Among Equals (25 G) Was the highest scoring squadmate in 5 chapters of 4-Player Co-op Arcade (any difficulty)

* Don't You Die on Me! (25 G) Reached a x20 team score multiplier in 4-Player Co-op Arcade (any difficulty)

* Award Winning Tactics (25 G) Collected an Onyx Medal

* Seriously 3.0 (100 G) You've done it all! Level 100, campaign on insane, earn every ribbon/medal, complete Horde/Beast on all 10 maps.

* Back to Basic (5 G) Won a match against bots in the Training Grounds.

* Welcome to Versus (10 G) Killed 10 enemies in Team Deathmatch (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to King of the Hill (10 G) Completed a match of King of the Hill (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Team Death Match (10 G) Completed a match of Team Deathmatch (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Capture the Leader (10 G) Completed a match of Capture the Leader (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Execution (10 G) Completed a match of Execution (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Wingman (10 G) Completed a match of Wingman (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Warzone (10 G) Completed a match of Warzone (Ranked or Social)

* Welcome to Horde Mode (10 G) Survived the first 10 waves of Horde (any difficulty, any map)

* Welcome to Beast Mode (10 G) Completed the first 12 waves of Beast (any difficulty any map)

* Welcome to Arcade Mode (10 G) Completed 5 Arcade Campaign chapters in Co-Op (any difficulty)

* Rust Lung (50 G) Executed an infected player and is now turning Lambent. (or : Execute an Epic Employee or someone who already has this)




Ragazzi non guardatela !!! :ph34r:
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Forse simile anche a Halo Reach ( Modalità Firefight, l'equivalente della nostra orda )


Ecco bravo, come la campagna di Reach a punti. Nonostante l'abbia giocata non mi è venuta proprio in mente. Sarà per via del fatto che questo titolo mi è durato un solo mese dopodichè l'ho venduto... :asd: Contento di averlo rimosso dai miei ricordi... Anche se per colpa tua me lo hai ricordato. Ti odio :P




Riguardo alla lista degli obiettivi, dovrebbe essere quella vera. Il Lambent Berseker visto nel video dell'E3 non è la prima volta che viene detto che apparirà durante

l'atto 3 del gioco.

Anche perchè Anvil Gate compare (da quanto è stato vociferato) sempre nello stesso atto, e la suddetta Locusta splendente è davanti a questo forte che fà la sua comparsa. Non può trattarsi di una semplice coincidenza ;)


In ogni caso è meglio aspettare una conferma.

Modificato da UnlimitedDave

Tu darai alla gente un ideale al quale ispirarsi. Correranno con te, vacilleranno, cadranno... Ma col tempo saranno accanto a te nella luce. Col tempo li aiuterai a compiere meraviglie.


Instagram: unlimiteddave

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Ecco bravo, come la campagna di Reach a punti. Nonostante l'abbia giocata non mi è venuta proprio in mente. Sarà per via del fatto che questo titolo mi è durato un solo mese dopodichè l'ho venduto... :asd: Contento di averlo rimosso dai miei ricordi... Anche se per colpa tua me lo hai ricordato. Ti odio :P




Dai non è un bruttissimo gioco xD Vabbè son gusti :ph34r:


Muahuahuahuahuahu sono malefico :evil:


Grazie Dave :) ...Mi sai dire anche cos'è sta cosa delle mine-sfide?


Forse tipo fare degli " headshot " e cose varie ... Boh ! :?:
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